[Faction] Martial Association of Zeltiva

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

[Faction] Martial Association of Zeltiva

Postby Echelon on May 5th, 2012, 12:54 am

Martial Association of Zeltiva


Times have changed, no longer is Zeltiva blessed with the golden age of easy and safe life for all. Nature, men, and gods themselves have proven a threat against the common man, and the common man has answered this mighty challenge with a rumbling in his stomach. A craving for understanding, and control. And so, he has taken to arms, and gathered upon the hill to learn and teach alike with his citizens.

The Martial Association of Zeltiva was founded in response to two pinocle events in recent Zeltivan history. The first was the disturbance of the Winter Ball in 511, which resulted in the near death of a citizen of Zeltiva. The situation required the public intervention of Rak'keli to preserve the innocent's life. The second event vastly out shadowed the first, shaking the foundations of Zeltiva itself. The storm of Spring 512 left the noble citizens of Zeltiva robbed of their previous illusions of safety. All believed that Zeltiva was a heaven from the world's horrors, but standing in the wake of the natural disaster many knew it was time to shed this shroud of ignorance, to take up not only steel in hand but also a new mentality. Never again would the Zeltivan citizen be caught off guard by their own ignorance.

A lone Zeltivan, new to the conflict, or lack there of, took to the streets with leafs of paper, posting a summons to each and every citizen of Zeltiva. Reading:

"Arm yourselves with skill, and a free mind.
Join the people who take hold of their own destiny.
The Exalted Storm Shrine. 19th. Midday.

-Trente Ostentatoire-Criard Eclatante, Equal Citizen of Zeltiva."

And so it was, dozens of people flocked to the first meeting, driven by their own desires to find control amongst the chaos.

Any citizen of Zeltiva may join the Association, no dues are collected, and no duties are required. Lessons in practically any martial form and weapon can be acquired for no compensation, and great respect is offered to those that would teach their own skills to the laymen among them. Many of the association have taken to learning a little of all martial skills, seeking a form of balance. This is to be expected from all Zeltivan citizens, they are an enlightened people and will treat all endeavors as such.

This is an effective way to raise any martial skill, teaching, and philosophy. As well as a great tool to keep one's ear out for the political movements of Zeltiva, and get to know their numerous neighbors who also care for the future of Zeltiva.

This thread will be the OOC side of the organization, to allow the mods of Zeltiva to easily track the progress and expansion of the organization. If your character is to join this association please post below with the date in which they sign up, keep in mind that until the end of Spring the initial thread (link above) is still open for sign ups. Along with the date you may add in any weapons requests. These weapons can be anything your character wishes to have, within reason, from style, to type, to engravings. The weapons will come at a slightly higher price than usual, due to going through a middle party, but there will be no hassle in acquiring the weapon, and it will be available to you upon the first thread you choose to teach or learn within the association. With these two should be a list of skills you are interested in learning, or in teaching, for this thread is as much an advertisement and hookup thread than anything else. Ontop of those requirements a donation can be given to the organization itself. These donations, as well as any donations of time, will be rewarded with SP much like city SP, though they will apply specifically to the Association's title hierarchy. Keep in mind that what you do reflects upon the association. Treat your responsibility well.
Date Joined:
Equipment Requested:
Skills Offered:
Skills Requested:

Title Ranking:
1Generous 50SP
2Distinguished 200SP
3Exalted 500SP

Example: "Rio The Exalted." Or, "Rio, Exalted Citizen of Zeltiva."

Facilitator :
Image Cooper Zelt

Zeltivan by birth, Cooper explored his childhood and the Zeltivan docks in equal stride. Hailing from an old, prestigious, yet modestly funded Sailor's Guild family Cooper spends most of his days absorbing Zeltivan trade, and nautical know how from learned professors at the Zeltivan University. His involvement with the Martial Association was born, like most, by a love for his birthplace, and an interest and preserving it's integrity after the torrent of disasters and atrocities which bombarded Zeltiva after the great Djed storm. Though young, and often naive, Cooper had a strong sense of morality, one weighed heavily toward the romantic. He believed martial prowess provided the skills for every man and women to protect what they had earned through free trade, and hard work. He strictly, and vocally disagreed with the idea of using force to take from another, or to take a life when threatened, under any circumstance.

