Timestamp: Spring 42nd, 512
Sari floated on her back, wrestling with a clam shell. When she finally got it open, she gave a small coo of pleasure and ate happily, the small waves causing her to bob up and down. The ribbon around her neck caused each swallow to hurt, but the meal was delicious. When she finished she examined the clam shell, trying to decide if she should keep it or not. But the shell was cracked, so she dropped it. Sari cleaned off the peices of clam from her stomach, as being dirty was an appalling thing to her.
Sari dove again, this time bringing up a small sea urchin. It pricked her paw and she yelped, accidentally dropping it in the process. She watched it drift down to the sea bed, but didn't go after it as her paw still stung.
Looking up, she saw a ship, so Sari swam over, as she recognized the type. It was the type of boat that had fish following it, hoping for a treat to be dropped. She hadn't had fish in a while, just clams and mussels, so this would be a treat.