Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Rykanis and Misha's meeting.

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 23rd, 2012, 5:54 pm

Fall 36. 511 AV.

The blonde woman was standing all alone in the park. It was a quiet morning, and the noises from around the park were loud. She sighed and looked down at her feet. Her worn boots were still cold after she put them on. The gravel was just as grey as usual, making the park a little dull. But she had nothing to complain. The wind was soft, but it still made her shudder a little. She had came to the park because she needed some time alone after a fight with one of her friends. She wasn't crying, at least. That was she happy about. Otherwise she would be really sensitive. The blonde started walking away from the park, feeling a little bit better. She had to find another peaceful place, because the park would soon be full of couples and children. Too much crowd always made her nervous. She walked out prom the park and down one of the streets. The didn't look at anyone, and hid her face, looking down and let her long hair fall over. She walked quickly, so she wouldn't have to talk to anyone. She hated big crowds.

When she had got away from the most crowded place, she looked up and over her shoulder, to be sure that no one was following her. Then she just looked forward and opened her mouth. "When the sun goes up, a life goes by. Yesterday in unreachable now. We have to march on even if we're hurt. If you don't look back you won't miss anything. Hunting and living is all that you need. I'm only a human, in this small little world. So may the Gods be gracious to me." she sang softly, just mixing up er feelings right now. She never really sang smart things. But if you had a life like her, you would know. She sighed and stopped, watching down to the sea from a higher level.
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 23rd, 2012, 6:49 pm

One of Rykanis favorite pastimes was visiting the many parks in Riverfall. He often sat in the shade, talked to the many shadows, or just wandered.

So it was today, that he was there once more, just enjoying the greenery and views. He had been following one of the trails, when he noticed a woman by herself. It was still early enough that not many people were there, so he was a bit surprised. Though he did wonder about her, what she was doing here so early, and by her lonesome...

One of his other favorite pastimes was "intelligence gathering", or as other called it, spying... How else was he going to learn of other people? They usually did not act the same with others around, and were less likely to do something to divulge secrets... Plus, it was always good to work on his skill in puzzling things out from what he was able to passively observe... And sometimes a bit more actively with some questions...

So he decided, why not follow her? He could be going the same way as her, and she seemed interesting... Surely she was hiding something... Perhaps why she was alone out here? So when she started walking out of the park, he did his best to not appear like he was following her, staying a decent bit back, and trying to keep out of sight...

He could clearly see from the way that she was walking and acting, that she was being a bit secretive... Hiding her face, avoiding people who walked by. Luckily when she looked over her shoulder, he was a bit to the side, around the corner, and out of sight... But once it looked like she was not paying any further attention for others approaching, he crept closer, going around at her side, careful not to follow the path she took...

As he neared, he tried to stay out of sight.. Though he slowly heard something... Was she singing? He could barely hear it, was hard put to make out the words, only caught some, but was able to hear the tone and melody of the song...

He crept a few steps closer, but stopped, when she sighed and quieted, looking down at the sea view... It was a nice view, he had looked at it himself before... But at the moment, he was more interested in her than the view... She seemed an odd mystery... What other little tidbits could he pick up by watching her?
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 24th, 2012, 2:19 pm

Misha was so dazzled by the ocean, that she just stood there for a couple of moments, staring at the sea. Then she shook her head, and and blinked her eyes. Then she looked around and walked down a few stairs, and stopped again. She actually had no idea where she was going. she looked back and thought about going back, but she didn't want to go to the bunch of people. So she just decided to continue walking. Unfortunately, that was the day she had got her wounds, so a few drops of blood fell on the ground. "Stupid canines.." she groaned and wiped some of the blood away from her face. It burned but she didn't really care. She needed to fix the wound before it got any worse.

Then she understood that she should find a place to be safe, so no one would think she was a thief. So she quickly started to walk to the docks. She had always been there when she had something to worry about. And the sailors would leave her alone as long as she wouldn't disturb them. So she just silently walked to her spot at the piers, took her shoes off and sat down on the edge. She sighed. It was still a little cold, abut the pier was warm of the sunshine. She was kind of dizzy, and she had to lay down, looking up to the sky, holding her hands as far away from herself as she could.
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 24th, 2012, 4:31 pm

She had stopped for a bit, after singing, but had walked away once more. He did his best to stay out of sight as he followed her, though there were a couple of close calls...

But he managed to follow along behind her, at a distance, and see were she was going... After a bit though, he was not certain if she really had a set destination... She seemed to be wandering a bit, going in one direction, stopping, and going back in the other...

And eventually, they ended up at the docks. Which was a bit odd of a place to go... But also difficult for him to follow, since it was more open, and had less ability to hide within the landscape...

So he had a decision to make, either leave her alone, and quite following her... Or to finally go in for direct contact... There was probably little more he could learn by passive observation... She sang, possibly when she was alone... She liked to visit parks, and the docks...

So he decided, since it was really his only choice, he would go in and talk to her. He walked right up to her, down the dock, looking down at her, noticing though that she had some cuts on her face.

"Hello there, fine day isn't it? Enjoying the sea views? Are you all right? You look like you have a bit of an injury there..."
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 24th, 2012, 4:58 pm

She was startled of the sudden voice talking to her, looking away. Not sure if the guy was a enemy or just a sailor passing by. But if he was a thread, he wouldn't he would have pushed her in the water. So she decided to take a quick look at him. She turned her head slowly, looking at the guy. He was an Akalak. No doubt. He looked nice, but Misha was still cautious. Never let your guard down, was the thing her dad told her.

