[Verified by Kraken] Ana Sol Starris

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Ana Sol Starris

Postby Ana Sol Starris on April 29th, 2012, 6:17 am


Current Basic Information
Alias: Ana Sol Starris
    Race: Human
    Birthday: 491AV Winter 11th
    Age: 23 years old
    --> Turns 24 in Winter, 515AV.
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'1"
    Weight: 100 lbs
    Lifestyle: Poor (45gm/season)
    Job: --
Current Physical Description

A poor lifestyle filled with years of malnutrition and starvation has molded Ana’s body as being thin, and knocking her down a few pegs in height. Leaving her at a whopping five feet and one inch; she appears even shorter with improper form, body slumped ever slightly forward, movements twitchy, and quick, as if she were prepared to dash at a moment’s notice. One may confuse her with a boy, as she has no visible bust or hips to speak of, but her facial profile is feminine in its contours; soft but slightly hollowed cheeks are dotted with freckles, large honey colored eyes slanted slightly counter-clockwise with heavy, dark eyelids, framed by black lashes against a pale white skin tone. All of this hidden mostly by white-blonde hair, long bangs cover her face and long strands fall behind her at nearly a foot and a half long; the condition of Ana’s hair may vary as time goes by.

There are quite a few scars that she possesses, the two most notable are the brands acquired in Nyka that would label her as a thief to any Nykan, or those with cultural knowledge on Nyka; one is upon the left side of her neck, and the other on the center of her chest. Two are hidden mostly by Ana’s hair, the oldest is a childhood scar, light, and fading, it rests underneath her right earlobe streaking down; the other is a blade related injury starting from her upper left eyebrow and traveling up her forehead in a near perfect straight line, Wrenmae’s doing. Moving downwards to her right hand are white scars, orientated as if she had taken a blade and slid the palm flesh over it. Further down on her lower right leg calf is another scar from yet again another blade, this time however, its cause was that of a Sunberth Vigilante that had caught her stealing long ago.

Full Body Profile and Morphing Profiles :

At Ana's current Morphing skill level (15/100) she is more likely to only alter the color of her physical features rather than trying risky transformations.

Lores Related to Morphing
Morphing: Shaping with one's fingers
Morphing Form: Grass
Morphing: Eyes, Hair, Skin

Recent Morphed Disguises

Image Image Image

Scars :
Scars are unable to be Morphed away, they require healers; and before you say it- Ana's underwear is not purple. They were just added for the sake of keeping nudity off my CS.
How the legend works is something like this, red means scars are still healing, therefore they are prone to infection, green means the scars are still visible but they've healed over, and blue means a Rak'keli healer had treated it and its no longer visible.

Legend: {Scar Tissue} {Healed Scar Tissue} {Rak'keli Healed Scars}

Personality & Concept

Knowledge & Abilities

Note1* Every five sets of +_XP will be added up in the form as this: (##)+_XP
Note2* Every three sets of (##)+_XP will be added up in this form: (*##)+_XP
Note3* Starter Package and Racial Bonus points will remain seperate from +_XP
Note4* Individual numbers can be found in either
"Current" or "Past" threads down below.
Note5* Novice (1-25), Competent (26-50), Expert (51-75), Master (76-100)

Fighting Skills
Skill Name Level Exp. Math
Brawling Novice 12/100 =(9XP)+ 2+ 1+_XP
Shortsword Novice 13/100 =(13XP)+_XP
Unarmed Combat Novice 5/100 = 3+ 2+_XP
Dagger Novice 5/100 = 3+ 1+ 1+_XP
Shield (Buckler) Novice 4/100 = 3+ 1+_XP
Archery (Shortbow) Novice 1/100 =1+_XP
Canesword To Be Attained
Dagger (Throwing) To Be Attained

Physical Skills
Skill Name Level Exp. Math
Stealth Competent 38/100= 20 SP+(7XP)+(7XP)+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+_XP
Larceny Competent 34/100= 15 RB+(*19XP)+_ XP
Running Competent 28/100= 10 SP+ (10XP)+(7XP)+ 1+_XP
Escape Artist Novice 15/100=10 SP+ 1+ 3+ 1+_XP
Acrobatics Novice 6/100 = 2+ 1+ 2+ 1+_XP
Body Building Novice 3/100 = 1+ 2+_XP
Riding (Horse) Novice 3/100 = 1+ 1+ 1+_XP
Swimming Novice 2/100 =1+ 1+_XP

Mental Skills
Skill Name Level Exp. Math
Observation Expert 69/100=10 SP+(*44XP)+(6XP)+(6XP)+ 3+_XP
Animal Husbandry Novice 9/100 =(9XP)+_XP
Philosphy Novice 10/100 =(10XP)+_XP
Meditation Novice 7/100 = 2+ 2+ 3+_XP
Mathematics Novice 3/100 =3+_XP
Planning Novice 3/100 =1+ 1+ 1+_XP
Tactics Novice 3/100 =1+ 1+ 1+_XP
Detection Novice 1/100 =1+_XP
Land Navigation Novice 1/100 =1+_XP
Camoflage Novice 1/100 = 1+_XP
Barbering Novice 1/100 = 1+_XP

Magic Skills
Skill Name Level Exp. Math
Morphing Novice 17/100 =(11XP)+ 2+ 2+ 2+_ XP
Reimancy* To Be Attained
Auristics Novice 2/100 = 2+_XP


Social Skills
Skill Name Level Exp. Math
Rhetoric Novice 25/100 =(*24XP)+ 1+_XP
Intimidation Novice 13/100 =(7XP)+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 3+_XP
Persuasion Novice 15/100 =(9XP)+ 3+ 1+ 2+_XP
Interogation Novice 9/100 = (5XP)+ 1+ 1+ 1+ 1+_XP
Subterfuge Novice 7/100 =(6XP)+ 1+_XP
Negotiation Novice 5/100 =(5XP)+_XP
Investiagation Novice 3/100 =1+ 1+ 1+_XP
Story-Telling Novice 2/100 =1+ 1+_XP
Begging Novice 2/100 =2+_XP
Intelligence Novice 1/100 =1+_XP
Childcare Novice 1/100 = 1+_XP
Teaching Novice 1/100 =1+_XP
Acting Novice 1/100 = 1+_XP

Misc. Skills
Skill Name Level Exp. Math
Wooden Flute Novice 2/100 = 2+_XP

Year 513AV
  • Summer

    Avoiding authority figures
    Location: Kova's Wishing Well
    Wishes are worthless, Actions are what matters
    Challenge: Waste a miza, get a miza
    That stupid idiot

    Bumping Into Orion... Literally
    Orion's Little Troublemaker
    Touching Orion's Hiney
    Memories Of Past Nightmares

  • Spring

    Near Death Experience: Boredom
    Being Ambushed By A Market
    Jean’s A Bitch With A Subpar Backpack
    Showing Respect For Furniture
    Shopkeeps Are Psychopaths
    Being Hustled Into Human Appendage Purchase
    Shopkeepers are thoughtful Psychopaths
    Finding That Silver Lining
    Uses For Body Parts

    Pushing the Sister Button
    Damage is Done
    Wrong Words Prove Correct

    Practicing Existentialism
    Regressing To A Simpler Time
    Megabitch Revy Shall Not Be Appeased
    Being The Hypotenuse
    Abusing Tininess

    Revy Is a Filthy Usurper
    Apologizing is Torture
    Contemplating Suicide
    A Confrontation
    Victim of Mercy
    Something Is Wrong
    A New Mission

    Larceny 101: Don't Spazz
    Remembering Important Lesson: Magic Will @!&# You Up
    Man-Child Gideon
    Bull**** Disappearance One

    Man, Screw Collectivism
    Nykans Are Gaudy
    Location: Flaxen District
    The Color Wheel of Wealth
    Thieving Rat (Sorry, weasel) Alyx
    Mommy Where do Kelvics Come From?
    Obvious Foreigners Are Obvious

    Can't Trust No-one
    Bloody Hunter Location
    Appearance of a Throwing Dagger
    Brawling In The Streets
    Petch Inflation

    Lost in a forest
    Dry shooting is bad for a bow
    How to hold a bow
    Stance for shooting a bow
    Aello the huntress
    Basic usage of a compass

    Brown Figures: Guards?
    We've arrived!

    A brutal beating
    Waiting until you're better
    Being branded by a friend
    Messing up horribly

Year 512AV
  • Spring

    A basic shortsword stance

    Flutes Have Two Ends Not Like The Other
    Living Remnant of Bad Memories
    The Eyes of Your Past
    Getting Caught
    Putting Up A Good Fight
    Fighting A Larger Opponent
    The Universal Principle of "Finders Keepers"
    That Feeling of Temporary Weightlessness
    That's What It Feels Like To Be Tossed
    Crashing Painfully
    Threats Falling Short
    Shamefully Returning Stolen Goods
    Sunberth: Kicked Out Of The Springs
    An Outsider's Naïvete
    Jean: A Strong Red-Head
    Jean: A Worthy Adversary

    Working the marketplace

    Pilfering a Ring
    Run Ana Run!
    A Mark on Your Head

    The Pangs of Jealousy

    Why Would Someone so Handsome Sleep With Someone So Ugly?
    Me? In a Relationship? No!
    What It Feels Like to Be Punched
    Stop Hurting Him!

    The thief that gets away, lives to thieve another day

    Leaving Sunberth for the spires.