As of Spring 513 Cooper rose from an untitled Martial Association member with little involvement in the organization to a facilitator of the association, filling the void left by the former facilitator and founder of the association after his disappearance early in the season. He joined to weigh his pockets enough to extend his time at school and save enough to extend his family's trade, but as time pressed on he became more and more embroiled in the politics of the Martial Association, and began to believe it the solution to all of the tragedy that plagued Zeltiva in that dark time.

DOB: 490
Role: Facilitator of The Martial Association
Organization 10
Swimming 10
Navigation 10
Wilderness Survival 10
Weaponry: Battleaxe 20
Shield 10
Tactics 20
Acrobatics 10

Trains: Battleaxe and Tactics | Requests: Battleace, Tactics, Shield, and Acrobatics

Name Title Offer Request Donation Active
Zivilist Gott Distinguished Citizen Rapier Shortbow, Scimitar, Unarmed 202.25GM Active
Ayatah Generous Citizen Longbow, Double-Bladed Dagger Unarmed Combat 50GM Active
Marcus Dymez Generous Citizen Reimancy (Fire/Water), Longsword Longsword 50GM
Faval Verbeugen Generous Citizen Longbow, Stealth Unarmed Combat, Acrobatics 50GM
Trente Facilitator Rapier, Acrobatics Parry Dagger N/A
Nai'shee None Flux Unarmed, Dagger, Longsword, Finger Razors, Two-handed 37.05GM
Marin None Longbow Unarmed Combat, Acrobatics 37.5GM
Kael None Scimitar, Acrobatics Magic 31.38GM
Iris None None Dagger, Acrobatics 14GM
Zerren Verre None None Longbow, Unarmed Combat, Acrobatics 10GM
Aehra None Unarmed Combat Acrobatics 10GM
Satevis None Reimancy (Earth) Sword, Flux 7.5GM
Wrenmae None Dagger Rapier, Acrobatics, Hand to Hand 6.6GM
Cael None Reimancy (Fire, Air) Bastard Sword 5GM
Ssafirsotibones None Unarmed Combat, Gladius, Wrestling Acrobatics, Body Building 5GM Active
Larknas Tider None Auristics Acrobatics, Body Building, Weapon: Dagger ,Unarmed Combat, Auristics, Leeching, Flux, Morphing 1GM
Talen Stirling None Longsword, Shield Longsword, Shield None Active
Vincent Gorvald None Longsword Dagger, Brawling, Scimitar, Bastard Sword, Short Sword None
Fiera None Hunting Unarmed Combat None
Amith None Acrobatics Any None
Kaeson None None Reimancy, Acrobatics, Hand to Hand None

Last edited by Echelon on May 5th, 2012, 2:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Faction] Martial Association of Zeltiva

Postby Trente on May 5th, 2012, 1:09 am

Name: Trente Ostentatoire-Criard Eclatante
Date Joined: Spring 19th 512
Equipment Requested: N/A at this time
Skills Offered: Rapier, Acrobatics (Used for dodging)
Skills Requested: Parry Dagger
Donation: N/A at this time
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[Faction] Martial Association of Zeltiva

Postby Minerva Agatha Zipporah on May 5th, 2012, 1:32 am


I'm not looking to actually join the association (seeing as Tock is NOT a military/combat type). However, seeing as you have a listing here for donations, I do have something to offer.

Tock and/or the NPC construction crew she works for could donate their services to build things for this group. Possible things include but are not limited to:

- Barracks
- Training yards
- Racks to hold weapons/armor
- Obstacle courses for more intense training (such as practicing sword fighting on a narrow balance beam)
- Tock herself could even make an animated practice dummy (using an experienced PC warrior as the "source" to transfer combat skills into it). The prototype would likely be very crude (picture a wooden dummy swinging its arms about wildly). But as she improves and if anyone wants it, she could eventually build a skilled combat golem to train against.

Anything else someone might want built, just let me know!
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[Faction] Martial Association of Zeltiva

Postby Satevis on May 5th, 2012, 1:43 am

I know it's magic, not physical combat, but it's magic that can be used for combat, so if anyone wants to learn it, Satevis is willing. XD

Name: Satevis
Date Joined: 19th Day of Spring, 512 AV
Equipment Requested: Scimitar
Skills Offered: Reimancy (see note)
Skills Requested: Sword, Flux (if Nai'shee ends up offering it after all.)
Donation: N/A for now
Weapons Cost: 20 GM for the scimitar (15 at base + 5 GM extra) and 10 GM for a training version (7.5 at base + 2.5 GM extra).

