[Location] The Temple of Viratas

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A surreal cavern city inhabited by Symenestra where stones glow and streets are reams of silk. Cocoon like structures hang between stalactites and cascade over limestone flows in organic and eerie arabesques. Without a Symenestra willing to escort you, entrance is impossible.

[Location] The Temple of Viratas

Postby Poison on April 5th, 2012, 5:04 pm

„You are more coureageous than most“, the priest remarked. „Many would have cowered in fear rather than risking their life. Now come.“ He gestured for Dovinya to follow him. As the two left the central room, the man that was praying on the other side of the pool briefly looked up and watched them, and then he went back to his worship.

The priest pushed one of the curtains that separated the room from the rest of the temple aside, and then they were in a long hallway, one of countless hallways in the temple. Shelves lined the walls, shelves upon shelves in wich dead bodies rested. They were wrapped in precious silk, in white and gold and intense jewel tones so that they were almost unrecognizeable. There was nothing that told Dovinya who they were, no signs that were attached to the shelves. Their relatives knew them, and that was all that mattered. Nobody was ever truly forgotten in Kalinor.

The temple didn’t smell the way one commonly expected a building full of corpses to smell. It didn’t smell disgusting. It didn’t make him sick. On the contrary, it smelled almost pleasant. The entire temple was filled with the smell of herbs that were used to keep the decay under control. If Dovinya ever were to unwrap one of the bodies, he would find that they seemed relatively untouched by the passing of time.

Occasionally they passed other Symenestra on their walk through the temple. They were quietly meditating and praying or visiting their dead relatives. Finally the priest pushed another curtain aside and let Dovinya take a look into the room behind. Dovinya could see several tables in it. The body of an old woman – Dovinya would recognize her as a member of the Ivy Web who had once owned a stall in the market – was lying on of them. She was dressed in her finest clothes.

A young man stood in front of her. As he noticed the priest and his companion, he bowed slightly. „This is where the dead are brought before they find their final resting place“, Daratur explained. „If you ever wish to familiarize yourself with that aspect of our faith, you only need to le me know. There are not many who would touch a dead body.“ The young man who had been preparing the dead woman smiled slightly as he heard this. „I don’t mind. It’s important work. There are more disgusting things than a dead body.“

„Are you going to serve here as well?“ he wanted to know. „Did Daratur already show you that small chamber with the altar? Most people just pray in front of the pool, but I personally prefer to do my worship in complete solitude. They say the altar and the statue were created by a former priest of Viratas after he had first met the god.“
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[Location] The Temple of Viratas

Postby Dovinya on April 20th, 2012, 1:19 am

Silently Dovinya followed the priest, his expression one of reverence as his eyes fell over the dead, and he was reminded of his own kin interred here. The sight and smell of the place brought a measure of guilt with the memory, and eyes passing over the shelves of bodies he offered a prayer for his relatives. It had been a nearly a year since he had last visited this hallowed place to honor them with prayer, but in his memory they remained, and there they were ever immortal.

Others were in the hallway with them, offering their respects quietly, and Dovinya moved to accommodate them as they progressed deeper in the temple to parts Dovinya had not ever seen before.

His golden orbs widened slightly with familiarity as another curtain was pulled aside, and his eyes rested upon an older form lying flat on a table before looking over at the young man attending her. "You honor the Ivy web with your work" Dovinya spoke softly and with respect, offering his own bow in return to the young symenestra before turning slightly towards Daratur. "I have no qualms working with dead, I would be thankful to be permitted to aid in such a service"

Looking again to the young man he nodded his agreement to the symenestra's words, his golden looking on curiously. "That is my hope"
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[Location] The Temple of Viratas

Postby Poison on April 25th, 2012, 5:58 pm

„Thank you“, the young man replied as Dovinya stated that he honored the Ivy Web with his work. „I hope that what I do pleases her relatives – and Viratas himself. And I am certain that Daratur will allow you to work here. He would not show you everything if he had a problem with you. I’m looking forward to working together with you.“ The priest cast a somewhat disapproving glance at the young man – it wasn’t up to him to judge whether Dovinya would be allowed to work here or not – and then he turned around and gestured for Dovinya to follow him. There were still a few more rooms that he wanted to show him.

Dovinya saw a room where the priests and priestesses stored the various things they needed for their rituals. There was a chamber that they used to relax, a small room that contained a few books, mostly about religion, and then they finally stood in the small room that the young man had been talking about.

It was a simple, round room with walls of precious silk in vibrant jewel tones. The room was empty apart from a small altar with a statue of Viratas on it. A golden bowl stood in front of the altar. It was used for the blood sacrifices.

„He was right“, Daratur spoke after he had knelt in front of the altar and said a short prayer. „I wouldn’t show you everything, if I hadn’t already made my decision. You will be allowed to work here as long as you want to and as long as you honor our god. One of the acolytes will give you a silk robe that you will wear whenever you are here so that those that come to us recognize your position.“
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[Location] The Temple of Viratas

Postby Dovinya on May 29th, 2012, 2:02 am

"And I you" Dovinya spoke agreeing with the young man's words, missing the disapproving stare. Not that it mattered for as the priest gestured he turned to follow, examining each room in turn carefully to remember their uses. The temple was vast, and not hard to get lost in within the layers of colorful silk.

When the priest at last stopped walking they where in a simple, yet aesthetically pleasing room with a small altar commanding attention in it's center. Beside the priest he kneeled as well, praying for guidance from the god of blood in all that he did. He opened his eyes again when the priest spoke.

"I thank you for the honor. Ever will I serve our god" He said quietly, tilting his head slightly forward out of respect.
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[Location] The Temple of Viratas

Postby Poison on June 14th, 2012, 7:30 am


Skills: Observation 1, Interrogation 1
Lores: Location: the Temple of Viratas, Acquaintance: Daratur

Other: You are now employed at the Temple of Viratas. Since you have one gnosis mark, you make 4 gm a day.
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