[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Xi's out training in the fields as usual...then a very big cat appears.

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Ximal on April 27th, 2012, 2:19 am

Xi could keep his eyes closed no longer and through more influence of liro than anything else they opened slowly almost reluctantly as he listened to her talk. His eyes now open wide enough eh caught a good view of her laying down on the floor and squashing her chest on the ground. Asking if she was doing it right and complaining that it was easy she switched to one hand. That's when he cleared his throat and spoke with a very shaky tone. "y-you do-don't do just o-one you do a lot. The re-re-repetetive strain on your mu-muscles builds more...So-some people can d-do a hundred i c-c-can do two hundred. But th-those wore stronger th-than me can d-do somewhere ar-around five hundred." Watching her body move up and down it was almost as if xi was in a trance. Taking a deep breath be tried to calm himself and recanted that she had asked him why his face was red. He scrambled for an answer... "M-my face is r-red because of th-the fact your n-naked. Wh-which is m-making me em-embarrassed. And a certain desire grow...nehehe...Oh the things i could do to her...Madness is fun, now let me OUT! Liro sank his firey talons into xi;s head and clawed at him to let him free, to let him out so he could take control over the situation.

Xi could feel the onslaught of liro pounding on but his transfixed gaze was a little too distracting for right now and Liros assault seemed to glance off. XI's mouth wouldn't move now even as his head asked him to over her his cloak for coverage. To hide herself, Xi couldnt even think straight he was as if frozen to stone. He looked at her wand now his mind immediataly ran to ovek. You foce me to run for 3 days solid, you cause me untold chaos then you give me this? Totally and completely worth it. Xi watched her body in motion his mind now too dumbstruck to allow him any form of movement of brain. He blinked is eyes and couldn't believe what he was watching.

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Sapphire on April 27th, 2012, 2:32 am

Ximal was claiming to be embarrassed by her lack of clothes. What reason would he have for being embarrassed by that. It was just her natural body, she didn''t even know why humans wore clothes. They didn't do much. She kept going with her one handed press ups. Her immense tiger strength allowed her to lift her weight easily. She wasn't good at counting, but she thought she was somewhere close to three hundred. She was now bored of this, so she stood again then sat in front of Xi. "So why does my lack of clothes embarrass you?" Sapphire quizzed him. Really, humans were so strange sometimes.
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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Ximal on April 27th, 2012, 2:51 am

Xi was trying hi best to hold back liro his primal side his animalistic nature coupled with insanity and pure madness. The talons of liros influence burned like fire but as Xi watched her stop with the push ups and sit in front of him. Xi tried his best to keep his gaze up at her face and into her eyes. His eyes occasionally darting down to her chest. LIro was becoming stronger with each passing second. Liro was primal desires coupled with madness. A very potent combination seeing as the more Xi experienced a primal emotion or feeling the stronger liro's hold became. She then asked why her lack of clothes embarrassed him, if she looked down she'd see a pretty damned good reason why. Still ignoring it he collected his thoughts trying to regroup. Swallowing and then taking a deep breath he spoke to her. "Be-because, humans a-a-aren't supposed to g-g-give into their primal urges. Which i-is why we h-have clo-clothes to prevent our urges getting the be-better of us."Xiiii, oh Xiiiiii. i'm going to break free soon so i'd like to request that you gve up with out a fight. Or i might have to make it even MORE uncomfortable. Xi looked into her eyes, his cheeks still ablaze with colour. Wondered what made her so approchable fter all she hasd spooked the living heck out of him.

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Sapphire on April 27th, 2012, 3:06 am

Primal urges? Oh, he meant reproduction. Sapphire had never had similar feelings toward a person or tiger, considering the lack of tigers near Sunberth. She had had human like emotions before though. She finally understood him, though it didn't bother her all that much. "Would you like me to put clothes on then... Xi?" Sapphire figured she probably should be a tad bit embarrassed, but she wasn't "It doesn't bother me much, but I would have to travel back to Sunberth to get them." Sapphire had just now came to a realization, she had finally acquired a friend! After Mok disappeared she had no one left to look to for a kind face. Now she did. She smiled big and asked "Would you consider me a friend Xi?"
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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Ximal on April 27th, 2012, 3:23 am

Xi held back liro as he listened to her talk, she asked him if he wanted her to put some clothes on...Xi within his own mind was saying yes please but liro was saying or rather screaming for her to leave them off. Xi's minffinnally came to a verdic as he looked at her, trying to keep his gaze towards her eyes and away from her chest. "I-i cant fo-force you too...E-even if it do-dose m-make me embar-embarrassed. A-af-after all you are a v-very pretty w-woman...t-tiger...person..." His head was tripping over it'self with his thoughts then she said she'd have to travel back to sun berth to get them. Did she walk through sunberth as a tiger? Or completely stark naked? The former would amaze him that she had gotten out without being set upon by poachers, the latter would amaze him that she'd gotten out without being raped. Then she asked him a rather delicate question. Did he consider her a friend? He'd only just met her a couple of minutes ago but they had hit it off rather well. He cracked a shy smile and said shakily once again. "Y-y-yes i would consider you a fr-friend. After all, your a ni-nice person. Fr-from what ive se-seen of you this far..." Which would be absolutely and utterly everything, as far as her body is concerned, her mind though, let me at it i want to play with her mind. "S-so yes i wo-would consider yo-you my friend sap-sapphire." Still smiling that small shy yt some what wry smile he felt his gaze dip again but this time past her chest to her stomach. she was well defined along her stomach....Realizing eh was staring he snapped his eyes back up to hers.

