82nd Day of Spring, 512 AV❧ Jakobi's Yard Morning Horses crowded and shoved around her, pinning back their ears and nipping at each other, vying for the half-dozen apples cradled in her arms. She'd tried one herself but didn't like it at all - it was bitter and made her screw her mouth up with distaste. It now laid on top of the pile, a small bite mark blemishing its shinny red skin. Her own mare, Lebanon, was somewhere at the back of this mass of horse flesh, hidden from sight by the forest of shuffling feet and thick craning necks. Suddenly she was bumped by a bony shoulder, nearly dropping all the apples and tumbling over. A tail whipped across her face, making her eyes smart. "Okay! Stop shoving!" She pushed her weight against one of the horse's fronts, making it back up a few paces. Jean carefully held out the first apple - the one she'd bitten, and a horse jabbed at it, taking half of it off in its mouth. They couldn't eat it whole because their mouths couldn't open that far. If they did they'd choke. Of course they could still choke, but that wasn't likely. As the horse was crunching loudly, another took the last half. Both of them chewed until a foamy mixture of saliva and apple juice bubbled around their lips. She smiled affectionately at the lot and held out another apple. This went on until all the fruit was gone, but not all the horses got some. There were trees littered with the fruit though, so they could get some on their own if they wished. She had one last apple stashed in her clothing, for her mare. After finding that she apparently had no more apples to give them, the horses had meandered off to graze. Everything was more or less quiet now, except for the occasional stomp of a hoof, snort, and the whisking of many tails slapping at flies. Her mare was off a little ways with a cluster of three other horses. A long, loud whistle caught her attention - she raised her head up, ears perked alertly and head swiveled in her rider's direction. A greeting of four quick, loud, whinnying grunts were called to Jean, making her smile. Lebanon tore herself from her miniature herd, cantering to her master with her tail flagged. She bucked at a bay gelding as she ran by - he had perked up too and looked like he was about to follow, but nearly getting kicked discouraged him. Jean held her arms open with a goofy smile that only Lee could elicit, and as the chocolaty mare stopped in front of her, she through her arms around the mare's thick neck, breathing in her horsey smell. "I've got a treat for you," she said into her horse's flaxen mane. After a good, loving squeeze, Jean let go and procured one of the larger apples she'd collected. Lee stabbed it with her velvety nose, snuffling for a second before taking half of it off. Her lips dripped with the juices and saliva, and she ate the second half after a few moments. Lee sighed in Jean's face, spraying her with a fine mist through her nostrils and foamy lips. "You're welcome." As Jean made her way back to the edge of the pasture, Lebanon followed; she stopped when her rider stopped, and moved when she did as well. It was a funny thing, but Jean loved it. It made her feel good, like she was doing everything right with her horse and the others. Some of them followed her around at times too. She grabbed the grooming kit she'd left at the gate - which was closed securely - and then made her way back to the other horses. Several of them were filthy and had been rolling, streaking their bodies with mud and dust. There was a small assortment of brushes of all different kinds bristles and teeth. She chose one as she stopped at the first dirty horse. It had softer bristles, made of some sort of spiny hair. Jean scrubbed it across the horse's long back, making clouds of dust roll off. It coated her clothes and skin thinly, and made her eyes water. A few times she had to turn away else she'd inhale a nose full and sneeze, then she'd go back to brushing. Lebanon watched this with an air of indignation. It was obvious she was wondering how Jean could be giving the other horses attention with and not her. "I'm right here!" she seemed to say. She was a little dirty herself, but was being saved for last. The morning slowly wore on, and as the sun was in the middle of the sky, Jean finally finished with all the horses. She'd decided to groom the ones that weren't dirty as well. Some, she learned, preferred certain brushes over others, and when she got a particular spot on their body just right, they'd crane their necks and curl their upper lips back toward their nostrils in a look of pleasure. Lee watched this was growing irritation. Out of jealousy she'd bitten a few of the horses on the flanks, leaving little bare patches, but then got kicked twice in the process. |