A songbird at heart. [Dex] [Done]

Mishani is singing for herself again. But she's lonely. Could someone hear this lonely girls song?

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

A songbird at heart. [Dex]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 27th, 2012, 10:32 pm

Mish blinked her eyes. Right. She was sniffing an other persons shirt. It was weird to explain, but the stood up and have the shirt to John. "Right. Sorry about that. It's so rare to find any fresh people here anymore..." she sighed, trying to come up with an excuse, but she didn't. So she just let it go. She grinned happily and looked around. She wondered if there was any warm place in the city. But that was only a metter of searching. The city was big, and the evening was cold, so they just had to walk around. "So, what would you like so sing?" she asked happily, starting to walk in a direction. She somehow hoped she wouldn't need to sleep under the bare sky this night... But aside with that! She thought about the places she had already been, but didn't think any of them was suitable.
She started to hum again, a little happier tone that she had even hummed. She liked adventures, and she liked walking int he city at night. What better could she wish for?
Last edited by Mishani Vita on May 13th, 2012, 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A songbird at heart. [Dex]

Postby Dex on April 27th, 2012, 10:56 pm


John took his shirt and put it on. Then he took the heavy cloak he had taken from the den and put it over Mishani as they walked. Then she asked him what to sing.

"I don't know. What do you normally sing?"

As they started walking, he noticed her doing something that sounded like singing, but wasn't. Her mouth was shut the whole time. He tried to do what she did, and made a faint buzzing noise, albeit terribly off key from what she was doing.

"What are you doing now? How do you do that?"

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A songbird at heart. [Dex]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 27th, 2012, 11:14 pm

Mishani stopped humming and suddenly felt a little warmer. She had a cloak on. She looked at John, with a curious face "Thanks. You didn't have to get this..."She smiled and put the cloak more tightly more around herself. Then she started to explain. "I normally sing what i feel like. If I'm sad, happy or anything like that. If you really love singing, the words will appear for themselves." she took a break. Then she continued "Usually people start of with humming. The sound that comes from your mouth without words. It's like a song, but only with a melody." she explained, and looked at John. She didn't want to make him confused, because singing wasn't so complicated, yet you had to train your voice a little bit.

As they walked, Misha looked around the area, for a place that could be good, but nothing was really a sleeping place. "And when you hum, it's not like you're talking. Its more like.. Letting a melody flow away from your heart." She tried to explain it so it wouldn't sound too dramatic, or difficult. She remembered her mother telling her that about humming, so maybe it would be usable.
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A songbird at heart. [Dex]

Postby Dex on April 28th, 2012, 12:42 am


John thought about this. Humming leads you into singing. Humming is without words, singing is with words. Now there was something called a melody... what's a melody? Singing without words was just .... the noise. Humming is just a melody, humming is just the singing noise without words.

"That makes sense with the humming and singing. So I just have to make noise, from my heart, what I feel? .... Doesn't sound to hard to do."

He tried to listen to what was in his heart. To what he was really feeling. He was feeling happy, up beat, adventurous... but how to turn this into sound. Some small sounds escaped his throat at first, which became louder, just a little tune he hummed.

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A songbird at heart. [Dex]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 28th, 2012, 1:25 am

She looked at John. She couldn't express her joy, so he clapped her hands, exited. For a guy that had never sung before, he was a quick learner, she thought. But Kelvics were fast learners, she had read about that. So maybe John was able to sing too? It was a rather tough thing, putting feelings into words and melody. So she tried to not rush the practice. The humming was good enough, trying to make high sounds and low sounds. She hummed something short and happy, looked for something interesting. The wind was getting stronger, and it was midnight already. She had almost gave up home of finding a warm place to sleep. "Now, i have taught you how to hum, right?" she said, looking at John again. She tilted her head sideways and walked over to him, putting the cloak over him so it would cover them both a little.

"You said you can do acrobatics? Juggling or something like that? Could you teach me?" she asked, looking at John and trying to keep her hair from tickling her face. Darn, it was getting windy. And it was a little difficult to see where the path went, but Misha had a feeling they were going towards the city gates...
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A songbird at heart. [Dex]

Postby Dex on April 28th, 2012, 2:15 am


John smiled at her.

"Apparently so. I think I like this thing about humming. Makes me feel better. And as far as the acrobatics and juggling, I can probably teach you. I'm not the best at it though, so I guess we can both learn together if nothing else."

The wind was blowing hard, making it hard going. Acrobatics were a bad plan out in a wind like this, and juggling as well.

"We really ought to get outta this wind. While this is an adventure already, you still ought to get some sleep."

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A songbird at heart. [Dex]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 28th, 2012, 2:53 am

Misha yawned. She really was tired, but a little sad too. When she finds a place to sleep, the awesome adventure would be over. She looked at the surroundings and found the perfect place. "That looks like a rather good place." she said, a little tired, but still smiling. She tugged John by the arm to come with her. She sat down on the tiny mattress someone had put away, thrown away.
The brick wall behind her was cold, and she yawned again. She leaned to the wall softly and closed her eyes. "So are you going back to your den? I mean, you should be much more comfortable there." she said with a sleepy voice, opening her eyes so she could look at John. She smiled and closed her eyes again, trying to keep them open.
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A songbird at heart. [Dex]

Postby Dex on April 28th, 2012, 3:13 am


John smiled as she found a good place to end their adventure. She dragged him towards a tossed out mattress, where she promptly collapsed, very tired onto the mattress, the cloak hugging her as a blanket.

"Nah, I'll just sleep here. Doesn't matter to me really, except I'm going to switch into my fur coat. Much warmer and cushier for me."

So of course, he promptly slipped his shirt off, and remembering that she liked the smell, handed it to Mishani smiling a little. Then he slipped out of his pants, and set them aside before flashing into ferret form. He then promptly crawled over to Mishani and curled up, laying against her chest and nuzzling her slightly as he let his own eyes close.

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A songbird at heart. [Dex]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 28th, 2012, 8:33 am

Misha smiled the best she could, taking the shirt and putting it over her face. She leaned her head back to the wall so she wouldn't drop the piece of clothing off her face. She sighed happily. This was one of the rare nights she fell asleep feeling secure and happy. She felt the ferret laying against her chest, so she just petted it a little. "Sleep tight.. and thanks for everything." she said, slowly drifting to sleep.
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A songbird at heart. [Dex] [Done]

Postby Indigo on May 10th, 2012, 5:20 pm

Character: Mishani
Skills: +1 Composition, +1 Singing, +1 Brawling, +1 Rhetoric, +1 Teaching,
Lore: Melancholy, Depression, Sensitive girl, Picking a fight, Believing guys were tougher than girls, Beating up a sailor--- she just didn't like violence, Hiding your face from nudity, My mascara is running,

Character: Dex
Skills: +1 Compassion, +3 Logic, +1 Brawling, +1 Evasion, +2Socialization, +1 Music,
Lore: Fun is right so sad is wrong; or left? Rich with shiny things, Stinky sailors should take baths, Adventure is fun, Nudity is natural, Kelvic common sense,

Notes: Mishani- Who is Calyra? Please try to put more than two sentences for a post--500 words are a standard length post.
Dex-Please try to put more than a few sentences for a post--500 words are a standard length post. Your Kelvic logic is always a great laugh to read and you do a great job of sharing the insight of a quick and fun minded ferret.
If you have any questions or comments about your grade, please PM me.

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