Arctic Golems are only known through myths and legends so far, they are believed to primarily reside in The Taldera Region, in the Avanthal region more specifically.
They are rumored to be large sculptures of ice who were given the gift of artificial life.
AppearanceAn Arctic Golem is said to be anywhere between 6' to 7'5'' feet tall, although most is unknown about the Golem the general consensus is that it's made out of eternally solid ice and is carved in a rather gruff manner, its appearance resembles that of a human but only when a bit of imagination is applied, for its head is much too large and disproportional to the rest of its body. It has rough lumps for limbs. Its eyes glow with a fiery, bright yellow light, the mouth eternally frozen solid in the same serious manner. Some say the creature is not devoid of emotions and that they too have been artificially implanted in the hollow frosty shell.
The strength of an Arctic Golem is far beyond that of any human. It can crush even stone, once you are in its not expect to survive. Luckily the speed of the Golem is lower than that of an average human being but as has been said, not all is known about the Golem.
History and OverviewThe Arctic Golem has been created by a Avanthalian mage gone rogue, only the elders know his name now. Ishendyr was his name. He grew increasingly distant to the rest of his tribe, he didn't follow his responsabilities anymore due to " being occupied with more important manners " In the end the tribe banished him and he went hiding in the wilderness for survival. After a few years there were mysterious cases of tribes being whiped out overnight. Strange footprints and holes in the ice were found. A few tribes organized a search party and tried to find the origin of those footprints. What they found was beyond their wildest imagination.
Before them, in a dark and eery glacier-cave, stood a mad man propheting the end of the world for all Vanthas, eventhough that was an extraordinary sight to behold it was the scene behind the mad man that shocked the search party to its very core. Half a dozen bulks of ice were moving around, slamming their club-like hands onto the walls to create more ice for possibly more of these abominations.
Once the search party overcame their fear and shock they launched an assault but none of their weapons or skills could harm the golems. The mad man fled and ran for cover behind his golems. He shrieked an unknown word that commanded the Arctic Golems to kill all attackers. Only one survived and fled to warn the rest, his case was dismissed as lunacy for when a larger party was organized they found nothing and nobody in the glacier cave.
People still talk of these heinous atrocities and warn their children to be good or the mad man with the frozen army will come and hunt them down. But up 'till this day there are cases of missing tribes that vanish from Mizahar overnight, with nothing left behind but footprints and holes.
DietLittle is known about the Golems and their diet but it is generally believed that they do not eat, as they are merely objects implanted with artificial life. But nobody can be certain of this.
Reproduction and Social StructureAs far as anyone knows the Arctic Golems only reproduced by ways of the mad Vantha mage. He had some sort of magic to induce life in inanimate objects.
People can only imagine how many of these abominations roam the world.
The social structure is opinionated to be fairly simple, all Arctic Golems are equal and they all served one lord, Ishendyr. It is unthinkable that Ishendyr is still alive... but if that is the case, it can not be a good thing. Arctic Golems are thought to be scattered across the Taldera Region, although only a handful of people claim to have seen them the general population believe and fear the myth.