    In love with a murderer.
    Morphing: Shaping with one's fingers

    Missing Shroud
    Arriving in the Spires

    Controlling One's Paranoia

    Being Awoken Unexpectedly
    Person: The Horse Man

    Horse Grooming: Keeps a Horse Clean and Safe
    Horse Grooming: Use of a Curry Comb
    Horse Grooming: Use of a Dandy Brush
    Horse Grooming: Use of a Soft Brush
    Horse Grooming: Use of a Hoof Pick
    Horse Grooming: Don't Forget the Mane
    Horse Grooming: How to Feed a Horse

    The Mark of a Slave
    Revealing an Unstable Mind
    Taking the Bait

    Akalak are Purple!
    Nagging Thought: I Should Visit Syliras
    Offer: Go Hunting with Xalet
    Xalet: The Purple Man Smells Good

    Morphing Form: Grass
    Jamoura Children Like Hide and Seek

  • Summer

    Observing a Foal Being Birthed
    Foal: Taven
    Jakobi's Past
    Jakobi's Invitation to Stay
    I Will Stay in The Spires. With Jakobi

    May Caiyha Smile Upon Us All: Spires
    Rising to the Call for Aid in Spires
    Caiyha's Children will Rise to Protect Her Temple

  • Fall

    Probably Not A Social Call
    Defiance Toward The Unjust
    Can't You See I've Changed?
    Fighting Temptation
    Reconstructing The Scene
    Pride Comes Before An Arrest
    Think Like A Thief

    I Should Focus on the Blade
    Like, Fist Fighting or Something?
    Sparring Partner: Ximal
    Attacking, Dodging, and Blocking are All Important
    Ximal’s Touch is Teaching, Not Raping
    Being Small is a good Thing
    Basic Unarmed Combat Technique to Take Down a Large Male

  • Winter

    Zandelia's Story
    Zandelia Knows My Real Name
    Taking Responsibility is Necessary

    Just sitting
    Bored to death
    Auristics: What it is
    Auristics: How it works (Basic)
    Blinding colors

    Ximal Likes to Pick on People Smaller Than Him
    Ximal Needs an Ego Check
    Attempting to Make Up an Excuse to Diffuse a Situation
    Forcefully Taking Something Over into the Nets
    Passing Out From Adrenaline and Sleep Deprivation

    Denying Magic Whispers
    Morphing: Eyes, Hair, Skin
    I Have a Fake Husband?

    Cold Iron Steel is Better
    Being Paranoid About One's Motives is Healthy
    Ana's Own Language: Flailing
    Studded Leather is Better

    Over Stretching Causes Discomfort
    Sheep Correlate With Sleep
    Jakobis' Farts Are Deadly
    Jakobi Is A Dead Sleeper
    The Tired Mind Over Thinks
    Past Love Never Fades
    A Tired Mind Is Vulnerable

    Start Small And Slow
    The Sweet Spots
    Technique: Pommel Bash
    Daggers: Reach Vs. Concealment
    Take Care Not To Wound Yourself
    Violence is Theraputic

    Mucking stalls builds muscle
    Move slowly and confidently around horses
    Self Loathing: I dislike my face
    Giving Oneself a Haircut With A Dagger
    Scars are Badges of Honor
    Keeping Things From Lovers

    Ximal: Self-Destructor
    Extreme Measures
    Not Such A Blessing, Knowing Your Father
    Move On From The Past
    Exchange A Truth For A Truth
    Trapped In Savage Memories
    Vestiges Of Self-Control
    In Vino Veritas (Or Just Hate, Anger And Bitterness)
    Truth Is Overrated
    Two Lonely Souls In The Cold
    Take Solace Wherever You Can Find It
    Just A Kiss In The Moonlight
    Way To Kill The Moment, Xi...

    Birthdays...What's The Point?
    Alea's House: Pretty Impressive
    Yuric: Alea's Kelvic Friend
    Zed: Alea's Ugly Pet Spider
    The Superiority of Cats
    Tom: A Family Pet from Denval
    The Function of a Compass
    The Importance of Being Earnest
    A Thief Knows No home!

Year 511AV
  • Winter

    The many faces of wrenmae(partial)
    Sharing body heat with another

    Kit was a kelvic.

    Spying an Outsider
    A Damn Comb! When I Wanted Cash!
    What's Wrong With Her Eyes
    Chaktawe Eyes
    The Basics of Chaktawe
    Speaking of Coal
    Weather in Eyktol and Avanthal Differs

    Surviving the Mob

    Kreig Messer, the Educated Brawler
    Dira, the Goddess of Death

Year 510AV
  • Spring


Year 509AV
  • Summer

    A Lamb moving amongst Wolves
    Those Blue Eyes
    Rendered Senseless from Fear

    How Much For a Night With You?
    How to Be a Whore (As Explained by Orion)
    Orion Michaels: Dog of Sunberth
    Lore of Crotch Kicking

Year 507AV
  • Winter

    Revy: Helpful Swordswoman?
    Location: Sunberth's Hotsprings
    The Drawbacks of Big Boobs
    Revy: Thinks I'm Someone I'm not

Year 497AV
  • Fall


Ana currently has no Gnosis.

  • Language 1: Fluent ; Common

Ana knows how to read and write, and do basic arithmetic.

Measured out by cities visited, and reputation system implimented.

Quarter Level Rep Math
North Unknown -2/100 = -2R +_R
East Unknown -2/100 = -2R +_R
South Unknown 2/100 = -1R +1R -1R -2+ 5+_R
West Unknown -2/100 = -2R +_R

Notes: Ana has the Nykan Thieves Brand on both her chest, and neck, citizens of Nyka will be able to point her out as a thief if they see the brands.

In Spires, Sunberth, Zeltiva, and Syliras, there is no reputation system, but nor has there been any Rep consequences placed on Ana in these cities, yet.

One Thief's History...

Zeltivan Childhood :
Winter 11th, 491AV; Beginning of Chapter 1: Zeltivan Childhood

ImageThere are two sides to this story, the side which tells the truth and the one which has forgotten. Foggy, hazy memories.

Ana was born in the lovely port city of Zeltiva, her father was a gaurd in the university and her mother was a bakers daughter that had been wooed by the miscreant newly arrived to the city. Many years have passed on of course, and this small girl was not alone, she had older siblings and happened to be the youngest of four children within the Catrabuch family. She was the baby of the family. Sinvelt was the oldest, and for as long as Ana could remember he was always travelling, when he would stay with the family, he would tell the small girl about stories of his most recent adventures. Enthralling the small girl, sparking an insatiable curiousity to know more about the world around her, Ana, or as this was her real name in this current story; she wanted to explore, she wanted to live and learn.

Unfortuantly her body wouldn't allow her to leave the house for long periods of time, it was a chore just to get out of bed sometimes, her frail child body much more prone to boughts of illness at that time that it made it impossible for her to do anything of interest. Though her father worked long and hard, he made a fairly decent living, most of his earnings were spent at the bar and drinking himself silly, poor was lucky when her illness got worse that they had enough mizas to pay for healers. Other times when luck was not so much on her side, she would suffer self induced illusions, high fevers, harsh coughing and pounding headaches; it was everything that her mother, Nephile, could do in her power to keep her frail daughter from passing on to the arms of Dira.

There were many times when it was like that, and each time luck remained true, she would survive every episode but feel weaker, and more fatigued after each. Sometimes she would not see the outside world for many days, just trying to recover her strength, it was any wonder she managed to pull through into puberty and onto adulthood (though, presently her condition isn't as severe now that she is an adult.)

Now here is where the story begins to distort itself horribly, while all of that may have been happening, there were other problems as well that involved her father. This is the part of the story which has trouble remembering, sometimes memorys come to her in waves, or leaky drips currently. Her father, ol' gaurd Gerron Catrabuch was a heavy drinker, he would obliviate himself with booze almost every night; when he would come home, mother would subject herself to most of the abuse but sometimes that was not always enough. The boughts of anger were always worse when Sinvelt was travelling off somewheres, and poor having Gerrons colored eyes, just as Sinvelt did too, this small girl was more often beaten than her two other siblings would be.

(Who, in every right, looked more like Gerron than did.)

It gets even worse from here on out, even more blurry, and fractured.

There was one such night where Gerron had been heavily drinking, but not so much to the point his thinking capability had been dulled; it was on this night that Sinvelt happened to steal himself into the house, where he would then proceed to wake the young up and tell her to start packing, he would take her away to Mura where she could get real help from the konti healers. Just like that, he was gone and out the door, with a tired, bleary eyed staring out into the darkness of her room and suddenly feeling a curiousity well up in her. She followed his orders and was done quick enough, but she heard slamming, and breaking nearby, she could hear the signs of a fight beginning in a room or two over; naturally this sparked her curiousity.

So she snuck out of the room and moved to the sharp noises, opening the door to peer inside the room, only to halt. There she saw her brother and father at eachothers necks, and fighting eachother valiantly, both of them did; but it was her brothers vanity that, and his indecision that brought about his demise for having of let himself be distracted by his sisters presence, unable to carry out the deed with her watching. Off went his head with a swing of her fathers longsword, and that was that for the clever tactician. Life there on was like a cookie cutter cut out, she remembered nothing afterwards, little of before as well, and everything seemed to be peaceful, life moved on.

This is the story that has forgotten itself, buryed deep within the subconscience mind, her brothers death never happened, Mura was dispersed within the folds of her memory, and all that which was terrible dissapeared from her eyes. Only her dreams seemed to clutch at broken shards of memory, turning her sleep into a nightmarish existance. Even the truth of the story had been forgotten, riddled with denial, pain, and suffering.

It was when her mother died, and her sister had run away, did finally realize that there was a better life out there for her. She didn't have to stay with her father under his tyranny, that would result in death the longer she stayed. So she ran away as well, following her sister Oreia's example. To the City of Anarchy, shedding off her former insecurities around people, and replacing it with naveity.

Winter 60th, 507AV; Ending of Chapter 1: Zeltivan Childhood

The City of Anarchy :
Spring 1st, 508AV; Beginning of Chapter 2: The City of Anarchy

Naive to the world and all its terrors after escaping her father in Zeltiva, personality was comparable to that of a newborn kitten's curiousity. Though she was still meek, and timid around those that were strangers and people that spoke gruffly, her confidence bloomed into determination. For her first year or so, the world had rose colored lenses and everything was good, her eyes saw no pain, saw no suffering, no murder or blood, only the stubborn willpower to be independant if someone tried to control you. What hadn't known about her "Friend" that kept her relatively safe and sheltered in their shared home, that she was being used and controlled for her skills. Jesun the Greedy, was just as his name said, greedy for her skill.

Slowly reality came crumbling down when the first rape was attempted on her person by a drunk man with the most clearest of blue eyes, he was the pivotal block to her current personality. Distrust and paranoia seemed to grip her and what trust she had in the city of Sunberth slowly diminished. Not a season or so later, the loyalty and trust she had for Jesun was severed harshly in a whirlwind of pain and deceit, he had attempted to steal her brother's book and sell her off to slavers.


Escaping him and his accomplices, soon came to learn that her name was being looked for, whispered to be the rumored brother's little sister, Sinvelt had made quite a reputation for himself as an incredibly gifted burgaler.

