Location [Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Davlamin on April 20th, 2012, 7:55 pm

Davlamin looked right up at the gatekeepr nodding his head. "Yes it seems i'm lost!Can you help get to the city." He replied, hoping he may finely get inside the actual city to find the answers that he was looking for. "Perhaps with your help I might succeed." he added to confirm his desire to be allowed to pass.He didn't understand really why they were delying his entering.He was monk for god sake, a holy man.Didn't anyone of the guards of even the gatekeepr himself knew that he was no danger to the people of Wind Reach.

"I wil be very gratefull if you open the gates for me please!" he said with more confident voice.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Phoenix on April 28th, 2012, 10:01 pm

Val smiled good naturedly, raising from his chair to peer down at the main waiting so patiently at the gates.

"If your purpose within our city is of a good nature, you may pass." His eyes sparkled, the crinkles around them deepening as he lifted his gaze and peered somewhere into the distance. "But we will not tolerate anything less than a friendly visitor."

With a beckoning motion, Vall pointed Dalamin towards the gate, an unremarkable hallway carved into the face of the mountian side. "Pass through the corridor, stranger, and may you become a friend." Creaking his way back to his chair, Val paused for only a moment before sitting back down. "Oh, and don't forget to go see the Valintar."

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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Davlamin on May 17th, 2012, 1:44 pm

The words of the gatekeeper was like a pure music for Davmain's ears.He smiled and nodded his head honoring the man who let him finely pass. "Thank you!" he said with enough loud voice and walked to pass through the corridor just like the he was told to do in order to get inside the city.

His loayl horse was fallowing him slowly as they went into the deep corridor and they kept walking.Soon they saw the light from the other side before the knew, they were already entering into Wind Reach, his long lost beloved home.Now after finely being aloowed to step into the grounds of the city he had a plan where to go first and which areas to explore so he can find the answers that he was looking for so long now.He and his horse were now slowly getting out of the dark corridor as they went right in the other side, inside the city itself.Davlamin smiled and looked around while to see how much this place had change since left to train a become a monk.His black horse was too busy to to look at the ground and braht harder because he was tired, so the man decided first to go and help his friend have a nice well deserved rest.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Avon Lomondir on May 26th, 2012, 11:51 pm

Timestamp: Day 86, Spring of 512 A.V.

“Finally…I made it.”

A diminutive smile of triumph formed on the Kelvic’s journey-weary features as he slumped in exhaustion against the rough Cliffside of a wall, burning golden-green eyes never leaving the gate’s massive columns. It was much plainer then he imagined, visualizing Inarta warriors standing protectively at its threshold with the cries of their eagle companion bolstering their courage. There was none of that of course, just a quiet entrance with its daunting size. Perhaps living in the grandeur that was Lhavit had given him to high expectations with his spiraling towers, crystalline architecture, and its magical air. At the mere thought of his home, Avon felt twinge of homesickness ail him, shaking his head to disperse the feeling. Even if it wasn’t his home, he wouldn’t allow such a minor detail to quash his enthusiasm, especially after making such a long and arduous trek through the Sanilac Valley and Road. Come to think of it, weren’t it for his decent ability to survive in the wilderness and his natural adaptability to nature, he would’ve been long dead from either starvation, exhaustion, or preyed upon by some larger animal.

With a quiet sigh bespeaking of his weariness, that smile of his never once leaving his somewhat boyish features, Avon pushed of against the surface he was leaning on, readjusted the strap of his backpack, and begin the final stretches that would finally put him in Wind Reach. He heard of its magnificence and the fiery-haired people that called this place home from a dear Inarta friend of his for when he was very young, remembering the peculiar gleam in those emerald eyes as he spoke of his marvelous home. Ever since then, Avon had waited impatiently for when he would be ready to venture out past Lhavit’s gates by himself, grateful that he earned his father’s blessing. He could remember the painful sadness on the retired warriors face as he bid him goodbye, the pain akin to feeling a burning knife in his heart. Weren’t it for the restlessness in his heart and the need to see Wind Reach himself, Avon would’ve stayed there forever at his father’s side to quell his loneliness.

But the pull to quench his loneliness was strong and insufferable. He had to go.

Humming a soft, upbeat tone with a joyful look on his face, Avon took a step into the darkened hallway, finding it much to his delight as his nostrils twitched with the faint scent of civilization close ahead. Maneuvering the darkness wouldn’t be a problem, he was naturally a nocturnal creature and his eyesight didn’t suffer in places without light. Coming to a slight pause, the Kelvic inclined his head curiously as he took notice of a deep grove around him along with delicate-crafted, massive columns. Shining forlornly in the gentle darkness was a single chain that dangled from an unknown source, looking so appealing that Avon couldn’t help but want to pull it.

