[Semele Park]Cats Nip(Daemon)

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Semele Park]Cats Nip(Daemon)

Postby Kennen on April 21st, 2012, 1:08 am

Spring 50, 512 AV

He was sitting on a bench in the park. The night-time noises a comforting background to his thoughts. On the ground in front of him was an array of various meats and snack foods, and in his lap a book. He had a quill in his hand, the ink next to him. He had a contended smile on his lips. He had come here to try to capture in words what this place looked like at night. It was mystic and enchanting to him, and yet peaceful and tranquil.

He had brought the food with him to offer to anyone coming past, it was a common courtesy after all to share. And, if it got him information he could use from them, so much the better. His hand moved constantly, a screech screech screech, coming from his quill as it moved rapidly. Kennen not taking any time in translating his thoughts onto the page. Every sight he saw went there. He could organize it later in real light, right now he simply wanted to make sure that the writing was uncontaminated by biases.
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[Semele Park]Cats Nip(Daemon)

Postby Daemon on April 21st, 2012, 1:28 am


It was night time. Long past Daemons bedtime. But this day, he had trouble sleeping. That's why he decided to take a walk in the Semele Park. The moonlights were shining at the pathways, making it possible to see for a normal human. Daemon never had any problems. A tiger's night vision is very developed - it is six times greather than a human's night vision, allowing the tiger to keep watch. Even in complete darkness.

Even in his human form, he had the vision of a tiger. As a matter of fact, his senses were the same either in human or animal form. A great benefit by being a kelvic. But the moonlight wasn't the only thing showing the way. There were lights hunged in the park.

He was actually planning on coming in tiger form. But he had startled some women on his way. He hated the attention, so he went back and got his cloak, before he went out again. This time as a human.

It felt rather uncomfortable to be walking on two legs again. He had been a tiger all day, and it was his most natural form. Daemons rather small body shivered with cold for a brief moment, then he almost walked into a patrolling officer, who made signs to stop. Daemon hurried on, not in the mood to be defend why he was here so late.

Suddenly his eyes caught sight of a guy, sitting on a bench not far away. But it was not the image that caught Daemons attention. The smell. The lovely smell of something tasteful. This stranger had food. He had meat. Laying on the ground.

Intriged by the stranger, Daemon came a bit closer.


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[Semele Park]Cats Nip(Daemon)

Postby Kennen on April 21st, 2012, 1:48 am

He was in the middle of a paragraph describing the passerby's he had seen, when a small kid wandered into view. This was odd, as he hadn't seen many children around Riverfall, let alone ~small~ children. They had all been with adults, or away from the library. So, what was this one doing here? He doubted the kid was alone, the Akalak seemed to friendly to allow a child to starve. But, maybe he was misreading them. This wouldn't be the first time.

With a small smile he would motion for the child to come closer. "Would you like something to eat?" He'd offer kindly, his voice that of someone talking to an animal they want to coax into trusting, while simultaneous motioning down to the food spread down in front of him. He had no idea how to speak to a child, and this would be an interesting learning experience. Are children just short adults? If so, his tone of voice would be disrespectful. But somehow he didn't think that was the case, after all, i was a kid once. I wouldn't have been insulted.
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[Semele Park]Cats Nip(Daemon)

Postby Daemon on April 21st, 2012, 2:24 am


The stranger spoke to him. Just like that. Daemon was puzzled. He seemed really friendly. He was now more curious. If he wanted something to eat? Of course! He loved food. Well, he was in growth. Surely, anyone would be hungry all the time. Especially, when he recently had transformed twice. It was hard. Harder than you might think.

Daemon nodded his head, and wasn't sure what to do with himself. He therefor sat down on the bench beside the boy. He looked at him. The stranger were more darker in the skin than Daemon. Well, a lot. Daemon noticed his dark brown eyes. He had never seen eyes like that.

" Yes, thank you, sir " He replied with normal courtesy. His eyes followed the sandwich with his eyes and hardly dared to accept it. He did it anyway and began to eat it. It tasted lovely. No, it was like godly good. It was first then, Daemon noticed what was in the boys lap. An odd item. Then he noticed the quill. An even more weird item.

" What are you doing? What is these items? " Daemon could not resist his urge to ask. He knew, that it was more polite to introduce yourself first, but he was still a young cub. He had some troubles understanding the rules of conversation. He remembered it quickly though and looked into the brown eyes.

" My name's Daemon by the way. Thank you for the sandwich. "


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[Semele Park]Cats Nip(Daemon)

Postby Kennen on April 21st, 2012, 2:46 am

Kennen would smile gently to the boy as he takes the sandwich. This kid looked so pale. Perhaps he hadn't seen the sun that much? But, he was wandering outside and was a kid. Doesn't that automatically mean that he is outside all the time? Well isn't that a conundrum. Perhaps he had one of those illnesses that drained away the color from you. But if so, he surely wouldn't be that enthusiastic about food.