So she cast down the namand replaced it with a new one that would keep her anominity, she wanted to relate it to things she had heard, or memories as vague as they were, and would finally come up with the name of

"Ana Sol Starris"

Ana, for anarchy, the world she had placed herself into.

Sol, for solitude, to remind her to never get close to people again.

Starris, for Philomena, a story of memories past that involved the Akvatari.

After that, Ana began her life as a low down thief scrambling to live on what meager essentials she had. For years on end she spoke to no one, she let no one get near her, and was always on the look out for nearby danger. Sunberth had become her living misery, she had never felt hunger before, nor thirst or desperation, the cold of winter and the hot of summer, a lingering fear that would never go away. Always there, always adding to her worry and growing paranoia, stealing her sleep and leaving her exhausted, she continued on this way forever alone. Forgetting her roots.

The only instance where she had been forced to get close to someone, and talk with them, had been with a mercenary by the name of Revy, but even that hadn't gone down very well.

Fall 91st, 511AV; Ending of Chapter 2: The City of Anarchy

The Crimson Edge :
Winter 11th, 511AV; Beginning of Chapter 3: The Crimson Edge

Life was misearble, the thief was on her last savings and her skills in thieving were getting her nowheres. Isolation from people had left her mind raw, and easily controlled that when one fateful day in Stumble Alley the thief met a man by the name of Wrenmae whom was a bit crazy in the head.
He had split personality, from what Ana could understand, and it was because of this split in his mind that she was allowed to live another day. Wrenmae allowed her to stay in his apartment, and with it came a sense of seccurity she had not felt in ages. He even let her sleep with him at night sometimes.

There were colds, here and there, snivvels, coughs, and fevers; but the thief quickly recovered as if it had been nothing. It must have been her childhood that protected her from the brunt of illness then, and indeed, she did notice the increase of sickly sensations but she thought nothing more on it. Her immune system would fall in due time...

One night the thief had made her way to a party of all parties at Sunberthian docks, in the bar and inn called the "Drunken Fish" she had little idea what was coming at her. All she did was go there for free food, rumors spread like wild fire, and why would a haggard little thief going to turn down a free meal? Wrenmae provided shelter, not food.

This decision altered her fate as a guttersnipe to find herself laying dead in the streets, instead, for having of hidden underneath a bar table- she was accepted into the new gang stubbing toes called the "Crimson Edge" totally unaware of what might result later on in life. Happily, she accepted this- and joined eagerly.

Fed up with being alone, and isolating herself- the Edge provided protection, food, and comfort in the arms of the members. It wasn't long that she found herself actively engaged within its activities, and at the same time trying to live up to the growing gangs reputation, and name as their little thief. Mind easily mallable to their whims and wishes, they did not seize the oppurtunity.

There were, however, multiple times in which the Crimson Edge was not there for Ana, and instead her health had rested on Zandelia, one of the sub-leaders to the gang. Instead of relations of trust and loyalty being formed to the whole of the group, her loyalty went to the ones whom she saw most beneficial to herself: Zandelia.

Zandelia, blessed be, she was the sole reason Ana still lives on... When the thiefs body finally collapsed, the emerald eyed woman carried the unconscience thief to receive medical help. It was because of Zandelia that Ana started to waver in her resolution with the Crimson Edge, and in Shroud, despite hoping Wrenmae would come out more.

Make no mistake, Wrenmae was involved in on this as well, but with his fractured mindset, and the Shroud which constantly beat the poor girl into submission; it wasn't long that Ana wanted to get back at Shroud, to be stronger than him, and push him around instead of him pushing her around like she was a piece of property.

That when recruitment came around, Spire Envoys coming from a distant land seeking aid in reclaiming their homeland. The Edge packed up, half of their people went, including Ana- she would have stayed with Shroud if it had not been for her own mindset to proove something to him. Hoping Spires would change her...

Wrenmae did gift her one thing, an ability actually; a foreshadowment of what was to come later on, she sold her body to learn the art of Morphing the night before the Edge would depart from Sunberths murky existance. Ana left Shroud, she left him with the mindset to become stronger, and better, but she only felt sick in the heart without him...

Depression, it swept in like the plague itself on her journey to Spires.

Spring 43rd, 512AV; End of Chapter 3: The Crimson Edge

The Spires Campaign :
Spring 78th, 512AV; Beginning of Chapter 4: The Spires Campaign

From the anarchic, hole of filth city, Sunberth through the wildlands and up into the Taldera region, to the tree top city known as Spires. The Crimson Edge, and Ana had arrived to a base camp because dangerous fog had cloaked the cities area and perimeter, causing insanity. They were there as hired mercenaries to help save the residents stuck within the fog, and bring them back to conscience thought, sentience. The task would have been easier to do if not for the Crimson Edge's fearless leader Cade had not died on the way to Spires, ambushed by assassins, the group's will and direction began to fall apart due to the absense of their former leader.

Despite Zandelia's best efforts, the Edge died, and smoldered into cooling embers when she dissapeared. Leaving only a single spark, one of the members of the Crimson Edge that still believed that the Edge could come back as the 'leader' was Ana. The poor girl felt abandoned by her family, felt as if no one cared about the values the Edge had held, or what they had been through, the travels they took together. They had come from Sunberth, it didn't take her long to realize that Sunberth only looked out for number one. Ana slowly began to lose hope in rebuilding the Edge, waiting for a sign that would take her from the Spires.

When no sign was given she looked to the nearest thing in her sight, or rather a person. In the beginning of the Spires campaign, Ana had worked as a groomer for Jakobi and the many horses that came carrying the aid to Spires. One summer night the horseman offered his little world to Ana, asking her to stay with him in the Spires and live a normal life, it was a very difficult decision for Ana. Eventually she said yes, she didn't believe that the remnants back in Sunberth would care very much for the fallen apart Spires group that had broken off back in the Spring. Ana didn't even know if Wrenmae, or Shroud gave much of a rats ass about her being gone.

Time went on delightfully, she lived with Jakobi, loved, and generally lead a very short term normal life (that involved much shennanigans and taking care of horses, but unfortuantely for Ana, there was no conception that would firmly plant her into the Spirian life forever.) It was when a letter had been recieved from Wrenmae in the Fall that she became restless, time and time again she thought back to the multiple personalitied story teller and became melancholic for him yet again. The letter gave her a resolution, she would restart the Crimson Edge under a new name, and start from scratch, but Ana knew she was no leader. So she wrote back to Wrenmae.

There was much time spent doing nothing while waiting for a reply letter, she had to make sure that Wrenmae would accept her as his future pawn, before she would make any move to reunite with him. During this time, Zandelia had come back, but Ana would not forget her former leaders dissapearence, in hopes of keeping Zandelia loyal and unassuming of her own nature... Ana attempted to restart the relationship between the two, the thief shared information with the older woman and Zandelia reciporcated back with information as well. To Ana it seemed she had succeeded luring Zandelia into being loyal to the thief, and vice versa back (for now.)

Even if Wrenmae had not accepted her loyalty via letter, she would have gone off with Zandelia to restart what had once been a previously great mercenary gang. Both Ana and Zandelia planned for countless days and nights, the thief even involved Ximal here and there, doing the same to him as she had to Zandelia. Once gaining his loyalty, and ultimately his protection, and indirectly his funds, Ana felt confident that she could achieve anything. When a letter would finally arrive, the thief became excited, joyful, she would eventually get to see Wrenmae again. He would be her leader, and she would be his pawn and eventually a more valuable player to him.

The only problem was Zandelia and Ximal, both hated and had good reason to hate Wrenmae. She made it a side mission to try and clear Wrenmae's name in their eyes, but she would never get to doing so, she was too afraid what might have happened if she brought Wrenmae up to them. Leaving them unassuming to her goal, plans continued to be plotted with ease, and provisions being gathered for a long journey ahead. Have you, as the reader, forgotten Jakobi already as well? Yes. Jakobi plays a very big part in this, during the entire time Ana veered back into her old ways planning for travel, Jakobi brooded on what Ana's sudden change had been about.

A little before finally leaving Spires, Ana and Jakobi had an emotional fall out.

Plans for marriage were thrown into the trash, any hope for children was trampled, and Ana had left Jakobi with a broken heart. Her own heart bleeding after his harsh words, and accusations, telling her to get out of the Spires and never return. Inwardly, Ana did love Jakobi very much, and it was for the better that he stay safe in the Spires rather than travel with her to her small groups checkpoint destination and eventually to Zeltiva. Confrontation would be imminent between Jakobi and Wrenmae if her horseman lover went along with her, it was fortuanate for him that the relationship was broken off before such a thing could happen.

And just like that, Ana left the Spires with Zandelia and Ximal.

Winter 45th, 512AV; Ending of Chapter 4: The Spires Campaign

Checkpoint: Nyka :
Spring 3rd, 513AV; Chapter 5: Checkpoint Nyka

Nyka, the seat of the divine, a place so filled with in-fighting and conflict it could have been called a more pleasent Sunberth. The crew, Ana, Zandelia, and Ximal, stopped there as just a mere rest stop but were delayed due to a lack of supplies to buy. Ana quickly learned that food and water was rationed and that it was forbidden to be seen buying anything that related to the common needs of every single living creature in the city, sentient, or not. So they stayed a while, Ana, did so unwillingly at first on her part.

The going was tough and it took some time to get use to the strange customs of the city, and the weird law-handlers they had that dressed in ragged robes called monks. That didn't stop her from picking the denizen's pockets. Ana could call it a sort of trade off, for giving up the wilds and the Spires, she in turn gained the oppurtunity to practice her illegal skills in an urban area more familliar to her than the trees in Taldera. Then the incident happened.

Someone from the past that should have just stayed where ever she had come from came strolling back to Ana. Revy, a mercenary the thief had attempted to steal from years ago that had mistaken Ana as her younger sister, had come to Nyka. When Ana first laid eyes on the merc after so long, and seeing Ximal and Zandelia in the room together, a jelous hatred sparked, and thus couldn't keep her mouth shut at Revy even when she was asked to stop.

Unwittingly having of insulted everybodies dead relative in the room, including Ana's own deceased family members, she was cast from the group and forced to become independant. From there on out Ana was alone again.


