The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Syrah meets Rykanis again and questions him on his weird behavior from last time.

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Syrah Steele on April 28th, 2012, 10:56 pm

The thing about Syrah being drunk was it changed her personality. She would become looser than her normal self, seductive and flirty. A man could easily pick her up when she was completely wasted. Thats why she doesn't get drunk in public. But here she felt so comfortable. Something about Rykanis made her relax and trust him. The result is that now, finishing her second glass of wine, was pretty drunk and getting a little flirty with the Akalak man sitting next to her.

Her real self was yelling and screaming at her drunk self to hold it together and not flirt. She knew what it would lead to. But the wine fogged her mind and she ignored the warnings.

Rykanis's answer to her bonding question sobered her up for a minute or two. That seemed like quite a connection to one person, and she wasn't sure if she wanted that kind of close relationship with a Kelvic, especially Lewis, he was so disruptive and childish. She quickly finished her second glass and started pouring another, pondering this concept.

The last thing Rykanis said was so straight forward. Her sober mind knew that every Akalak man wanted to court a female into bed to sire a son. Syrah's drunk mind chose to ignore that fact and laugh the statement off with a giggle and a flirty comeback.

"Oh Rykanis," She laughed, "of course you wouldn't be anything like Kennen. He's so young, and just buried in those stupid books of his. Why, how old must you be? I know you live so much longer than me. You must have so much life experience and have had the chance to fully grown into your body." She teased. She sipped her wine and ignored her slurred words and fogged mind.
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 29th, 2012, 8:03 pm

Rykanis continued sipping at his wine, and finally finished his first glass. He took the pitcher, and poured himself some more, though far less full than the first one Syrah had poured him. She had been a bit to generous, and he did not plan to get that drunk.

He watched as she rounded second, and started on her third glass. He had only just finished one...

She was definitely getting drunk... And a certainly a lot more flirtatious than she had been on there last meeting, when she had seemed so cold and distant.

"Well, I am old enough to know what I lack, and to be able to know what I want. One of the advantages of age, is you know who you are, and are not so uncertain and changing."

He smiled over at Syrah, who continued to drink her wine.

"Have I ever shown you my place? I think I am pretty good at picking out nice furniture. What I do have is very nice. Maybe you would like to come by and see it some time?"

This seemed a pretty flimsy excuse, and a weak reason for her to come back to his place. Though it was a reason, and an excuse all the same.

"I am sure there would be something to keep your interest there..."
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Syrah Steele on April 30th, 2012, 11:00 pm

Syrah smiled at his perceptive of age. And giggled a bit when he asked her back to his place.

"I like furniture." She replied, giggling. The excuse was lame, but Syrah was overly drunk and thought the excuse was great, though even if it was just an excuse. "I always love seeing peoples houses." She really didn't, not now or when she was sober, actually she couldn't care less what his house looked like.

Syrah quickly hopped off the stool. Expertly not slipping her drink while stumbling around when her terrible, drunk, coordination hit the floor. Then she smiled seductively up at Rykanis, he was easily taller than her both sitting and standing.

Little did she know that she would regret what she was about to do when she wakes up the next morning with a headache and in a strange bed. her sober part of her mind was telling her this, and as usual she was ignoring it completely.
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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Syrah Steele
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 1st, 2012, 2:06 am

Rykanis smiled back, as Syrah giggled in response to his words. It was a bit funny, hearing her giggle, as it was such a youthful thing to do, and not something she seemed a person who would.

Though he could certainly tell she had was being affected by the alcohol, she was not as smooth with her words as usual, or as witty...

She seemed to have taken his hook, his excuse for him to come back, line and all, and quite happily. Though who was he to say something to her on it. He sipped at his wine, feeling the slightest bit loose, from what he had drunk. Though he was better it seemed about not getting sopping drunk of the least bit of wine. Though that might also have to do with his larger size.

As she got up, apparently ready to go, surprisingly steady on her feet, Rykanis stood to, taking one last sip of his drink.

"Well, if you are ready to go, I suppose we could head out now. This way."

Rykanis hooked is arm through Syrah's, as much of a masculine gesture, and a way to guide her, as a way to make sure she did not drunkenly fall or go wandering off. He started walking, leading her along the familiar path to his home, an apartment at Kuahala Estates.