Kennen would smile as Daemon thanks him. "no need for thanks, in fact i have plenty of food. Eat your fill." He would motion to the rest of the food set out with a small smile before looking down at his book and quill. The kid didn't know what theese things were? That was certainly strange.

"Well, this is a book and quill. There used for putting thoughts and idea's on paper." He would say simply, his same patient voice. That was odd as well, he hadn't introduced himself first. But well, Kennen hadn't introduced himself either so it was fair.

"Nice to meet you Daemon, my names Kennen." Another odd thing, the kid was stareing into his eye's. He didn't like eye contact on general principle, it seemed very confrontational. But it couldn't be so with a child correct? So he simply smiled and kept his eye's on Daemons, denying his reflex to look away.
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[Semele Park]Cats Nip(Daemon)

Postby Daemon on April 21st, 2012, 9:38 pm


He had plenty of food? Daemon liked that. He found, that most people in this city had to work hard to earn their fair share of food. This boy might be one of the richer ones. A book and a quill? Daemon had heard of books before. He had always been told that it was not for him. He didn't mind. As a kelvic he was curious and wanted to learn, but he would never be smart. Like, book-smart. He had never learn to write or read, of the simply reason that he was a kelvic.

" Why would you put your thoughts and ideas on a paper? What is the purpose? "

The eyes was still fixed at Kennens, he had like the most amazing brown eyes. Daemon had to pull himself away from the glaze and he looked at his sandwich before he took another big bite. While eating he wondered how old this boy were. He seemed older than Daemon of course, but not really old.

" Why are you here at night, Kennen? " Kennen, It was a strange name. But then again, why did he think it was strange? It sounded good when he said his name. It rolled on the strangers tongue. When Daemon said it, it was a more deeper sound, like coming all the way down from his stomach. He must have had a different accent than Kennen.

" Where are you from? I think I can hear, that you are not from Riverfall?" People in Riverfall had a certain way of speaking. Daemon had heard that the first day he was here. Although he had a lot to learn about Riverfall, he already liked it. A lot.

The sandwich was half done and Daemon burped satisfied.


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[Semele Park]Cats Nip(Daemon)

Postby Kennen on April 21st, 2012, 9:55 pm

He found he liked this boy. He had the neatest eye's. And happened to be one of the only people kennen didn't mind looking in the eyes. He was so pale though, somehow, it seemed to suit him. His hair was just as pale as his skin, as if someone had simply decided not to color in this child. And he was curios. That was always a positive in a child, or so he thought. He certainly was curios himself when he was that age so it must be a good trait.

"Well, when you put it on paper, others can learn what you wrote. That way, even if the writer is far away, the reader will hear them. Or perhaps the writer is dead, but his thoughts live on in the pages he wrote on." He smiled softly as he spoke, the idea of books and writing obviously pleasing to him. But, why did the kid look away? Oh. he was simply hungry. Well, Kennen couldn't fault a child for being hungry. It's what boys are notorious for after all.

"I'm here to record what i see and hear at night in this park. I heard it was a wonderful experience so i want those that cant come and visit it to be able to learn about it." This kid had such a funny way of pronouncing things. But perhaps, he sounded odd himself. After all, he had never had to spend time around non-scholars so perhaps his ear never caught on to accents.

"I"m from Zeltiva. Or, more specifically, the university there." He'd smile and pick up another sandwich as the kid gets halfway through the first and burps. Man, he hadn't thought he'd enjoy a kids company this much but perhaps that was a false pretension. He would rest the sandwich on the boys lap.
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[Semele Park]Cats Nip(Daemon)

Postby Daemon on April 22nd, 2012, 11:05 pm


Daemon listened to his words. Why would anyone wanna say something after they were dead? And more importantly, why would anyone read some dead guys thoughts? That was creepy. He shook his head. It was obvious that Kennen really liked books. Daemon did not want to hurt his feelings by telling him that they sounded really dumb. Instead he took another bite. It was really good. This sandwich. Was it with ham? It tasted like ham.

" Oh? What have you seen of great importance in this park at this night? " He sent the boy a teasing smile. And then he took another bite. The sandwich were almost gone, and he felt sad. He did appreciate food. A bird flew past them. It was dark a the night, and Daemons eyes went straight to it. It paused at the lights, screamed with its husky voice, then I went on and Daemon lost sight of it. Spectacular. He often wondered how it would be to be able to fly. Unnatural for him, of course. But to just fly away. To wherever you would like to go. He felt envy and finished his sandwich.