Spring 85th, 513AV; Ending of Chapter 5: Checkpoint Nyka

Checkpoint: Syliras :
Summer 10th, 513AV; Chapter 6: Checkpoint Syliras

Current Chapter

Date Unavailable; Ending of Chapter 6: Checkpoint Syliras

Chapter 7 :
Future Chapter, Not enough information from Checkpoint: Syliras to decide what Chapter 7 is called.
Last edited by Ana Sol Starris on March 10th, 2022, 8:21 am, edited 354 times in total.
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Ana Sol Starris
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Ana Sol Starris

Postby Ana Sol Starris on May 25th, 2012, 4:11 am

Ledger: Income & Expenditure

Gain/Loss Total Thread or Reason Items Gained (Not Mizas)
+0 =0 mizas "Starter Package" N/A
+10g =10g "Friendly Chat" N/A
-5g 8s 8c =4g 1s 98c "Cat Fight" ItemsBed Roll, Waterskin, Soap x1, Linen Shirt: Beige colored, long sleeved, Cotton Pants: Brown colored, Leather Belt: Brown, iron buckle, Cotton Sash: Tie-dyed, Cotton Tunic: Black, has a low cut v-neck, Low Boots:Brown colored, tie up, Cotton Cloak: Black, large on person, Wooden Flute
+5g =9g 1s 98c "Cat-Fight" Mugged Jean Soap x1, 1 Wooden Comb (Jeans), 1 Wooden Brush (Jeans)
+49g =58g 1s 98c Groom Job 1gm/d N/A
-45g (POOR) =13g 1s 98c Seasonal Expences (Fall) N/A
+100g =113g 1s 98c "Training Camp" (Gift from Ximal) N/A
-23g =90g 1s 98c "Looking For Metal" Cold iron dagger, dagger scabbard, wolf pelt gloves, wolf pelt wrap
+45g =135g 1s 98c Groom Job 1gm/d N/A
-45g (POOR)=90g 1s 98c Seasonal Expences (Winter) N/A
-12g =78g 1s 98c Nyka Hostel: 1 room/season N/A
+15g =93g 1s 98c "Tricky Trades" N/A
-10g 9c =83g 1s 87c "Arm Dealing" 5” clay dish, Quill, Ink vials (2), Strip of cloth, Pair of Wolf Gloves, Severed arm
-67g =16g 1s 87c "Survivor" Shortbow, quiver, dozen arrows, throwing dagger (stolen)
-5s =15g 6s 87c "Awkward Moments" N/A
-5s =15g 1s 87c "Rumors" N/A
+510g =525g 1s 87c Thief Job 6gm/d, for 85 days N/A
-45g (POOR) =480g 1s 87c Seasonal Expenses (Spring) N/A
-9g 1s =471g 87c Traveller's Row Rent Simple One Room, 91 Days
-1s =470g 9s 87c "Breaking and Entering" Empty Sack
-2s 75c 470g 7s 12c "In The Dark" Black Cotton Medium Sized Scarf
+18g =488g 7s 12c "Ugh... You Again?" N/A
-4g 5s 25c =484g 1s 87c "Conflicting Views" (Mentioned) Items(Good) Green Linen Small Sized Shirt, (Good) Greyish Brown Linen Small Sized Breeches, (Poor) Leather Buttoned Small Sized Jacket with a (Poor) Leather Hood, (Good) Brown Linen Small Sized Cap
-45g (POOR) = 439g 1s 87c Seasonal Expenses (Summer) N/A

Current Mizas: 439g 1s 87c

Current Posessions

Arms and Armor
Item Type Modifier Placement Cost Aquisition
Shortsword Melee Wooden Shelter -0 gm Gift
Buckler Melee Wooden Shelter -0gm Gift
Quiver Container Nykan Shelter -20gm Bought
Regular Arrows Ammo Nykan Quiver -3gm Bought
Wooden Shortbow Ranged Nykan Shelter -45gm Bought
Hooked Cane Sword Melee Steel On Hand -0gm Gift
Throwing Knife Ranged Steel Belt -0gm Stolen
Zandelia's Dagger Melee Steel Belt -0gm Gift

*Note 1: Ana currently has no armor.

Item Type Modifier Placement Cost Aquisition

*Note 2: The backpack will remain in the shelter unless stated otherwise in thread.

Item Type Placement Cost Aquisition
Wolf Pelt Wrap Fur Main -15gm Bought
Ornate Key Sunberth Key Right Side Pocket -0gm Stolen
Sack Container Main -1sm Bought

Worn On Person
*Note 3: Items that are not of cloth.

Item Type Placement Cost Aquisition
Orion's Coinpurse Container Pocket -0gm Stolen
Alea's Compass - NoteEngraved with the words "Denvali Forever" Technical Neck -0gm Stolen

Clothing Attire
*Note 4: Clothes not being worn will be in her shelter.

Item Placement Modifiers Cost Aquisition
Riding Boots Feet Leather -0gm Gift
Breeches Legs Wool, Black -0gm Gift
Shirt Chest Wool, White -0gm Gift
Undergarments Underwear Grey, Wool -0gm Gift
Jacket Shoulders Purple, Cotton -0gm Gift
Scarf Neck Red, Wool, Fine -0gm Gift
Belt Waist Buckled -0gm Gift
Shirt Chest Good, Green Dyed, Small, Linen -1sm 12cm Bought
Breeches Legs Good, Greyish Brown Dyed -9sm Bought
Jacket Chest Poor, Leather, Buttoned, Hooded -4gm 3sm Bought
Cap Head Good, Brown Dyed -2sm 25cm Bought

No misc items yet.

Ana is suppose to have a horse and all the tack from this thread here... But its... So... ARGH! WHY! WHY!?

Items given as gifts, or stolen from people will always be -0gm, since it is not listing the monetary value of the item but the amount of mizas Ana may have spent to get said item.

Items that were given as gifts were always under the mutual consent of the player giving, and the player recieving.

Lost Items

Items lost on Spring 1st, 512AV due to the Djed storm destroying her apartment.
eating knife
Slumberth Housing
small table
The Thiefs Advice (Heirloom)

Sold off at the 4th Day Market, in Nyka, Spring 8th, 513AV
Jean's Backpack

Lost on Spring 30th, 513AV due to the monks marking her a thief, and selling her posessions, the clothes she had currently worn during the branding and beating were torn to pieces. Only some things were saved by Zand and Ximal.
3 candles (small)
5” clay dish
Ink vials (2)
Strip of cloth
Pair of Wolf Gloves
Severed arm
Bed Roll
Wrenmaes Shirt (Stolen Item)
Blouse (SP) : Raggedy, stained, used as night clothing.
Pants (SP) : Raggedy, stained, used as night clothing.
Soap x2
Wooden Flute
2 Small Bottles of Perfume
1 Wooden Comb (Jeans)
1 Wooden Brush (Jeans)
Linen Shirt: Beige colored, long sleeved.
Cotton Pants: Brown colored, bigger than
Leather Belt: Brown, iron buckle.
Cotton Sash: Tie-dyed
Cotton Tunic: Black, has a low cut v-neck.
Low Boots: Brown colored, tie up.
Cotton Cloak: Black, large on person.
Cold Iron Dagger&Scabbard
Cotton Loincloth (SP)
Steel Shortsword&Scabbard
"Notes of Many Things" - Ana's Journal (In Zandelia's hands now)
Last edited by Ana Sol Starris on February 4th, 2015, 5:19 pm, edited 106 times in total.
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Ana Sol Starris
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Ana Sol Starris

Postby Ana Sol Starris on May 25th, 2012, 4:13 am

Notable NPCs Met
Non-Player Characters that have plot to them.


Gerron Catrabuch :
Name: Gerron Catrabuch
Age: 63, 452AV Fall 43rd
Height: 5'9"

Personality: Calm when not drunk, calculative, but quick to anger as well as insult when intoxicated. He is not stupid, but is stubborn and rather hard to convince. Irritative when he has not had his smokes nor cigars, will resort to violence if annoyed.
Distinguishing Features: Seems to limp a bit, due to a slightly lame knee. Also has golden eyes that would be considered honey colored.
Status: Alive and living in Zeltiva , The Father of Sinvelt, Liddy, Oreia, and (Ana) as well as the husband to Nephile Allemberg Catrabuch. Works as a university gaurd.
Skills: 26pt Longsword ; 12pts Auristics ; 6pts Meditation ; 6pts Brawling

Threads Involved

Nephile Catrabuch :

Name: Nephile Allemberg Catrabuch
Race: Human, Mixed
Age: 43 Years Old (Deceased)
Sex: Female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 127lbs
Physical Appearence: Blonde hair, blue eyes, skin is lightly tanned, with burns here and there on her body due to working with an oven for many hours a day, cheeks are smattered with freckles. Her body has a light hour-glass curve to her figure, which is hidden by patchy clothing, to keep long term family abuse hidden.
Biology: Nephile was a compassionate woman, she had been born to a strong, proud Svefra father, and a regular human mother whom was a bakers daughter. In earlier years, she would push boys around, starting fights with them, get into trouble, and harass her neighbors. As she would grow into a beautiful young adult, she began to settle down and take up her mothers trade, which her mother was quite joyful about, but she still had a flare for mischief. It was exactly because of this mischief that Nephile would meet Gerron, a middle aged man with a young son by the name of Sinvelt. They met, they had shennanigans, and, well when Nephile realized she was pregnant, she had to beg Gerron to take her as his wife to avoid social scrutiny from her mothers family whom had bred and raised her when her father didn't stay. The scally-wag didn't refuse. What Nephile didn't know was how much trouble she, and her family would be in soon enough, Gerron would drink in large amounts and end up beating her, along with her children. Further along into the future once her first daughter had been born, and then a second, and a third, she began to feel quite ill, they were small things, coughs, sneezes, colds, nothing drastic.

The episodes didn't last long and she was always up and running to keep her family in check, her illness would begin to frequent her more with the death of her first daughter, and then after Sinvelt's death, her body succumbed to plague quickly to the next rather violent beating done unto her by her husband. In the Summer of 506AV, Nephile would finally pass away at the age of forty-three, leaving Oreia and to their own devices, and ultimately leaving them to the hands of their abusive father.

