Name: S'Vanka
KontiDoB: Fall 67, 476 AV
MuraTitle: Healer
Skills: Medicine 65, Cooking 52, Philtering 48, Drawing 43, Herbalism 35
Gnosis: 2 Marks of Rak'keli
S'Vanka was both Hethe's first patient and his first employee. She was traveling through Taldera on The Call. She was seeking out Spires, after hearing they had been working on a medical center. She wanted to bring her many years of knowledge and experience to the Jamoura, to help them reach a proper medical standard. She had nearly reached the Winding Way, the entrance to Spires, when she was attacked by a small pack of wolves led by a dire wolf. She was unaware of the unspoken rule of Spires to allow nature take it's course until one reaches the stairs. So The Hahk'Shatara did what they do best, they watched as she was attacked.
She was aware of The Hahk'Shatara watching her and believed to be forbidden from the city. She managed to wound the smaller wolves but had suffered many claw slashes and bite punctures. However she was exhausted, and was in no condition to fend off the Dire Wolf. However, she refused to resign to her fate. The wolf wore her down until she was no longer able to hold her suvai, unable to stand. As the wolf lunged for the killing bite, it's jaws snapped loudly on open air. She felt herself being carried up and away and thought one of the gods was claiming her.
She eventually felt herself waking up in a white room, laid out on a bed of unimaginable softness. She noticed her various injuries had been bandaged and she could smell the strength of what she suspected was a poultice used to prevent infection. She looked around her room and saw a large Jamoura asleep in the corner, next to a small table of herbs, mortar and pestle, and bandages. She somehow knew that not only had this Jamoura treated her, but was also responsible for her rescue. She opened the bandages and inspected his work. His bandaging could've used some fine tuning but his herbal work was way beyond her own. She considered using her marks of Rak'Keli to heal her wounds, but decided to keep them, in remembrance of the one she was about to dedicate her life. When he awoke, she thanked him profusely then insisted he take her on as his assistant. He gladly accepted.
Her many years in medicine allowed her to heal beyond Hethe's abilities, and in true emergencies would resort to her secondary mark of Healing. However, Hethe's herbal knowledge and vast stores of memory allowed him to keep apace to her. She teaches Hethe primarily, who then passes his knowledge onto others as well as documents it. There are rumors that the two are lovers, but this is unfounded and unheard of among the Jamoura. However, the two are constantly stealing glances with each other. S'Vanka can often be found in the emergency ward or working with Hethe.
Name: Hethe
Race: Jamoura
DoB: Winter 23, 157 AV
PoB: The Spires
Title: Doctor
Skills: Herbalism 68, Staff 55, Teaching 48, Writing 44, Medicine 38
Hethe is a middle aged Jamoura, at 354 years old. He was apprenticed to a Jamoura who died about a century earlier from flu like illness. Under his tutelage, Hethe learned the basics of herbalism and medicine. When his master died, Hethe realized the need for a proper medical facility. And in the year 261 AV, work on Nature's Nurture began. Many Jamoura assisted in the construction of the facility, one of the largest buildings in the town.
Hethe then began delving deep into the arts of herbs and medicine. He started off as the only member of the center. As his skills progressed, his treatments improving, more Jamoura began to start seeking the teachings of Hethe. He taught many Jamoura how to work with herbs and how to heal basics from minor scratches to breaks. Much of his time now is devoted to teaching, however his abilities in herbalism often require him to become involved in more severe patients. He is not picky in who he teaches, but they must have a deep level of patience. It is not uncommon of him to have a student read his entire library of books and scrolls before considering them for the position. He is often found writing new books or out in the wilderness collecting herbs