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Sapphire on April 27th, 2012, 3:34 am

"Kelvic." She corrected him as he stumbled upon deciding what to label her as. His eyes kept slipping from Sapphire's eyes to the areas below her shoulders. "Thank you, you are a very broad and muscular man." He replied to her question that yes, he did consider her his friend. This overjoyed her so much, she had finally a friend, hopefully wouldn't disappear like Mok had. She even leaned over and hugged him tightly. "So what do you normally do besides this muscle building thing that you do?"
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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Ximal on April 27th, 2012, 11:12 am

As Xi groped for a word to call her she did it for him. A kelvic? What was a kelvic? Were they limited to tigers? or could other creatures turn from animal to human? Still watching her he heard her speak about his frame and size. Was this her response to him calling her pretty? Xi right now was in a situation of confusion even at the colour in his face stayed. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, to collect his thoughts. Then around him he felt a warm sensation, against the light sheen of sweat over him he could feel a warm shape across it. it want uncomfortable still he wondered what it was, he opened his eyes again to look down and see her hugging him. His face once again lit up like a traffic light. he slowly pulled his arms rouhd and returned the hug some what shakily, but once he placed his hands on her back. It turned out that her skin was as soft as her fur as a tiger. It was strange, but now he ran his hand along her hair lightly, it was smooth soft. Unlike his thick heavy mane of hair. Whist he hugged her his face still some what bright she asked him what he did when he wasn't doing this. He paused a moment as he thought about what to tell her... "I wo-work down at the p-pits, o-o-or i'm out he-here practising my fi-fighting st-style. I'm n-not the m-most adven-adventurous of people, b-ut i am ho-honest at the very le-least...Wh-what do you do wh-when your not o-out here? A-and wh-what do you do for f-f-fun? Xi let me have control your arms are perfectly positioned...You could drop them a little and claim it was an accident...Just let me out...Conversing with females....Or doing anything else with them for that matter. Your just not up to the task. So let me out, This is my area NOT yours!

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Sapphire on April 27th, 2012, 9:33 pm

After her hug and after answering her response, Ximal returned Sapphire's question. What did she do when she wasn't here? Where was here really. "Well, I hunt and sometimes I scare the poachers that threaten my hunting. I think it's funny to watch them run away screaming. It also gives me a chance to eat their game." She said with a childish smile. "So... you have a job? It sounds kind of like a gaurd duty job. I bet it would be helpful to have a giant tiger around." The thought of Xi walking around with a giant tiger beside him made her chuckle. He definitely wouldn't have a problem with any body knowing that he could sick the worlds largest jungle cat on them. One thing bothered her though. Sapphire's animalistic senses told her that her new friend had something bothering him in his mind.
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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Ximal on April 27th, 2012, 10:02 pm

as she pulled back from the hug he felt the colour in his face subside a little. He listened to her speaking about what she did for fun. Hunting out in the wilds and scaring poachers for the heck of it. Turned out his new friend was not only beautiful but actually rather mischievous. Interesting. Then she spoke about his job and it being helpful possibly having a giant tiger around. He couldnt help but smile "Th-that would be interesting b-but i'm not the ty-type of person to send o-others to fi-fight my battles for me." He finished his sentence with a soft and warm smile. He was being honest after all, if nothing else that was what he had. He could feeling liro chipping away, and then shear hims speak as if standing next to him. Y'know you've a naked woman before you...By now all other men would have ravaged her. Yet you choose the impassive stance, LET me out. I could do SO much MORE, than your pathetic self is doing now. Xi could feel liros influence travelling down his arm. Right now he was struggling to hold him back. Looking at her again Xi smiled a little and felt a odd sensation clamber over him. Not knowing where the words were coming from he asked her... "you s-s-said your clo-clothes were back in the c-c-city. So wh-where do you li-live?" As he finished asking his question liro shot up some images infront of his eyes, all of her most horrifying but some were ones you wouldn't argue with... "S-so-sorry if i'm sp-spacing out a little...I'm ju-just not u-used to t-t-talking with n-na-naked women..."

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[western wilds]Thats a big kitty...(sapphire)

Postby Sapphire on April 28th, 2012, 6:58 am

Ximal was now apologizing for his unusual behavior. "Oh no, that's okay. I'm not used to speakng with humans, especially not males so muscular like yourself." Sapphire gave him a shy smile, then answered his question. "You must have misunderstood. I don't have a real house. I just live outside Sunberth, I don't like the city much. The men all give me weird looks and one time someone took the food I just bought out of my pocket." It seemed like whatever was bugging Xi was really bothering him now, his hand even seemed to twitch a bit now.
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