Skills: 20pts Baking, 12pts Cooking, 6pts Cleaning, 6pts Sewing, 6pts Childcare

Relation: Mother

Threads Involved
A Pain so Utter

Sinvelt Catrabuch :
Name: Sinvelt Catrabuch
Race: Human
Age: 30 years old (Deceased)
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160lbs
Physical Appearence: Black hair with rough stubble along his jaw and chin, honeyed eyes, and lightly colored skin, Sinvelt has a lean, and fit body from his many day living in Sunberth. Many scars, both old and newer can be found dotted along his body, due to the constant trouble he was getting into.
Biology: Gerron's 1st son to a young, freelance whore in Sunberth that died a few years after Sinvelt was born, he was a child that grew up in poverty alongside his father's violent attitude. That was not necessarily a bad thing for Sinvelt, considering where his childhood years were, they helped him build character, and formed him into what he was before death. At the age of ten he and his father travelled to Zeltiva by boat, when a particular client of Gerron's wouldn't pay up after the crippling of his father's leg, slaughtering the client when payment was not met. When they arrived to Zeltiva, Sinvelt found it difficult to interact with the world around him, it was signifigantly harder to get along with other children, and he didn't know how to read and write until he was sixteen years old, after Nephile, his step mother had taught him. When Sinvelt had turned 18, he enrolled into the university for a couple years to please his kindly stepmother, knowing full well how little funds they had to spare due to his father's drunk habits. On the side of being a uni student, he was a very gifted tactian in the ways of larceny and soon found himself being involved within underworld activities, and slavery to pay for his university education, and the living expenses of his family.

When a particular job in Zeltiva to capture a small boy didn't go as expected, he was nearly found out as his small group's tactician, and had to flee Zeltiva for Sunberth once more. Visiting the port city once every year to check on his little sister, the one he had grown quite attached to during his last few Uni years. He took this all in stride and continued to do what he did best, plot. In Sunberth he aquired an accomplice that was a thief by the name of Jesun, and both him, and his Jesun went on to making huge payouts with his tactician skills, and his accomplice's thieving abilities. Sinvelt met a nice girl but Jesun had not, and Sinvelt actually got married to a lovely lass, and had a child with her named Violet Catrabuch. Unbeknownst to Jesun, Sinvelt would write down future hits within a book in a story format that was only decipherable by himself and only himself. When the book had been filled to the brim, Sinvelt hid it, by cleverly leaving it within the hands of his youngest sister

Unfortuantly for Sinvelt, he and his partner were seeing differences. Jesun found the addition of both child and wife to be an extreme liability when it came to what they did together. On Winter 13th, 500AV, Jesun would attempt to murder both Sinvelt's wife and child, along with Sin himself, failing terribly. It was mercy that kept Sinvelt from killing his old time friend, so he sent his family to Mura, traveling quickly to Zeltiva to find his little sister and take her with him to Mura, along with the book she held safely in her hands. However, he figured he could kill two birds with one stone, and attempted to murder his father only for that to backfire on himself. Dieing the 1st of Spring, 501AV, after a brave and stupid fight that lead to a beheading by his own father. It was weakness that kept him from finishing what he started, because his sister had decided to poke her head in the door to see if Sinvelt was alright.

Skills: 26pts Larceny, 12pts Longsword, 6pts Animal Husbandry, 6pts Reimancy (Fire)

Relation: Older Brother

Threads Involved

Liddy Catrabuch :

Name: Liddy Catrabuch
Race: Human
Age: 14 years old (Deceased)
Sex: Female
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 119lbs
Physical Appearence: Black hair, blue eyes with a flare of contrasting honey dyeing the left iris of her eyes, pale skin, with light freckles. Gangly and tall for her age, Liddy has yet to be fully developed, but she packs a mean punch in the meantime with her fists. Face always placed underneath a scowl, she is a very intimidating girl.
Biology: The 1st biological daughter of Gerron and Nephile Catrabuch, even though her mother was partially Svefra, Liddy would not be considered a mixed human due to a lack of heritage throughout her life. She holds within her the same spirited fire that was in her mother, and her grandfather on her mothes side, but with the tendancies to act like her own father due to the abuse she went through as a young child, and a teenager. Much like her mother, she would beat boys up, and scare the girls, she was a big bully to the child populace and she took pride in it; who she bullied the most was her own little sister. Liddy would never see past her fifthteenth birthday. One particularly drunk night of Fall 498AV, Gerron had beat her a little too ferociously, and it affected Liddy, she died in her sleep two days later after the beating. Gerron covered her death up by saying they had found her like that just a block away from their house, no one had witnessed the beating, and therefore had no evidence it was him.
Skills: 10 Brawling, 15 Intimidation, 15 Torture, 10 Poetry

Relation: 2nd to Oldest Sister

Threads Involved
A Pain so Utter

Oreia Catrabuch :

Name: Oreia Catrabuch
Race: Human
Age: 27 years old
Sex: Female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 125lbs
Physical Appearence: Blonde hair, blue eyes, light creamy skin and an hourglass influenced figure from popping out two children in recent years. To say the least of how Oreia looks like, she looks tons better after having of escaped her family life years ago. What had been a lanky and skinny body, bruised here and there has now flourished with the much needed care it deserved. Her clothes are common-grade, but light, with lots of white, and more neutral to earthy tones.
Biology: The 2nd biological daughter of Gerron and Nephile Catrabuch, just like Liddy, Oreia would not be considered a mixed human due to a lack of heritage involved within her life but because of her family situation, she had developed a keen sense towards the art of painting. Escaping through simple brushstrokes and creating her own reality on paper helped her stay sane, and kept the hope and fire alive that her real life would improve later on. When her sister Liddy died, and Sinvelt soon after, she immersed herself into university painting classes, shutting out the entire world around her barring the topic of painting, and her imagination. Once her and ' mother had fallen ill, she knew that she would not be able to stay in Zeltiva afterwards, there would be nothing to keep her there and she would finally be freed from the vices of her family life. Instead of helping her mother through her illness, Oreia would flee for Syliras, leaving a distraught to at least attempt to save her mother despite not having the immediate coin to take her to a healer.

When Oreia arrived in Syliras, it didn't take her long to immerse herself into its culture and become a working, productive citizen to the fortress city. She even found a man, and had twin boys now currently at the ages of seven. She would not be like her father, and she would proceed to rub out the memory of her childhood with painting, brush stroking her false-reality out onto paper when she had the free time.
Skills: 26pts Painting, 17pts Baking, 7pts Stealth

Relation: The 2nd to Youngest

Threads Involved
A Pain so Utter


Jesun the Greedy :
Name: Jesun the Greedy
Race: Benshira
Age: 42 years old (Enslaved)
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180lbs
Physical Appearence: Brown hair with neatly trimmed and light stubble, frosty sky blue eyes, tan skinned, with a lean body from the jobs he does. He is light on his feet, and has swift hands, he dons the clothes of his people in the neutral colors of tans and browns, with a lighter coat like vest. His clothes have many pockets to them.
Biology: Jesun, from the tents of Markaie, son of Rebsi, was born a Benshira in the Eyktolian deserts. He lived like any other Benshiran son, boy, and man, working to maintain the way of the Benshiran life and worshipping his god Yahal. Life was normal for him. It would remain normal until a particularly rude guest to his tent flirted, and then seduced his wife, and that wasn't even the worst part- when he saw the both of them together. Jesun killed the both of them in a fit of blind anger, the man because he was touching his woman, and his woman for betraying him. Fleeing his homeland, and remaining an outcast for the rest of his days. He would arrive to Sunberth after some time, broken, depressed, he would pray to Yahal every day in hopes of redeeming himself for the sin he had committed. When Jesun had been at his lowest point in the streets with naught a coin to his name nor food to feed himself, a man had stood in front of him, dragged him up and pulled him away. Jesun wholly believed that this had been a sign from Yahal, and vigorously worked to recover both his honor, and favor of his god by working with the man known as Sinvelt.

But we all know history repeats itself. The both of them had grown wealthy, and succesful due to Sinvelt's mind, and Jesun, well, the misguided Benshira became jelous over the love that Sinvelt had for his wife, and child. He plotted to kill the both of them, and Sinvelt, failing horribly and only succeeding in breaking their partnership up forever. Never seeing Sinvelt again, nor his family. Over time he would begin to borrow money to support his way of life, scamming people, and never paying them back. We all know what happens when people borrow money in a lawless city.

When that seemed not to be enough, he was graced with a chance again to redeem himself. In the year of 508AV, Jesun met a peculiar girl by the name of Catrabuch, the exact same last name of his former partner. Learning that Sinvelt had 'comitted suicide' a few years ago, given by word of mouth from his former partner's little sister (thats how she coped with him being dead.) He took her in, fed, and clothed her, but when he found her special book is when history begins to repeat itself a third time. Jesun had never known about her brothers book, and when had allowed him to read it, he knew Sinvelt very well and had an inkling of what the book actually meant inside. Jesun the Greedy would eventually try to take it away from permanently, and enslave her for added profit, luckily for that didn't happen. Instead Jesun found himself amongst enemies, and a debt he couldn't pay off after having of been caught, and could not keep to the demands of the slavers by turning the girl in to them.

He remains a pitiful slave in Sunberth to this day.
Skills: 26pts Stealth, 12pts Larceny, 7pts Locksmithing, 5pts Dagger

Relation: "Friend"

Threads Involved
City of Anarchy: Act I The Beginning (Solo) Spring 1st, 508AV {Placeholder}
City of Anarchy: Act II Nurturing Talents (Solo) Spring 31st, 508AV {Placeholder}
City of Anarchy: Act III Learning the Trade (Solo) Spring 65th, 508AV {Placeholder}
City of Anarchy: Act IV Plan Your Escape (Solo) Summer 15th, 508AV {Placeholder}
City of Anarchy: Act V Know the Inhabitants (Solo) Summer 35th, 508AV {Placeholder}
City of Anarchy: Act VI Breaking and Entering (Solo) Fall 65th, 508AV {Placeholder}
City of Anarchy: Act VII On The Job (Solo) Winter 48th, 508AV {Placeholder}
City of Anarchy: Act VIII Getting to Know Eachother (Solo) Spring 20th, 509AV {Placeholder}
City of Anarchy: Act IX Betrayel (Solo) Summer 80th, 509AV {Placeholder}
City of Anarchy: Act X Making a Name (Solo) Summer 91st, 509AV {Placeholder}

Notable PC's Met
Those Ingrained Within Her Memory

    Recently Met PC's
    The name saids it all, will present PC's have any impact on Ana?

