[Verified by Kraken] Kalimalka

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Kalimalka on May 24th, 2012, 1:57 am



Name: Kalimalka
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
Born: Winter 90, 510 AV
Race: Kelvic (Zypherian Sled Dog)

Physical Description
Kalimalka is by no means a cute 'n fluffy dog. As a Zypherian bitch she is an enormous animal; roughly 39' high at the shoulder and a strong 250 pounds. She is rather barrel chested with powerful shoulders to match. A long muzzle supports forty-two gleaming teeth, and while she doesn't have the bite power of a Fravian, she can do a very respectable amount of damage with them. Her coat is thick and padded with soft insulation fur that seems to be in a constant state of bedding, so she tries her hardest to keep it clean and brushed. She sports steel blue eyes, predominately white fur with a black back and flank and dusted gray markings. Her kind is neither exotic nor rare in Avanthal so it can be hard to pinpoint her as the Kelvic in a sea of dogs. She does her best to remedy this with inteligent gestures and a surprisingly expressive face.

As a human Kalimalka keeps her colouring: thick dark hair, pale skin and the same striking blue eyes. Her features are soft and full with smooth skin and rather full lips. Her hair is a trait she is quite fond of, as its thick, dark and beautifully silky, running in messy ringlets to her mid back. She will usually where it down for her vanity, despite it getting in the way. Her body itself boasts a strong, curvy figure with well rounded hips ending at a deep waist and solid shoulders. She is considerably smaller then her bitch counterpart at 140 pounds and 5'6, but this would still make her more physically defined than most woman. She keeps herself well bundled up out of doors while wearing her human skin, but she will always be more comfortable naked and end up shedding the restraining clothes when indoors or warm climates.

The two paticular physical traits she carries over from her bitch form are four sets of four canine teeth, instead of the one set of four alloted a normal human, and the abnormally blue eyes that are common in her breed. These teeth replace the first three molars on either side, and are slightly shorter then those of her dogs muzzle to compensate for the smaller jaw.

Character Concept

(+)Kalimalka makes for an ideal Zypherian. She is intelligent and strong, as her breed demands, and has a gentle and protective nature that is considered a boon in almost any breed. She is very much a sled dog and has been raised to be the kind of patient and hardworking you rarely see outside draft horses. She loves her work and loves to be outside, finding great joy in the freedom of the tundra, but having lived in a much more domestic capacity than most Kelvic she knows how to handle herself around people.

(+/-)Kali comes off to most people as a mature young woman when viewed from a distance. She walks with an easy grace, is at least functional with social norms, won't take unnecessary risk and has the common sense that seems to skip right by other people. But she also finds it very difficult to balance her more animalistic impulses and mannerisms, and so has a tendency to appear just a little bit 'off'. It is very rare for her to make prolonged eye contact, for example, because eye contact is perceived very differently to a dog. She will also use touch to display affection and posture or growl if uneasy or displaying dominance, even to a human.

(-)The loss of her first Bondmate, and having her previous life wiped clean with the spring storm of 512, has left her hollow, defensive and very possesive of what is hers. What she deems 'hers' is a loose and flexible term that can be applied to anything from food, possessions, territory and even people. She is quick to become aggressive if anything of hers is threatened and will go into an uncharacteristic rage if it's stolen or attacked. She is susceptible to mental stress and can fall into full-blown episodes if pushed hard enough.


Two years ago, a human couple in Denval gave birth to a feral little girl, Kalimalka. Not knowing how to raise her, or even what to do with her, they asked for help from their friends and family. Along comes Takoda, a fur trader from up north and a close friend to the family. He might not have a lot of experience with Kelvics, but he knows about dogs. He asks if he could raise her himself, and promises to care for her as his own. The parents gladly agree and Takoda leaves the city with a squalling baby girl and no idea what to do next. They head north to his cabin, situated a few days south of Avanthal.

He keeps his word and Kali grows up well loved and cared for. She proves to be an excellent sled driver and a promising hunter under his tutelage, and the two are rarely apart. She has been bonded to him for most of her life and the bond runs deep in both of them.

Takoda dies in the aftermath of the Dijed storm on the second of spring, 512. Lost, confused and insane with loss Kali finds her way to Avanthal and attempts to rebuild her life after the devastation.

Takoda :
Takoda is Kalimalka's first bondmate. A rough and tumble man with a heart of gold and a love for the outdoors. He becomes her teacher, parent, friend and her life. Takoda dies in Spring 512.. Image


Hunting: 15/100 (5 SP, 10 RB)
Wilderness survival: 15/100 (15 SP)
Tracking: 15/100 (15 SP)
Unarmed Combat: 10/100 (10 SP)
Land Navigation: 5/100 (5 SP)
Observation: 6/100 (6 XP)
Interrogation: 2/100 (3 XP)
Storytelling: 1/100 (1 XP)
Philosophy: 1/100 (1 XP)
Intimidation: 1/100 (1 XP)
Quarterstaff: 1/100 (1 XP)


Fluent: Common
Basic: Vani


When tacked properly to a sled, Kalimalka can pull half again her own weight comfortably. But the more weight, the slower she travels. Optimal terrain and she can run between 10 and 15mph while pulling a sled, rough terrain and she's down to 6 or 7mph. If pressed she can run at 20mph for a short period of time but will have to slow down or stop to rest after.


ImageSledding equipment
Avanthal geography
Denval was Hit Hard by the Djed Storm
Sharing Tears and Tea Over a Campfire
Avanthal Seems to Not Want Me Back
Chastising a Group of Rowdy Twats
Fear Smells Vaguely Metallic
Using Snow to Keep a Person Conscious


As her heirloom she carries a well used and well cared for leather harness hand made and fitted to Kalimalka by Takoda. It was cleverly and strategically constructed so she can shift while wearing it. It fits with the clasic 'v' shape across her chest and a wide triple cross strap down the back for extra strength. The shoulders are heavily padded and the belly strap fits just above her natural waist to give room for the dimensions of her human body.

-wire brush
-bone comb
-food for a week
-eating knife
-flint and steel
-tea leaves
-winter blanket
-animal groomer toolkit
-leather dog harness (heirloom)
-10ft chain
- small iron pot
- clay mug
-one person tent
-leather pants
-high boots
-linen blouse
-fur coat
-fur hood

Starting Mizas=600
winter blanket -5sm
fur hood -1gm
fur jacket -50gm
mittens -8sm
sled -20gm
animal groomer tookit -10gm
tea leaves -2sm
one person tent -2gm
10ft chain -30gm
iron pot -5sm
clay mug -2cm
Living Expenses -45gm
Mizas= 440gm 9sm 8cm


Last edited by Kalimalka on January 24th, 2013, 11:19 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Posts: 57
Words: 39642
Joined roleplay: May 18th, 2012, 3:38 am
Location: Sylira
Race: Kelvic
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