[Myrian] Atl of the Patient Shadows

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[Myrian] Atl of the Patient Shadows

Postby Atl on May 8th, 2012, 10:53 pm

Atl of the Patient Shadows

Physical Information
Race: Myrian
Birthday: The 15th Day in the Season of Spring, 487 AV
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'11
Weight: 200 lb
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Just Below Shoulders
Hair Style: One long braid
Clan Marking Location: Right Shoulder
The Marks Appearance: A Panther (Image to the right)

Character Concept

Atl is quiet, and observant, often studying a situation carefully before making a decision on how to act. He takes much pride in his clan, immediate family, and his fang, and protective of them all.

Both in scouting for and fighting in the Taloban military, Atl seeks to do his clan proud, and strives to build a reputation based on cunning and skill. He like all other Myrians is devoted to myri, and shows Makutsi, Syna, Leth, Caiyha, Navre, Dira, and Kihala their fair share of devotion and respect.

He values stealth, and the effectiveness of ranged warfare, utilizing it in his own strategies, though he also is possessed of a healthy respect of other weapons, and tactics, keeping an open mind as is crucial for surviving in the jungle wilds.

Character History

Atl is the second child of five, and the first son of Sala whom is a daughter of Cassa, the current matriarch of the Patient Shadows. The eldest child, his older sister is Etha, and is two years his senior. Those to come after him include the twins, Dinen and Leta, whom are a year younger than him, and the youngest, Ara whom is three years younger than him.

For the most part, his training fell to his older sister Etha, a brutal experience, but one that readied him for the dangers of the wild certainly, a fact he would only realize after his coming of age trial had passed. His required time with the military further proved that hard learned lesson, and after his three years he found himself with no desire to leave the service of Myri and thus continued in service to the Taloban military of his own free will, furthering his knowledge of the jungle, and the tactics so engrained into him.

DisclaimerI do not own the image above. If it belongs to you and you require me to obtain permission from you to use it, please notify me.

Last edited by Atl on May 13th, 2012, 10:29 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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of The Patient Shadows
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Joined roleplay: May 5th, 2012, 3:45 pm
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[Myrian] Atl (Abilities)

Postby Atl on May 8th, 2012, 11:22 pm

Traning (Skills, Arcana, Lore, and Language)

  • Skills:
    Skill Points Rank Total
    Bodybuilding +2 Novice 2
    Shortbow 15 Novice 15
    Sawtooth 15, +3 Novice 18
    Unarmed 5, +3 Novice 8
    Weapon: Woodcutters Axe +1 Novice 1
    Hunting 5 Novice 5
    Tactics +3 Novice 3
    Tracking 10 Novice 10
    Trapping 5 Novice 5
    Poison 5 Novice 5

  • Arcana:
  • Lore:
    Poisonous Fauna of Falyndar Spike Traps Keeping one's Balance while carrying a heavy load Lesson Learned: Never leave oneself vulnerable even when restingUnarmed Combat: Avoiding the second strike after being hit the first time Weapon Handling: Being dragged by the weight of one's weapon Tactics: Being lulled into complacency and overconfidence Tactics: Attacking a weapon's weak spot Lesson Learned: Tactics - Using feints to gain an advantage

  • Languages:
    - Myrian (Fluent)
    - Common (Basic)
    - Myrian Animal Signals (Broken)
Last edited by Atl on June 26th, 2012, 1:54 am, edited 4 times in total.
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of The Patient Shadows
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[Myrian] Atl (Possessions)

Postby Atl on May 9th, 2012, 12:04 am


Item Price Acquisition Description
Loincloth N/A Starting Package -
Vest, Leather N/A Starting Package -
Breeches, Leather N/A Starting Package -
Boots, Leather N/A Starting Package -
Belt, Leather N/A Starting Package -
Waterskin N/A Starting Package -
Backpack N/A Starting Package -
Travel Rations (7 days worth) N/A Starting Package -
Toiletries (comb, brush, soap) N/A Starting Package -
Eating Knife N/A Starting Package -
Flint & Steel N/A Starting Package -
Tent, one-person 2 gm N/A -
Rope, Hemp (50 feet) 1 gm N/A -
Fishing Net (25 square feet) 4 gm N/A -
Bedroll 1 sm N/A -
Sawtooth 10 gm N/A -
Shortbow, Composite 75 gm N/A -
Arrow, Broad (20) 15 gm N/A -
Quiver 20 gm N/A -


Item Debit - Miza Debit - Bikka Credit - Miza Credit - Bikka
Starting Funds 100gm.0sm.0cm 33 Bikka
"Cash in" Shelter 500gm.0sm.0cm 166 Bikka
Various goods and weapons 127gm.1sm.0cm 42 Bikka (approx)
Living Expenses For Spring Season * *
Total 472gm.9sm.0cm 157 Bikka (approx)

* As a soldier in myri's army, Atl's living expenses are taken care of
Last edited by Atl on July 5th, 2012, 3:20 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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of The Patient Shadows
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[Myrian] Atl (Thread List)

Postby Atl on May 9th, 2012, 12:21 am

Thread List

27th of Summer, 500 A.V.
(Flashback) Gnashing teeth (Solo) -- Awaiting Grading
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of The Patient Shadows
Posts: 24
Words: 11392
Joined roleplay: May 5th, 2012, 3:45 pm
Race: Myrian
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