    No applicable PCs

    The Trio
    The three people in Ana's life that have influenced her the most repeatedly.

    Only magic has the ability to deter her memory of them...

ImageZandelia - Ana has finally decided that her once highly revered rolemodel, and former mother figure is no longer at a level of trust that the thief can be loyal. Despite the care that went into her early dedication, and loyalty at the Edge's height in Sunberth, Ana now views Zandelia as a traitor. A useful one, at that. Though Ana would never actually kill the older woman, or let it be known that there is definitely bad blood between the two, she will continue to use her for whatever reason possible if given the chance. After the branding, and the return of Wrenmae, there are still lingering emotions bound on clinging to Ana's memory.

ImageXimal - (WIP)

ImageWrenmae - Upon the reconcilliation between the two in Nyka, Ana has vowed her loyalty to Wrenmae and has promised him her current abilities, and the future potential she posesses. He has altered her destiny by a wide margin; for having of spared her life in a forgotten alleyway, allowing her to live with him despite his violent split personality, and finally teaching her the ways of Morphing, and initiating her into Reimancy.. Ana has grown to platonically love him, for he is her greatest encouragement and has nothing but the utmost respect for him; because of him she now works actively towards her current goal: destroying her father.

  • Find other mages, learn their weaknesses, desires, and names.
  • Find talented people, and give them purpose.
  • Build up her magical talent to competent levels.

    Important PC's
    People that Ana remembers and have had some sort of impact on her.

Philomena - (WIP)

Kreig Messer - The "Educated Brawler" who bought her meals for a good portion of her last days in Sunberth, from the ending of Winter, to the time she left for the Spires. She survived with him in the first brawl battle when the Crimson Edge was recruiting. He acted as a sort of big brother to her, and taught her about Dira, and what her religion consisted of. Seasons later Ana finally sees him again and this time in Syliras, unfortuantly she was unable to talk to him.. and attempted to hide her identity.

Sahashkalila - Or "Kalila" she was the woman who saved Ana's life when the thief reached her peak of illness back in Sunberth, Spring, 512AV. The healer came with the Spires group last spring as medical support. Connection is no longer accesible, as Ana has travelled to Nyka without Kalila.

Alea Davenport - (WIP)

Revy Hiroe - (WIP)

    Forgotten PC's
    Important PC's that Ana has met, but have fallen from her memory.

Orion Michaels - Once upon a time there was a man, and a girl, she was naive and he was looking for something unbeknownst to her. He attempted to force himself on her but she got away, not unscathed, but scarred, her view on the world fractured and broken. For a time she knew what he looked like, what he sounded like, but in the end as comes with time she repressed her memories of the event. Presently, Ana does not remember Orion, he is repressed, and only in recent times has she come to know him by name. Catching her lifting his purse, but something seemed to click in the both of them, he let her go, but Ana felt a familliarty to him.. Still she doesn't remember.

    Obscure PC's
    PC's that are not very important to Ana, hard to remember them.

Ball - Pycon that kicked her butt when she was drunk for apparently hitting his dog with her cane. His dog ended up pissing on her, though she can't quite recall the memory very well due to being inebriated.

Alyxandyr Finn - Weasel kelvic mistaken for an awkward rat that could understand the common language (totally didn't realize he was a kelvic.)

Aello - Huntress in the woods Ana met, gave some tips related to the bow, and helped Ana find her way back to Nyka, indirectly.

Sha'Kar - Foolish Eypharian that kept getting close into her personal space, ended up stabbing him with her dagger, and then surprisingly got some people to drag him into the Nykan Infirmary afterwards.

Omaru - Ghost boy who had an awkward obsession with Nyka's aperture.

Iris Timandre - Konti woman that confronted Ana about theft.

Rabbit - Pycon that Ana observed by feeling him up, wanted to keep him as a pet but sadly the little clay thing got away.

Evalin - One really creepy little girl Ana met.

Imass - The Akalak she set up with a rumor.

Gideon Kys - One Nykan guy that had offered to take her on a tour of Nyka, she had dubbed him 'Boy Wonder' just because he was so random, and he fed a growing desire to be able to control another via fear.

Daniel Alecson - (WIP)

Chapiko - Chaktawe woman that explained most of what Ana knows on the Chaktawe race, almost stole a comb from the woman, but was caught.

Mok - Cade's right hand man in the Crimson Edge, did not know him very well, or personally- if at all. He stayed back in Sunberth to watch their home turf whilst a chunk of the gang went to Spires. He was reportedly killed by Wrenmae via letter, Ana did not mourn for his death.

Kit - Skunk kelvic that Ana helped escape slavers, and then shared a loaf of bread with him afterwards because she has a soft spot for children.

Lusa - Deer kelvic in the Crimson Edge that seemed to be Cade's escort.

Chamaeleon - Extremely beautiful woman that was a Crimson Edge member that came along with the Spires group from Sunberth, she had been caught with Wrenmae one night- naked. Leading to a series of confusing emotions that Ana held for her subjugator.

Leon - Crimson Edge member that Ana didn't know very well, came along for the trip to Spires, and they did one hunt for Spirians together with Ximal and Zandelia.

Stigandr - Horse kelvic that came with the Crimson Edge to Spires.

Apos - Crimson Edge member that came from Sunberth with the Spires group to do mercenary work. Much was unknown until he reappeared in Nyka, revealing himself to Zandelia, Ximal, and Ana; and having a private conversation with Ana specifically, whom had updated him on the status of the Crimson Edge and its many woes.

Cade - The deceased leader of the Crimson Edge (Spring, 512AV, ambushed on the trip to Spires) he is not so notable compared to the rest as Ana barely knew him. Her views on him are as such- an idiot moron for having of broke a large chunk of their people, and then sending them away for an adventure with the monkeys in the Spires. Mostly blames the half-myrian for seperating her from Wrenmae, and making her see fantasy when there should have been reality.

Shadowfang - A Crimson Edge member that got a little too close to her, had the knack to catch her when vunerable, and got on Wrenmae's bad side by trying to 'kidnap' her one night. Ana knows his nickname is Robert the Zith, via Wrenmae's postal communication. He was apart of the Sunberth group that travelled to Spires, in an attempt to perform mercenary work.

Jean - The crazy red-head from where ever she had come from that beat Ana up in the Hotsprings back in Sunberth, sole reason why Ana is to never return to the bathing establishment under the guise of 'Ana'. The red head butted heads with Ana a lot, and had travelled to Spires with the small envoy from Sunberth, they both worked at Jakobi's Yard for a time before Jean would dissapear suddenly. Where abouts are unknown.

Xalet - The Syliran Squire of the Knights in Syliras, learned that he came for the very same reason as the Crimson Edge had, as well as learned two gods names from him. Akajia, and Wysar. He is the reason for her nagging thought to visit Syliras, perhaps her sister is there? Was also completely oblivious to his flirtacious, sexist aditude.

Lixue - (WIP)

Banir Ironwood - Hulk of a guy, shrouded in mystery, very random, not worth mentioning in any conversation (not like Ana could, she hardly knows anything about the guy, but she still has met him.)

Nasrin - The Eypharian that presented her race as prideful, and snobby, and over all left a negative image on her race to Ana. Though the thief had to admit that the Eypharian was smart enough to see through her 'innocent girl' facade, locking the door, and forcing Ana to find a way out of the perfumery shop via a window.

Nasrin would know Ana under the morphed guise of blue lake water colored eyes, brown hair, freckleless face, dark circles dissolved, and a shock of strikingly dark red hair, and a green hand (of course Nasrin hadn't a clue that Ana had used magic to steal 2 bottles of perfume under the disguise.)

    Random PC's
    Have absolutely no bearing on Ana's memory, might as well as not exist.

Izaya - Random guy peeping on Wrenmae's tent at night.

Scott - Random guy that was present when Ana caught Izaya peeping.

Ikbin - Random guy that tried to convince Ana to steal from "The Drunken Fish"

Vuil - Woman that Ana met up with Daniel.

Casper - Random guy that Ana pinned the blame on for her thievy crimes.

Vaspira - Strange woman that jumped to conclusions.
Last edited by Ana Sol Starris on March 10th, 2022, 8:24 am, edited 71 times in total.
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Ana Sol Starris
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Ana Sol Starris

Postby Ana Sol Starris on June 5th, 2012, 1:04 am

Current Threads
Year 5##AV

Legend: {Graded} ; {Completed} ; {Ongoing} ; {Placeholder} ; {Abandoned}

We'll see if I start playing in 514AV, or 515AV, first.
Last edited by Ana Sol Starris on February 4th, 2015, 5:22 pm, edited 183 times in total.
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Ana Sol Starris
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Ana Sol Starris

Postby Ana Sol Starris on December 31st, 2012, 12:23 am

Before ze Current

Legend: {Graded} ; {Completed} ; {Grandfathered} ; {Placeholder} ; {Abandoned}


The Gates (Ximal) Summer 10th, 513AV {Completed}

Memory Tricks (Shiress) Summer 16th, 513AV {Completed}

In The Dark (Noaru) Summer 17th, 513AV {Grandfathered}

Taking a Risk (Kreig) Summer 30th, 513AV {Completed}

Breaking and Entering (Aidan) Summer 37th, 513AV {Abandoned}

If Wishes Were Mizas.. (Orion) Summer 40th, 513AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Skill XP Earned
Observation +1 XP
Philosophy +2 XP
Socialization +1 XP
Intimidation +1 XP
Rhetoric +1 XP

Lore Earned
Avoiding authority figures
Location: Kova's Wishing Well
Wishes are worthless, Actions are what matters
Challenge: Waste a miza, get a miza
That stupid idiot

Ugh.. You again? (Orion) Summer 43rd, 513AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Skill XP Earned
Observation +1 XP
Socialization +2 XP
Rhetoric +1 XP
Planning +1 XP
Lacerny +2 XP
Subterfuge +2 XP
Running +1 XP

Lore Earned
Bumping Into Orion... Literally
Orion's Little Troublemaker
Touching Orion's Hiney
Memories Of Past Nightmares

Loot: +18gm

Conflicting Views (Orion) Summer 46th, 513AV {Grandfathered}


Arrival... (Zandelia, Ximal) Spring 3rd, 513AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Riding - 1
Observation - 1

Brown Figures: Guards?
We've arrived!

