[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (Karva)

Xi looks for a new weapon seeing as training with bull he's learnt how to use a battle axe he may as well own one.

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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (Karva)

Postby Karva on April 17th, 2012, 6:31 pm

She looked up into his blue eyes, they were not the same ones that she had seen only moments ago, there was something different about them.... they were cold, and uncaring. As he stood up so did she, she did not move or try to run away she just looked at him as he spoke. He was not the same, but that was not what she was worried about. "Does Xiaml... does he still fell pain now that you have control?"

She asked not sure if the creature that she spoke to now only caused pain to escape the mental prison that entrapped him, or if it was a constant pain that he enjoyed inflecting on Xiaml. She reached over and took the wrap off of his hand and placed her hand above his, soon her eyes faded to white, and his hand was healed. As she looked up into his blue eyes, and spoke softly, "I am a Konti, and my people are emphatic, I knew that his pain was not physical, and that is how I knew that there was some one or something else there. All I had to do was watch and feel to tell that something was not normal. As far as running, I don't see why I would have to, you have not hurt me yet, and after all I did ask to talk to you weather or not that was the reason you are here or not is irreverent."

She learned something, she now knew that they had shared memories, and that made her wonder what the creature was. Was he so powerful that he could go through his mind, or was he apart of the man? Had he always been there, or was he forced upon the man? These thought whorled in her mind as she smiled up at the man.
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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (Karva)

Postby Ximal on April 22nd, 2012, 9:20 am

Liro Exhumed her grazing his eyes jaggedly along her. He was scanning her. Hw wanted to know what made her tick, and then she asked a rather odd question to Liro. One he'd not contemplated before, would Xi still feel pain? So what if he did it was not like Liro cared. "Thing is even if he could feel pain it's not like he has any hope of stopping me when i want control." Liro's aura went from dead to an explosion of madness, corrupting everything within himself and ending out an emotional aura around himself of sheer madness. Liro stood towering over her streaks of madness running through his eyes. He leered down at her. "You should have run whilst you had the chance. Now you've no hope of escape." Then she spoke again. something about her being a konti and her people were empathic. Then she said she didn't have to run. Clever. Clearly intimidation would not work with trying to break this one and his normal routine wouldn't work either now that she knew he was there. Now Liro had a good understanding of her thinking.

"Well aren't you the clever one. Not many people whom i've met see past the demeanour change nor the intimidation factor. You however see something else. Also my charm normally draws in most potential females. But you drew me out. You called me forth this time. You piqued my interest, and drew me to the surface. Because you knew i was here, you managed to draw me out. Then the fact that your very pretty, did help. I may be pure insanity incarnate, but i am still a best of intelligence as well as physicality. I use the tools i have to bring forth my ends. And right now, i want to know more about why you can see me, and why you knew i was here." The glimmers of madness in his eyes grew as if trying to flow into hers as he held his gaze. Liro was a beast driven by his wants. And what he wanted right now, was information.

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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (Karva)

Postby Karva on April 25th, 2012, 3:48 am

As she listened to the mans words she looked up into the vary different blue eyes, until that is he called her beautiful. Hearing that she felt her cheeks become warmer and a light pink hue came across her other wise pale skin. She immediately broke her gaze and looked down tucking a few strands of white hair that the wind managed to blow into her face. She then thought for a moment pausing before looking back at him.

"Well if information is the only thing keeping me alive, then I will explain things to you the best I can as long as I stay alive. Oh, and I will only answer questions that you ask of me, nothing more. I would also like for you to teach me more about defending myself."

She thought this was a fare considering if she was kill he would never know anything about her, or her kind. This would give her the chance to understand his madness, well understand as much as could be understood. She wondered why it was that he took such a liking to her..... It was odd to her and something that she did not understand. Surely there were females more attractive then her.
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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (Karva)

Postby Ximal on April 26th, 2012, 5:25 pm

Liro watched her pale skin flush lightly with blood as he spoke to her. Perfect, liro tilted his head as he looked at her now summing up her complete capabilities right now she was in a vulnerable spot and bartering her only form of protection from liro. Information was king if you knew just where to push you could break even the mightiest foe. Liro trickled his gaze down into hers, as she pulled her gaze away from him and tucked her head back. She bartered her information against her life. A sly and wry smile crawled upon his face. Now he could do what he wanted she knew he held all the power and she was trying to get out of this anyway she could. Without loosing her life. But it wasn't her life he was after. He was after her mind, her innocence. He wanted to strip her of everything that eh currently had and make her a shadow of her former self. His madness now forming a coating of pure insanity over his eyes. She was perfect for him to corrupt. Parting his lips he spoke slowly and almost controlling. He had a perfect grasp on this situation.

"Oh you wish to trade? You will only answer questions i ask of you and in return you wish me to teach you? You seem to be forgetting whose got the power in this situation. If you want to live, you will tell me all you know. Of course there is always more than one currency for what you want isn't there...I'll make you a deal. You wish training of me, and i's quite clear what you think i desire of you. I wan't your mind, broken...And the best way i have to do that is to break the body first. But then again what's to stop me from breaking you, having you babble out the information then killing you? There is more than one way to get what i want. Take my terms and leave your's...And perhaps we might be able to strike a deal...Then again i could just do what i want and leave you with nothing. So which will it be? Accept my fair terms willingly. Or be forced into a situation where you have no possible hope of escaping nor protecting yourself...I'm a beast of want, desires, and pure madness. There is no way that you will understand madness, and the driving force behind madness is desire. And right now i desire more things than i care to say at this moment." His dark eyes sharpened down hammering at her mind with a spear pointed battering ram, he was going to bash through the doors of her mind with or without her permission, his only issue at the moment, would she make it easy on erh self and submit...Or would he have to force his way into her mind...?

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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (Karva)

Postby Karva on April 26th, 2012, 6:40 pm

A soft sigh escaped her lips as she turned her head and her attention to the day earlier, and thought about her situation for a moment. She then started to walk off in the direction of the blacksmiths shop, she did not walk quickly not in the least. If he wanted to break her it would be something that she never experienced before, then again every thing about this land was new to her. He seemed to enjoy playing games, maybe that was the way of this world. All the formality and beating around the bush not straight forward discussions.

She did not look back to see if he would follow her, nor did she really care if he wanted to talk to her again she was not hard to find. She pulled her hood over her head and tucked her white hair in so that no one could see her face as she walked through the streets. She wanted to know what Liro was and what made him tick, and why would he be so entertained with breaking people down. She was sure that the two were much different.
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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (Karva)

Postby Ximal on April 27th, 2012, 3:29 am


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[The knights armoury] Can i shave with it ? (Karva)

Postby Fallacy on September 27th, 2012, 5:01 am

XP Award!

XP Award:
  • +3 Rhetoric
  • +2 Observation
  • +2 Intimidation
  • The Knight's Armory
  • Looking for Weapons
  • Buying Axes and Things
  • I Want to Play With This One
  • An Inner War
  • There is No Honor in Being an Assassin

Other: -35 GM for your purchases

XP Award:
  • +2 Rhetoric
  • +3 Interrogation
  • +1 Seduction
  • Looking for a Job
  • The Knight's Armory
  • Want To Kill Bad Guys?
  • Oh Shyke He May Be Crazy
  • Showing Concern

A longer thread, so I may have missed something. Please don't hesitate to PM me if that seems to be the case.

Any questions or concerns about the rewards gained please send a PM :)

12 hour shifts have started, and Im working 6-7 days a week mandatory overtime. My replies will be slow until I can adjust to this new groove.
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