Note: Satevis is a fairly competent Reimancer, but he doesn't have any other martial skills. He will willingly teach Reimancy to anyone in the faction who has already undergone a Reimancy initiation. Satevis will not perform a Reimancy initiation on anyone without special circumstances, whether or not they are a member of the faction, because of the dangers involved.

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[Faction] Martial Association of Zeltiva

Postby Kaeson Dakano on May 14th, 2012, 3:06 am

Name: Kaeson Dakano
Date Joined: 60th Day of Spring, 512*
Equipment Requested: N/A
Skill Offered: N/A *
Skills Requested: Reimancy (Once his intiation thread is completed), Acrobatics, Hand to hand combat (ie Boxing, Brawling, etc)
Donation: N/A

* Kaeson doesn't have any combative skills, but would be willing to teach basic herbalism (skill level 11) or animation (skill level 35)

Note: I didn't comment on the thread because it says it started on the 17th and Kaeson doesn't arrive into Zeltiva until the 59th of Spring so I wasn't exactly sure how that would go, however if I should post something I will! Just let me know.
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[Faction] Martial Association of Zeltiva

Postby Wrenmae on May 14th, 2012, 12:23 pm

Name: Wrenmae
Date Joined: 87th day of Spring, 512 AV
Equipment Requested: Rapier
Skill Offered: Dagger
Skills Requested: Rapier, Acrobatics, Hand to hand combat (unarmed)
Donation: N/A

Sig by Shausha

This PC has the Blight gnosis. As such, you as a player need to be aware of what that consists of. Wrenmae has an invisible aura that amplifies sickness and disease. Wounds may become infected, small sneezes may become coughing, and a slight fever may become more serious. A nuit's body will also break down faster in the presence of the Blight. These effects may not be immediate, but within the few days following your encounter, the symptoms will manifest. Some sooner than others. I cannot control your character, so creativity will be left up to you. Best wishes and stay healthy!

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[Faction] Martial Association of Zeltiva

Postby Echelon on May 14th, 2012, 7:03 pm

Ok Wren, that'll be 20GM for a base pay then 6GM and 6SM for services. (shipping and handling)

So 6 SP will be added to your title ranking (donations) :)

Enjoy your new Rapier, you may use it any time after the 88th :nod:
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[Faction] Martial Association of Zeltiva

Postby Echelon on May 16th, 2012, 8:03 pm

NPC Roster: Spring 512

100 NPCs

Offered: All basic combat. No magic, no exotic. All PCs can run solos with them.

Requested: All

Donation: Twenty percent donated an average of 5GM (100GM). Lord of Counsel publicly donated 250 GM.

Donation Total= 350GM

Ranks: None

Equipment: 50 percent requested equipment valued at 15GM on average. Marked to 20GM shipping and handling overcharge per purchase equates to 5GM on average.

Weapon Supply Income= 250GM

Total Spring Income from NPCs= 600GM
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[Faction] Martial Association of Zeltiva

Postby Cael on May 30th, 2012, 6:52 am

Name: Cael
Date Joined: 19th of Spring, 512
Equipment Requested: None
Skills Offered: Combat reimancy (fire and air)
Skills Requested: Bastard sword
Donation: 5 gold mizas (What can I say? he's poor :( )
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[Faction] Martial Association of Zeltiva

Postby Marcus Dymez on June 3rd, 2012, 2:53 am

Name: Marcus Dymez
Date Joined: 37th of Summer, 512
Weaponry Requested: Steel Longsword and Wooden Training Sword
Skills Offered: Reimancy (Fire/Water) if needed, and Longsword? (See Note)
Skills Requested: Longsword
Cost: 50 GM + Cost of equipment.

Note: I put that second part in as Marcus is looking for not only an instructor, but perhaps a partner to develop his skills with, as a sparring partner. He can teach Reimancy to any willing, and primarily will be paying his training dues through coin. (Magic can possibly fail after all, while Steel holds true.)
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