Ermine Exploration (Alyxandyr Finn) Spring 4th, 513AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Skill XP Awarded
Observation 2
Persuasion 3

Lores: Man, Screw Collectivism, Nykans Are Gaudy, Location: Flaxen District, The Color Wheel of Wealth, Thieving Rat (Sorry, weasel) Alyx, Mommy Where do Kelvics Come From?, Obvious Foreigners Are Obvious

Items and Consequences: Repute: Southern Quarter +1

Look Like a Nykan (Zandelia, Ximal) Spring 5th, 513AV {Grandfathered}

Annoying Big "Brothers" (Ximal) Spring 7th, 513AV {Grandfathered}

Arm Dealing (Solo) Spring 8th, 513AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Skill XP Awarded
Observation 1
Negotiation 1
Running 2
Tactics 1
(Creepy) Optimism 1

Lores: Near Death Experience: Boredom, Being Ambushed By A Market, Jean’s A Bitch With A Subpar Backpack, Showing Respect For Furniture, Shopkeeps Are Psychopaths, Being Hustled Into Human Appendage Purchase, Shopkeepers are thoughtful Psychopaths, Finding That Silver Lining, Uses For Body Parts

Items and Consequences: - 10GM 9cm, 3 candles (small), 5” clay dish, a wicked migraine, blank book, quill, two ink vials, strip of cloth, a freaking severed arm.

Tricky Trades (Gideon Kys) Spring 9th, 513AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Skill XP Awarded
Larceny 2[
Morphing 2
Snarking 1
Intimidation 1

Lores: Larceny 101: Don't Spazz, Remembering Important Lesson: Magic Will @!&# You Up, Man-Child Gideon, Bull**** Disappearance One

Items and Consequences: +15gm

Memories and Reunions (Zandelia, Ximal, Revy) Spring 12th, 513AV {Graded}

Spoils :
XP Awarded
  • +1 Investigation
  • +1 Intimidation

Lores Awarded
  • Pushing the Sister Button
  • Damage is Done
  • Wrong Words Prove Correct

    Are You Insane? (Ximal) Continuation of "Memories and Reunions" {Graded}
    Spoils :
    Skill XP Awarded
    Philosophy 1
    Failure 1
    Escape Artist 1

    Lores: Practicing Existentialism, Regressing To A Simpler Time, Megabitch Revy Shall Not Be Appeased, Being The Hypotenuse, Abusing Tininess,

    Items and Consequences: Depression!

Stealth Tactics (Revy Hiroe) Spring 14th, 513AV {Grandfathered}

Gearing Up (Solo) Spring 16th, 513AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Skill XP Awarded
Brawling 2
Morphing 2
Intimidation 1
Larceny 1
Observation 1
Tactics 1

Lores: Can't Trust No-one, Bloody Hunter Location, Appearance of a Throwing Dagger, Brawling In The Streets, Petch Inflation

Items and Consequences: Ana is now 13% more Nykan!, Your character has bruised ribs, Repute: Southern Quarter -1, +1 Shortbow, +1 Quiver of 12 Arrows, +1 Throwing Knife

Survivor (Aello) Spring 18th, 513AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Observation - 2
Socialization - 1
Weapon: Shortbow - 1
Land Navigation - 1
Stealth - 1

Lost in a forest
Dry shooting is bad for a bow
How to hold a bow
Stance for shooting a bow
Aello the huntress
Basic usage of a compass

Far From The Sun (Apos) Spring 22nd, 513AV {Grandfathered}

Dead Men Do Tell Tales (Balderdash) Spring 25th, 513AV {Abandoned}

Awkward Moments (Sha'Kar) Spring 27th, 513AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Skill XP Awarded
Intimidation 3
Stripping 1
Rhetoric 1
Swimming 1
Persuasion 1
Interrogation 1
Brawling 1
Weapon: Dagger 1
Observation 1

Lores: Nudity Is Still Evil, Nyka Can Do Serene, What Five Silvers Is Worth, Traumatic Experience: Dread Naked Eypharians Rising From The Deep, Bath Adventures Suck, Damned Pushy Eypharians, Honey To Emotionally Damaged Flies, Rapists Are Like Cats, Disliking Someone Makes Them Gay, Please Don't Be Spray-Tanned, It's Not Entrapment If They're Jerks, Burn!, Meanie BSOD, Petch Symenestra; Just... Petch Them, Escaping Watery Madness, Seeing Red, Ending Conversations With Stabbing, Terror Hugs, Tempting Fate, Shanker's Guilt, Doubting Virtue

Items and Consequences: -5sm, Repute: Southern Quarter +5

Horrible Confrontations (Zandelia) Spring 28th, 513AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Skill XP Awarded
Passive-Aggression 1
Running 1
Rhetoric 3
Weapon: Dagger 1
Running 1

Lores: Revy Is a Filthy Usurper, Apologizing is Torture, Contemplating Suicide, A Confrontation, Victim of Mercy, Something Is Wrong, Abandoned, A New Mission

Items and Consequences: Repute: Southern Quarter -1

To Find Redemption (Solo) Spring 29th, 513AV {Grandfathered}

Why? (Solo) Spring 30th, 513AV {Completed}
    Marking of a Thief (Zandelia) Continuation of "Why?" {Graded}

    Spoils :
    Trash talking - 1
    Observation - 1

    A brutal beating
    Waiting until you're better
    Being branded by a friend
    Messing up horribly

    You have -2 reputation for all quarters, and a theives brand on your neck. I would list all the injuries, but by now they would all have healed.

The Aftermath of Self Sacrafice (Zandelia) Spring 36th, 513AV {Abandoned}

Replacing The Lost (Ximal) Spring 37th, 513AV {Completed}

Welcome to Nyka (Omaru, Zandelia) Spring 38th, 513AV {Completed}

Clay-Things and Puppies (Ball) Spring 42nd, 513AV {Grandfathered}

Thieves are Neat (Iris Timandre) Spring 43rd, 513AV {Abandoned}

Do I Have Your Attention? (Zandelia, Wrenmae) Spring 44th, 513AV {Abandoned}

Elsewhere is a Scary Place (Quest) Spring 45th, 513AV {Grandfathered}

Meeting Once Again (Wrenmae) Spring 47th, 513AV {Grandfathered}


Reunion (Zandelia) Winter 1st, 512AV {Graded}
Spoils :
Skill XP Earned Lore Earned
Socialization 2 • Zandelia's Story
Philosophy 1 • Zandelia Knows My Real Name
Storytelling 1 • Taking Responsibility is Necessary
Morphing 1 -

Meditation (Zandelia) Winter 2nd, 512AV {Graded}

Spoils :
philosophy +2
Auristics +2
teaching +1

Lores: just sitting, bored to death, Auristics, blinding colors

Peace and Quiet, Carving and Meditation (Banir Ironwood, Alea Davenport, Ximal, Vaspira) Winter 3rd, 512AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Skill XP Earned Lore Earned
Observation 2 Ximal Likes to Pick on People Smaller Than Him
Stealth 1 Ximal Needs an Ego Check
Intelligence 1 Attempting to Make Up an Excuse to Diffuse a Situation
Rhetoric 2 Forcefully Taking Something Over into the Nets
- - Passing Out From Adrenaline and Sleep Deprivation

Ride Like You Mean It (Solo) Winter 4th, 512AV {Placeholder}

Colors In the Dark (Solo) Winter 5th, 512AV {Placeholder}

A New Old Job (Alea Davenport) Winter 6th, 512AV {Grandfathered}

Birthday Depression (Alea) Winter 11th, 512AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Observation +1 XP
Socialization +1 XP
Interrogation +1 XP
Running +1 XP
Rhetoric +1 XP
Persuasion +2 XP

Lores :
Birthdays...What's The Point?
Alea's House: Pretty Impressive
Yuric: Alea's Kelvic Friend
Zed: Alea's Ugly Pet Spider
The Superiority of Cats
Tom: A Family Pet from Denval
The Function of a Compass
The Importance of Being Earnest
A Thief Knows No home!

+1 golden compass

Perfume is Plants? (Nasrin) Winter 15th, 512AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Skill XP Earned Lore Earned
Morphing 3 • Denying Magic Whispers
Observation 4 • Morphing: Eyes, Hair, Skin
Rhetoric 2 • I Have a Fake Husband?
Subterfuge 1
Escape Artist 1
Story Telling 1
Larceny 1

Ana, you managed to walk away with two small bottles of perfume. From your morphing, you will have a patch of red in your hair for one season of this day. In the future, you will find it easier to turn your eyes different colors and smoothing the skin. From studying Nasrin’s own skin, you will find yourself tempted to try gold coloring.

Training Camp (Ximal, Nasrin, Zandelia) Winter 17th, 512AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Morphing +2
Weapon: Shortsword +1
Stealth +1
Tactics +1

Looking For Metal (Ana, Ximal, Zandelia, Vaspira, Banir) Winter 20th, 512AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Skill XP Earned Lore Earned
Socialization 1 • Cold Iron Steel is Better
Intimidation 2 • Being Paranoid About One's Motives is Healthy
Rhetoric 1 • Ana's Own Language: Flailing
Observation 1 • Studded Leather is Better
Larceny 1 • Lore

+1 wolf pelt wrap
+1 pair of wolf pelt gloves
-23 gm
+1 cold iron dagger and sheath

The Spider Parade (Zandelia, Typhos) Winter 23rd, 512AV {Placeholder}

Blue Skin Suits You (Ximal) Winter 25th, 512AV; Day Time {Completed}

No Rest for the Wickedly Tired (Solo) Winter 25th, 512AV; Night Time {Graded}

spoils :
* Over Stretching Causes Discomfort
* Sheep Correlate With Sleep
* Jakobis' Farts Are Deadly
* Jakobi Is A Dead Sleeper
* The Tired Mind Over Thinks
* Past Love Never Fades
* A Tired Mind Is Vulnerable

* Philosophy- 4
* Meditation- 3
* Mathematics- 3
* Acrobatics- 2

* Your character will be groggy Winter 26th along with a slight headache in the morning.