And so he did.

As if on cue, a clatter of melodic bells rung in metallic harmony, echoing across the dim hall and sounding delightfully pleasing to Avon’s sensitive ears. He flashed a fanged smile, calling out into the shadows.

“Hello? Is anyone here? If you would be so kind, I would like entrance into your fine city. I’ve heard so much about it that I’ve came to visit it myself.”
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Phoenix on May 27th, 2012, 9:24 pm


At first, there was no answer to the call. The stranger was left waiting at the foot of the gate with no explanation.

A sudden movement from above drew the visitors eye to the space above the gate,where there was a rush of wings as half a dozen haw's all swooped simultaneously from the darkened crevasses of the rock. Each one clicked, shrilled, or cried their triumph and warning to the small creatures that were to be their lunch.

Though not as swift as the birds he loved and trained, Val shuffled into the sunlight at his creaky old man pace, blinking and lifting a hand to help his eyes adjust to the bright glare.

"Oh!" The exclamation was soft and paired with a raspy chuckle. "The birds wanted out. With all that noise in there, I hadn't heard an approach." The old man took his time settling down into a comfortable looking chair, positioned to overlook the Pass.

"What's your business with Wind Reach, lad?" The question might have been a tradition, one that Val asked every visitor, but that didn't mean the answer didn't matter.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Avon Lomondir on May 28th, 2012, 1:28 am

Golden-green eyes blinked in surprise at the appearance of the wizened elder male, tilting his head in genuine curiosity. Perhaps it was the chorus of sound from the birds or him just concentrating enough, but Avon hadn't heard the other's approach. Humming softly, Avon bowed lightly as was custom in Lhavit, showing his respect for the venerable figure. In a soft-spoken, albeit friendly tone of voice, Avon relayed his reason for coming to visit.

"I merely wish to visit your fine city and savor its legendary sights. I assure you," a sincere smile formed on his face, "I bring no ill-will to your fine establishment." Languidly, the black-haired young man rose from his bow, hoping that he was allowed entrance into the city.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Phoenix on May 28th, 2012, 2:08 am


Val tilted his head thoughtfully, amber eyes crinkling as he watched the young man below. It was only a few seconds before he nodded his ascent.

"Welcome to the city, young man. We're pleased to have you." A gesture towards the gates, which were already open. "Get on with you. Stop by and see the Valintar if you're going to be here for a while. You'll need housing and sommat to eat, yes?" A happy crackle of laughter and Val settled back into his chair, eyes turned now to the skies as he waited for his birds to return.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Avon Lomondir on May 28th, 2012, 2:28 am

A surge of elation filled the young man as his smile broadened, unable to help himself as he bowed towards the man, showing his gratitude. Finally, after all that time braving the wilderness and having his fair share of near-death experiences, Avon was satisfied to say that he could proceed to his destination. All that remained was seeking out this "Valintar" person to formally establish himself in Wind Reach. He honestly wasn't too well-versed in Inarta culture to know what this person did or what his rank in society is but he was quick to learn. Besides, his friend from long ago did mention a couple of things and that was better than nothing.

"Ah, thank you sir. I will go see this Valintar at once." With these words of farewell, Avon nodded his appreciation once more and walked through the gate, enthused at how close he was to touring the halls of Wind Reach.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Norien on June 3rd, 2012, 3:55 pm

Wind Reach, Summer 2, 512 AV

Norien thought to himself, I'm finally home... He had left Wind Reach several years previous with a caravan, to learn more about healing and to test his new skills at being a bard. Now, being 23 and older, hopefully wiser and more experienced, he came back to Wind Reach. "My friends, how I've missed you," he said softly. The Sanikas Gate was in view now, and he trudged the last few hundred yards slowly, savoring his homecoming. It was, however, bittersweet. He had heard news that Wind Reach was in ruins, and that Ivak had escaped, causing the damage. He wondered how many of his friends were still alive, and how much of the city still stood. He pulled the glass-handled chain slowly, and after the ringing of the bells faded, he waited for the Gatekeeper to come and welcome him back home.
Last edited by Norien on June 17th, 2012, 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Sphinx on June 6th, 2012, 5:09 am

Elder Val chuckled as he looked upon a familiar face, one he had forgotten until seeing it once again. Although the man who wore it had aged, matured even, Val still recognised him.

"Hello," he said slowly, smiling and leaning back in his chair. "It's been some time since you've been home, hasn't it? Have you come with good intentions?"

The elder Inarta would gaze down at the younger, waiting for the reply that was sure to come. No one escaped this question and made it into the city.
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