" Zeltiva? Where is that? The university? " Daemons braincells were working on overtime. He had heard that word before. " Its the place where you study and learn smart things, right? " He felt pleased with himself for remembering. Maybe Keith had talked about it. He wasn't sure.
He watched at Kennen took another sandwich. He got hungry maybe, while watching Daemon? Surprise was spelled on his face when he got another sandwich dumped into his lap.

" I can't eat all your food. " He tried to demonstrate against it, this was an unfamiliar situation. He felt unsecure about how the stranger expected him to behave. Therefore, he just looked into the brown eyes and started the conversation again with his hands folded in his lap, right next to the new sandwich.

" I'm from Syliras. I recently came here with my brother. It was a long journey! But I like it here. Its so different from Syliras. First off, more blue men! " He giggled. He had been overwhelmed the first time he had seen an Akalak.


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[Semele Park]Cats Nip(Daemon)

Postby Kennen on April 22nd, 2012, 11:27 pm

Kennen simply watched daemon for a second. This kid was adorable, and his eye's seemed to see a lot more than a kid his age should. Perhaps it was his resemblance to himself that Kennen was drawn to. But, well, Daemon wasn't anything like Kennen. First off, if the roles were reversed, Kennen would have been all over the book. Perhaps even stealing it. But this kid seemed to dismiss it as trivial. But, perhaps that was simply the youth in him. "Oh, I've seen a lot. First, i saw some amazing birds I've never seen before. And then i met a couple strangers, but the most amazing part is that I'm talking to a uniquely amazing boy here." He'd say the comment with a slight smirk.

Kennen gives a low chuckle as Daemon questions what a university is. He seemed to understand it perfectly, but the way he stated it seemed adorable to Kennen. "Yes, it's where you learn smart stuff. Such as math, and reading. And hunting, and how to play some games. Anything you can think of, can be learnt there."

Daemon was turning away the food? But that went against what the books said about kids. They were supposed to be bottomless pits for food, "It's no problem at all. Eat till your full, i have plenty. Besides, if we run out i can always buy you more and I'm not hungry myself."

He would smile slightly as Daemon looks back into his eye's. Oh, this boy had made such a long journey, and dangerous one at that, with just his brother? That must have been a wonderful tale. "Aye i bet it was a pretty long journey. Did you travel by boat or overland?"

Kennen would give a small boyish giggle as Daemon commented on the blue men. Patting Daemon on the shoulder Kennen would smile, "Aye. There are a lot more muscled blue men. Though, there are other sights as well. Though...the blue men did capture my attention for quite a while" He'd say the last with a wistful sigh before looking back to Daemon with a smile. "Why did you and your brother come here?"
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[Semele Park]Cats Nip(Daemon)

Postby Daemon on April 29th, 2012, 10:46 am


Unique? Amazing? Was he talking about Daemon this these words? He couldn't resist sending Kennen a confused glance. He decided to ignore it and his eyes went a bit wider when Kennen chuckled. It sounded really nice. He tried to imitate it, but it was not the same sound that came out of Daemon. When he chuckled it sounded more like a tiger chuffing, which is a friendly vocalization which generally consist of a soft brrr sound. (OOC:Push here for chuffing sound)

" Well, that was not quite the way that should have sounded " He said with a lurking smile. " You can learn hunting on the university? " Daemon thought it sounded odd. He couldn't image what the university was like. He shook his head. Either way, it was not him. So no need to think about it.

He was surprised when Kennen gave him more food. He smiled as gratitude and took some more. " Yes it was. It took forever. We traveled by horse " His eyes darkened a bit by the memory. He hated horseriding. Which usually meant, that he was running next to Keith while they were travelling. But he got tired too, and had to sit on the horse. His rear had been in agony, but Keith told him to keep moving. He had hated that part. Otherwise, he had loved the hole trip.

Daemon didn't understand what Kennen meant. He could spot a story behind the words, but he didn't wanted to snoop. Instead he focused on the question. Why did they come here? He was thinking. He took another bite of the food, and while chewing he could easily taste the chicken meat. It was more tender than most. He was surprised he hadn't smelled it. But something was blocking it. His nostrils dilated, trying to figure out what it was. A wind blew past his nose and brought Kennens scent instead. He gave up, trying to keep his focus at the question.

" My brother is a carpenter. After the Storm, he wanted to go out on his own. A merchant told him he could come and work in Riverfall as a carpenter. So he decided to go. I went along." He did not elaborate the hole I-want-to-go / you-cannot-go / I-am-coming-anyway discussion he had had with his brother. Neither did he say, why he came along on the journey. Instead he took another bite and with food in his mouth he tilthed his head a bit.

" Did you have an encounter with the Akalaks?"


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