Weapons, Weapons, Weapons (Ximal, Zandelia) Winter 26th, 512AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Larceny +1
Observation +1
Stealth +1
Running +1
Weapon: Shortsword +4

Stress Relief (Solo) Winter 27th, 512AV {Graded}

spoils :
Skills Lore
Dagger 3 Start Small And Slow
Observation 2 The Sweet Spots
Acrobacy 1 Technique: Pommel Bash
Daggers: Reach Vs. Concealment
Take Care Not To Wound Yourself
Violence is Theraputic

Riding Lessons (Ximal, Zandelia) Winter 30th, 512AV {Grandfathered}

Gaining a Friend (Solo) Winter 33rd, 512AV {Placeholder}

Exp(hair)iments (Solo) Winter 35th, 512AV {Graded}

spoils :
Experience: +2 Observation, +2 Bodybuilding, +1 Animal Husbandry, +1 (Barbering or Cosmetology – you pick), +1 Morphing, +1 Socialization, + 1 Planning
Lore: Mucking stalls builds muscle, Move slowly and confidently around horses, Self Loathing: I dislike my face, Giving Oneself a Haircut With A Dagger, Scars are Badges of Honor, Keeping Things From Lovers

What Happens When The Cup Fails? (Ximal) Winter 37th, 512AV {Graded}

spoils :
Skill and Lore Rewards
Skills Lore
Observation 2 Ximal: Self-Destructor
Persuasion 3 Extreme Measures
Not Such A Blessing, Knowing Your Father
Move On From The Past
Exchange A Truth For A Truth
Trapped In Savage Memories
Vestiges Of Self-Control

Shared Lore:
In Vino Veritas (Or Just Hate, Anger And Bitterness)
Truth Is Overrated
Two Lonely Souls In The Cold
Take Solace Wherever You Can Find It
Just A Kiss In The Moonlight
Way To Kill The Moment, Xi...

When All is Said and Done (Solo) Winter 38th, 512AV {Placeholder}

Snow Day Seductions (Zandelia) Winter 39th, 512AV {Grandfathered}

Condolences of a Thief (Alea) Winter 45th, 512AV {Placeholder}

The Journey Has Begun (Zandelia, Ximal, Chamaeleon) Winter 45th, 512AV {Grandfathered}[/font]


To Catch a Thief (Ximal) Fall 3rd, 512AV {Graded}

spoils :
Skill and Lore Rewards
Skills Lore
Observation 3 Probably Not A Social Call
Rhetoric 2 Defiance Toward The Unjust
Investigation 1 Can't You See I've Changed?
Fighting Temptation
Reconstructing The Scene
Pride Comes Before An Arrest

Shared Lore:
Think Like A Thief

Of Hounds and Pycons Part 1 (Solo) Fall 15th, 512AV {Completed}

Of Hounds and Pycons Part 2 (Solo) Fall 16th {Grandfathered}

The Start of a Beautiful Partnership (Ximal) Fall 25th, 512AV {Graded}
spoils :
Shortsword 3 ; Shield (Buckler) 1 ; Observation 5 ; Unarmed Combat 3 ; Acrobatics 1 ; Negotiation 1 ; Interrogation 1

Letters and Words (Kali, Ximal, Shang, Zandelia) Fall 90th, 512AV {Grandfathered}


Hide and Seek! (Asha) Summer 6th, 512AV {Graded}
spoils :
No Spoils

Light Hearts in a Dark Night (Shadowfang) Summer 7th, 512AV {Grandfathered}

May Caiyha Smile Upon Us All (Quest: Creeper, multiple people) Summer 34th, 512AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Observation +2

Rising to the Call for Aid in Spires
Caiyha's Children will Rise to Protect Her Temple

Night Rider (Modded) Summer 52nd, 512AV {Graded}
spoils :
Animal Husbandry 1 ; Socialization 1


A Storm To Remember (Closed, LOTS of people but more specifically playing with Wrenmae) Spring 1st, 512AV {Abandoned}

Training Day (Zandelia) Spring 12th, 512AV {Graded}
spoils :
+4 Shortsword +3 Shield (Buckler) +2 Observation +2 Persuasion +1 Rhetoric

Cat Fight in The Baths (Jean) Spring 14th, 512AV {Graded}
spoils :
1 Brawling ; 1 Camouflage ; 2 Flute ; 1 Intimidate ; 1 Larceny ; 1 Observation ; 3 Running ; 1 Stealth ; 2 Unarmed Combat

Vigilante Flavored Justice (Guest Moderation) Spring 18th, 512AV {Grandfathered}

Market of Lies (Daniel, Vuil) Spring 20th, 512AV {Graded}
spoils :
Larceny 1, Brawling 2, Observation 1, Stealth 2

You sneaky little...Get back here! (Ximal) Spring 22nd, 512AV {Graded}
spoils :
+2 Larceny, +2 Stealth, +2 Running, +1 Subterfuge, +1 Observation, +1 Interrogation, +1 Persuasion, +1 Negotiation, +1 Ring (Ximal's)

Practice Makes Perfect (Wrenmae, Lusa, Chamaleon, Izaya, Scott) Spring 23rd, 512AV {Graded}
spoils :
Investigation 1, Shortsword 1, Stealth 1

Whats that sound? (Shadowfang, Wrenmae) Spring 25th, 512AV {Graded}

Spoils :
No Spoils

It's Happening Again... (Zandelia, Kalila) Spring 26th, 512AV {Abandoned}

Thief In Distress (Shang) Spring 29th, 512AV {Grandfathered}

Blood and Sweat (CE Members only) ???/confused on date {Graded}
spoils :
Running 1

Hurting a Petcher, Painfully and Horribly (Wrenmae, Kreig) Spring 36th, 512AV {Graded}
spoils :
+1 Observation, +1 Interrogation, +2 Begging, +1 Rhetoric

Pinning The Blame (Casper) Spring 37th, 512AV; Day time {Graded}
spoils :
Larceny 2, Running 3, Observation 1

Finding Help In Low Places (Modded Recruitment) Spring 40th, 512AV {Graded}
spoils :
+1 Negotiation

The Dark Covenant (Wrenmae) Spring 41st, 512AV {Graded}
spoils :
+4 Morphing +2 Persuasion

    Traveling from Sunberth; Spring 43rd, 512AV
    Arrival To The Spires; Spring 78th, 512AV

Arrival of The Crimson | (Crimson Edge, Ximal) Spring 78th, 512AV; Morning {Graded}
spoils :
+1 Riding

Filling The Tank (Daniel, Ximal, Leon) Spring 78th, 512AV; Night {Graded}
spoils :
Observation 1

Why Its A Horse Of Course! (Jean, Stigandr, Modded) Spring 80th, 512AV {Graded}
spoils :
Observation 1, Riding 1

Listen Closely (Solo) (Job) Spring 81st, 512AV; Morning {Graded}
spoils :
Observation +2 ;Animal Husbandry +4 ;Bodybuilding +1 ;Interrogation +1

Silly Mistake (Lixue) Spring 81st, 512AV; Mid Morning {Grandfathered}

Skinny Dipping (Shang) Spring 82nd, 512AV {Grandfathered}

Lovely Conversations (Ximal) Spring 84th, 512AV; Afternoon {Graded}
spoils :
Socialization +1, Observation +1, Meditation +2, Intimidation +2

The Squires Horse (Xalet; job) Spring 87th, 512AV {Graded}
spoils :
Animal Husbandry +2 ; Planning +1 ; Observation +2 ; Detection +1 ; Interrogation +1 ; Rhetoric +1 ; Intimidation +1

Feel the Green, Become the Grass (Solo) Spring 91st, 512AV {Graded}
spoils :
Meditation +2 ; Observation +1 ; Morphing +2 ; Childcare +1 ; Interrogation +1


Whoops! (Wrenmae) Winter 13th, 511AV {Graded}
spoils :
Observation +2 ; Stealth +2 ; Larceny +1 ; Rhetoric +2 ; Subterfuge +1 ; Negotiation +1

Sharing? What is this shar-..D'aw well.. okay.. (Kit) Winter 30th, 511AV {Graded}
spoils :
Brawling 2 ; Stealth 1 ; Rhetoric 3 ; Observation 2 ; Larceny 1

Friends Made In The Most Odd of Ways (Chapiko, Wrenmae) Winter 41st, 511AV {Graded}
spoils :
+1 Observation, +1 Larceny, +1 Interrogation. +1 Rhetoric

(Drunken Fish) The Party of All Parties (Cade, Mok, Ikbin Vorgesetzter, Daniel Alecson, Fallon Dawn, Aleka, Kreig Messer, Carina, Ossshamamora, Xavior Silhouette, Chapiko) Winter 45th, 511AV {Graded}
spoils :
+2 Rhetoric ; +2 Acrobatics ; +1 Brawling

Suprise Meeting With Weaver (Wrenmae) Winter 56th, 511AV {Abandoned}

The Pigs Foot Tavern [Friendly Chat is Where Its At] (Kreig Messer) Winter 80th, 511AV {Graded}
spoils :
+1 coin purse holding 10 gm ; +1 Ornate Key ; Larceny +1 ; Running +1 ;Subterfuge +1 ;Stealth +1

The Keys Mystery (Wrenmae, Modded) Winter 83rd, 511AV {Abandoned}

510AV (FB)

Odd Circumstances (Revy Hiroe) Spring 10th, 510AV {Ongoing}

509AV (FB)

How Much? (Orion Michaels) Summer 25th, 509AV {Graded}

Spoils :
XP Awarded
+2 Stealth
+3 Brawling
+3 Escape Artist
+1 Larceny

Lores Awarded
How Much For a Night With You?
How to Be a Whore (As Explained by Orion)
Orion Michaels: Dog of Sunberth
Lore of Crotch Kicking

+25 Gold
Gained: Orion's Purse

Shades of Blue (Orion Michaels) Summer 45th, 509AV {Graded}

Spoils :
Experience: Running 2, Stealth 1

Lores: A Lamb moving amongst Wolves, Those Blue Eyes, Rendered Senseless from Fear

Last bumped by Ana Sol Starris on December 31st, 2012, 12:23 am.
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Ana Sol Starris
Sneak Thief
Posts: 719
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Joined roleplay: January 11th, 2012, 3:27 am
Location: Syliras
Race: Human
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