He would lead her to his apartment, a single open stone room, with its high ceilings. It had a stone hearth across from the door, and a nice padded couch on the far right wall, with a table and chairs sitting along the right side to. The left side held his nice bed, with clean sheets, a soft mattress, and some pillows, with a small bedside table next to it, and a chest of drawers for his clothes.

He would open the door, and motion for her to go in, let her look the place over. Though not looking before motioning her in, and paying attention to who might be inside already...
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Dallisetria on May 1st, 2012, 9:30 pm

Dallisetria blinked, looking up from the couch. She had been in a tight, small ball, taking a nap. She had been waiting for Rykanis to come home, and had been expecting him there later. She had to keep from jumping up, and tackling him in a delighted hug. Right as she was about to yell out his name, a couple of smells reached her nostrils, and they flared. One, the first one she noticed, was the smell of alcohol. Was Rykanis drinking? It wasn't surprising if he was, but the smell was overwhelming... it couldn't just be him. Then, the second scent confirmed her assumption that he was not alone. There was a smell that was not Rykanis, and she stood up abruptly from her place on the couch. She shook herself, saying, be nice, maybe it's just a friend.

She walked towards the door, and saw Rykanis. "Hey," she beamed. She could smell his breath from where she was standing, even- about two yards away. Although that wasn't hard to believe, because... then she saw a girl. A girl right behind Rykanis. A very, very pretty girl... she appeared a bit older than Dallisetria, but not by much. This made many questions enter Dallisetria's head, swarming like bees. She told herself to be nice to this girl, and said again, maybe it was just a friend. But she couldn't help the feeling in her stomach that this girl was invading her and Rykanis's home. And he was letting her?

The other female smelled of alcohol, even more than Rykanis did. Was she drunk? Obviously. She seemed firm on her feet, but, she sort of swayed, and the look in her eyes made Dallisetria feel even more certain, she was stoned. "And who is this?" she tried to keep her voice happy, and light, and from what she heard, she had easily achieved her goal of doing so.
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Syrah Steele on May 1st, 2012, 11:22 pm

Rykanis's house was better furnished than her house, with a nice couch that she had not yet obtained. Her eyes lazily drifted to the bed, a nice big bed that seemed comfortable enough. Only one thing was on her mind and it startled her when she heard another female voice say hi. Instantly she went on alert. Looking over she saw a small red haired girl that was younger than her. It first she thought maybe it was Rykanis's sister, then realizing Akalaks don't have sisters, she went to another option. Maybe this girl was a girlfriend of his? At that thought Syrah got a little pissy. Both at the girl and Rykanis. Why would Rykanis deceive his partner with her and why was she his girlfriend?! Being drunk and usually a shallow and nice very nice person she immediately she put herself higher up than the girl in the beauty subject.

She narrowed her eyes at the girl and looked up at Rykanis, "Who is this?" She demanded, very mad at the sudden invasion of their good time. Almost at the same time the girl asked the very same question. Syrah stared at the girl, already not liking her because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Who are you." She asked at the girl in an accusing tone, annoyed with her presence.
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 2nd, 2012, 12:22 am

Rykanis had forgotten that Dall was there. Well, it was more that he was never sure when she was going to be there. She almost always crashed here of late, though she was often out doing her own thing.

They both had their own things going on, and though they did spend a good bit of time together, Rykanis encouraged her to do what she wanted, and in return got time to himself also.

Walking in after Syrah, he heard her angrily ask "Who is this? Who are you?" At almost the same time, as Dall asked much more nicely, "Hey, and who is this?"

He was not really certain why Syrah was so mad, it was just Dall... Though he supposed she did not know Dall, or how they were connected, so did not understand.

"Hello kitty." Rykanis said, smiling at Dall. Then he turned to Syrah, not really getting what he issue was. "Syrah, this is Dall, my kelvic. She crashes here." He said this, emphasizing the word "my" to Syrah, as she was his kelvic, as much as if he owned her.

"Kitty, I would like you to meet my friend here, Syrah. We met and sparred a bit ago, and then just so happened to run into each other tonight by chance."

