Hello everyone

I'm new to the site (I RP as Aless in Lhavit) but after reading through the descriptions on Reimancy, the Benshira, and the Ethaefal, I couldn't get this character out of my head. I actually wrote a character into one of my fictional stories called Antares, and he was a highly religious scholar from the desert with oddly light colored eyes and elemental magic. He was one of my favorite characters, so when I discovered that Mizahar
had the perfect combination of traits to recreate him, I kind of jumped on it.
Unfortunately, the name Antares (the name of a the largest star in Scorpio) was taken, so I went with Satevis, which is the Persian name for Antares.
So, um...nice to meet you all, and take care of my little Ethaefal scholar.