OOCFeel free to jump in. ![]() Spring 50th, 512 "Heel" had been one of the first commands Tevander had taught to Navisya's dog. In Kalinor and in the mountainous regions outside the cavern, it had been vital for Zlynge to understand that he was safer at the feet of his masters than potentially wandering off a cliff or into the black depths of the cavern gorge. Dogs were intelligent and obedient, but they did not come close to possessing the grace and balance of the Symenestra, who were so well adapted to their perilous environment. It was the responsibility of Zlynge's owner to keep him safe and help him acclimate to a world meant for people who could stick to walls. However, Zlynge and Navisya were no longer in Kalinor. The desert had no such perils, only miles and miles of sand dunes and debatably solid ground. Without sheer cliffs, dark ledges, and slick patches of snow and loose gravel, it was difficult for Zlynge to understand the danger of his own freedom. Here was a wide, flat open space with a brilliant, open sky and intriguing new scents. The mystery of this new place called to him. "Heel" as a command worked only initially, but soon the word was repeated so much that it lost all meaning to him. Obedience was the last thing on his mind. He had new territory to claim. It wasn't easy, but somehow Navisya had convinced Zlynge to come with her to the gates of Ahnatep. The dog weighed more than she did, and he could yank so hard on his short leash that for a while, she'd feared her arms would come loose from their sockets. It was their first day in the new city, and the both of them were relieved to be off that terrible, rocking ship and its astounding odors. Zy quickly forgot about the ship altogether, soon running circles around the Symenestra's feet to get a good look in all directions. This was new, this was shiny, there were so many new smells! And he had to tell everyone, in his deafening canine language. The best thing to do was to take Zlynge somewhere relatively safe so she could unhook his leash and let him run rampant to his heart's content. By the time Navisya had taken Zlynge from the harbor to outside the city's gates, her limbs were just about ready to fall off. She was cursing at him, not that he could hear her underneath his excited barking, but at least the both of them would know relief. The Symenestra leaned down to unfasten her dog's leash, and as soon as the pressure was off his neck, Zlynge took off like an arrow into the nearby dunes. A cloud of dust rose in his wake, and followed him in every mad direction he darted. "Thank the Gods." Now free of her best friend, Navisya was able to enjoy the new sights of the city for herself. The sun was blinding upon the reflective sands, forcing her to squint if she wanted to look up at all, but the golden land that opened all around her was a shimmering work of art. Her scarlet, silk cape quickly became sweltering, but she feared sunburns if she removed it. The hood was tossed back at least, exposing her wispy white hair to the savagery of the Eyktolian winds. A wary glance was given to the Eypharian guards at the gate, who so far had given her quizzical, but dismissive looks and returned to their vigil. While Zlynge ran circles in the sand some yards out, Navisya leaned back to examine the stone form of the Lady of Ahnatep. |