He smiled at both of them, clearly not realizing that the two of them were sniping at each other, or that they had any reason for the two of them to be angry at each other. He never said he understood the way woman's minds worked.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

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-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Dallisetria on May 2nd, 2012, 12:45 am

She had been shooting daggers, now, after the girl snapped at her. It wasn't her place to do that! Dallisetria was fuming, and was about to start on her when Rykanis had started talking. She looked up at him, when he introduced her, and she swore she could feel the short, light hairs on the back of her neck raising in a territorial fashion at the girl. She would have said, "Hey Rykanis," repeating her previous hello, but she didn't. She was too worked up to do that. Instead of saying anything while words escaped the male's mouth, she worked on calming herself down.

She looked back to the girl, after she heard her calling. Syrah. She waited until Rykanis was done talking, and then held out her hand in an oddly calm and fluid movement- not as stiff as she felt. It appeared that she was completely fine seeing this woman here, even if she wasn't. She was surprising herself at her self control. Maybe she was learning self-control. She certainly hoped so. Or maybe it was just because Rykanis was there. She just realized she had put her hand out there, to shake... Syrah's.

"Dallisetria is my full name," she managed, without a stutter. "And obviously, you're Syrah." she did not bother herself to say, "nice to meet you". For the way she was feeling torwards this particular person, she felt it would be pushing her limits to even try. Losing her cool may just end badly- though, at that moment, she started recalling the last conversation she had with the other side... the side she did not really like, at all. It was like a battle, now, not to run Syrah out. She smiled at Syrah and Rykanis, as warmly as she could.
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Syrah Steele on May 2nd, 2012, 12:35 pm

Another Kelvic!? Syrah had already met the young tiger and an annoying ferret, and yes she had come to somewhat like them both, but now as she met another she remembered all the things she didn't like about the Kelvic she knew. And the way he called her 'kitty', she tried to decipher if that was a pet name, like a dog or in this case cat nickname, or if it was a affectionate nickname.

While mulling over this the Kelvic, Dallestria and she said, was trying to be nice to her. Ont eh outside she looked as if Syrah didn't faze er at all, and she was doing a good job of it, but Syrah could see the hardness in her weird yellow eyes. Maybe she should at least try to be nice to her, like the animal was trying to be nice as well. Plus they way Rykanis that she was his Kelvic made it seem as if she owned her. This comment didn't upset the girl so she assumed it was true. This brightened up Syrah a bit knowing that she was just a possession. Her father had all kinds of slaves to work for him so Syrah was completed fine with the subject of slaves.

When the girl held out her hand for a shake Syrah took the hand and tried to smile a bit. She didn't think it worked. "Hello Dallestria," she said, trying to sound calm. Then she looked back up at Rykanis, "Where did you get the money to buy a slave? I know they are expensive, I wasn't aware you had that much money." She smiled brightly, oblivious to the anger she was about to cause.
"I would like to most graciously thank Ms. Steele for providing me with much needed deep and intellectual RP that goes beyond, 'Hey I don't like you let's fight.' So if you do read this Syrah thank you very much!'" - Desmus Marrudius
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The Awkward Meeting (Rykanis)

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on May 3rd, 2012, 5:20 am

Rykanis smiled at Dall. She was being a good girl, nicely greeting their guest, offering a handshake, being pleasant.

He also chuckled a bit, as she told her full name, and introduced herself formally to Syrah. "Yes, that is your name, but you will always be my little Dall, kitty." He said, with a smile on his face.

Of course this side of Rykanis did not recall what his other side had said... Did not even know it had occurred... Much less the reasoning behind it... Or the fact that he had told her to hide it from him... As he had known that if he learned of it, it would strain their relationship, and possibly make her less useful to his other side, now and in the future. He was always plotting and thinking ahead... Not that he had told Dall this, his reasoning. Had just trusted her to do as told, like a good little animal, as his other side thought of her as. Which was quite different from how this his main side thought of her.

Though as Syrah looked back at Rykanis, and spoke, thinking that Dall was his slave... Rykanis let out a sigh. He had not meant it in that way...

"You misunderstand, I do not formally own Dall. Though I still consider her as my kelvic... I believe we spoke of it earlier... She is... I suppose, bonded to me, in the kelvic sense. At least I believe she is... There is no total sure way to know if a kelvic is bonded... It sort of just happens over time. "

Rykanis smiled once more, chuckling a bit at this last bit he would say. "It is not like a sign pops up out of the ground, saying 'Hello, you are now bonded to this kelvic!' It just sort of happens..."

"Though I am fairly certain I am what you would consider her... Master, in the kelvic sense. Not master as in I own her."
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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