"I'm.. okay... Just a little scratch." She said, but with a shivering voice. She quickly pulled some of her light hair to cover the wound, so it wouldn't look so bad. She hated to make other people worry about her. It just wasn't nice. She looked down in the ocean, not wanting to show her face, and clenched her fists. If it really was one of the sailors, she would be dead soon. But he didn't look like a sailor. Or Misha had never seen him around here, anyway.

"So... What are you doing here?" She asked carefully, not wanting to make the man angry or anything. She looked to the horizon and hummed a little bit, waving her feet back and forth. The breeze was soft, but a little cold, and the waves hit the stoned pier with a silent splash. She just loved that sound.
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 24th, 2012, 5:32 pm

As he looked down at her stretched out on the dock, she tried to play off the injury, though she could not completely hide the pain in her voice, her voice shaking.

He did not really understand why people were so reluctant to admit they had been hurt. he could recall plenty of occasions of telling someone, usually with a stupid grin on his face, that he had a gash, or tripped and fell when trying to do some maneuver he could see clearly in his head, but not do in real life... He got injured all of the time, and was quite willing to tell others, usually gritting his teeth as he said so.

So that was certainly one thing he did not understand, why people were not proud of there injuries, and the story of how they gained them, but tried to play it off like they were fine... Though it seemed it was more often that men did that than woman...

He smiled down at her as she tried to cover the wound with her hair, not discrete in the least... Way to obvious, right after he had asked if she was okay...

"Me? Oh, I just ended up here by chance."

It was certainly not a lie, so there was no untruth in his voice. Though it certainly was not the whole truth. He just gave her a nice grin, as she cutely hummed to herself, and moved her feet to some tune only she could hear.

"You have a nice voice there, do you like singing?"

Of course, he was referring to her humming, since he did not think she knew of his spying and overhearing her earlier singing.

"So what is a pretty young girl like you doing alone on the docks?"
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 24th, 2012, 6:46 pm

Misha looked at the Akalak. By a chance? She didn't think anyone else could end up here by a chance, other than sailors and dreamers, like her. She smiled a little and looked back to the horizon. And the comment on her voice, she was surprised that someone actually told her that she had a nice voice. She blushed a little and smiled. "I love singing. But I don't usually sing in public." It was true. She was too embarrassed to sing in public, scared even. She was afraid of rejection and failure. She sighed sadly.

Then she heard the next question. It wasn't one of those she used to answer. Why was she here? She didn't know that herself, either. "I don't really know. I usually just come here and enjoy the silence. When the sailors aren't drunk, screaming out stupid things." she grinned. The sailors always said stupid stuff to her when they had been drinking. It was kinda frustrating, watching grown up men act like that. "And about calling me pretty, thank you. That was really nice said.". She turned her head to look at the guy.

"By the way. Whats your name?"
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 24th, 2012, 8:21 pm

Rykanis watched, as the girl blushed at his compliment... Though he was not sure which... Regardless, it did say something about her... She was obviously not used to being complimented, either on her looks or her voice he could not say...

Then she replied about her singing.... Which she admitted she did not like doing in front of others... So that idea had been confirmed as true... So she was apparently shy about her voice, afraid of singing in front of others... Maybe thought she was not good? Rykanis sat himself down next to her, propping himself up with his elbows, and looked over at her to talk.

"Well this would not be in public, just in front of me... I would love to hear you sing... I can tell it would be beautiful... I promise I will just listen quietly... So would you please sing for me?"

Furthermore, she was not used to being called pretty... She thanked him for saying it? That was odd... "Of course I said you are pretty, it is the truth... I was just stating a fact... I don't say that about people if it is not true. "

"And I am Rykanis. Though you know, you should tell others your own name, before asking theirs..."
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Just dont hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 25th, 2012, 5:10 pm

She thought about it. Singing in front of one person only wasn't a big challenge, but she was unsure. She didn't really compose song so well, and when she was nervous, her voice was low. Then she sat up, stretched a little and sighed. "I... suppose i could sing for you... But what should i sing?" she asked, not really used to sing at request. Maybe she just needed some practice.

"Oh, right." she suddenly said "My name is Mishani. Sorry if i didn't tell it, but I'm not used to meet new people, so i don't know the criteria. " she said shyly, truthfully. She never told others her name. Only if they asked it, of course. Hoping the guy wouldn't get mad at her, she just smiled at him. She knew she could be annoying when she was shy and quiet, not sure what to do and so.

Misha didn't know why, but she looked more closely at the guy. He really had beautiful eyes. The pale blue eyes were stunning, she didn't know how. But in some special way. He was also muscular. Well, all Akalaks were really warriors, so that wasn't a miracle. She looked back in the water. This was the first time she talked with an Akalak from face to face.
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Just don't hurt me. [Flashback] [Rykanis Dakshata]

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 25th, 2012, 5:47 pm

Rykanis simply smiled at her, trying to put her at ease, and to calm her. Make it easier for her to calm down. Often a nice smile did wonders for a persons nerves. Though she seemed to be rather nervous, and shy.

"That would be nice... I don't really mind what you sing, just whatever you like. I am sure your choice will sound beautiful regardless."

"Besides, if you love singing, you should sing. And maybe if you work your way up, just singing for me, you can get used to doing so in front of others, and be able to do it before more."

Obviously he could tell from her shyness, that he would have to take the initiative in this conversation. He had no problem, being the dominant personality. He usually was anyways when dealing with woman.

Though not used to meeting new people? That was a bit odd, how could one live in a city, and not expect to meet new people? Rykanis simply smiled once more, and spoke in a calming tone.

"Mishani... That is a pretty name... A pretty name, for a pretty girl, how fitting. Nice to meet you Mishani. So what would you like to sing?"
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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