Ray waited allowing his body to sink into the chair, or at least get as comfy as he could in that wooden chair of his. Time was something he had a lot of. Waiting didn’t bother him, he had all the time in the world, but sadly other people didn’t have the luxury of time that he did. Thus the world forcing him to go on their schedule, or at least try to keep a step ahead of the competition. He had been failing at that thus far. That frustrated him. She was getting ahead of him, and now the box was in unknown hands. That item couldn’t be allowed to go into wrong hands. Then again, there was the possibility that the box was a fake, but why go through all the trouble of crafting the box? The pearl is all he really wanted. The pearl which lay inside the box. He was acting on the presumption that she actually constructed the box to shield the pearl.
His thought was interrupted by a voice behind him, and he could only smile, knowing that the man couldn’t see it. ”My my,” he said, ”so hostel to one who only wants his fortune read.” he said, making a couple ‘tsking’ noises, clicking his tongue. ”Fortuneteller, perhaps you could enlighten me on a subject?” he said not turning around, not moving, not even craning his head to see the other. ”Or maybe it will be more fun for me to tell you your fortune?” he said in a mocking way. ”Have a seat.” he said, gesturing to the empty chair in front of him. There was a cool calm about the nuit and his words. Confidence radiated off of him, and his words seemed to be overflowing with an almost corporeal confidence. Magic was present in the air, his words weaving this aura around the tent. Though confidence was present, there also were the claws of an artificial fear created by the same magic that radiated the confidence.
Regardless if the other took a seat Ray would continue, ”Fortunetelling happens to be a specialty of mine.” he lied, ”And when I heard of your presence in the city I just had to come investigate.” he explained, making up this story, a hand flying in the air waving about as if nothing really mattered, waving off worries, fears, there was absolute confidence in his actions. His magic has set the tone, but now he must keep it with his actions, ”Now, lets get down to business.” Ray liked to think himself quite the actor.
Falling silent for a moment the nuit thought up of what he was going to say, but it was only a moment. To the observer it was a slight hesitation, a breathe taken. He had been lying and making up stories for over five hundred years, this was something he was good at, ”I see that you have gotten yourself caught up in something unexpected.” he grinned, ”A delivery was made, and the truth was hidden with deception. This unexpected event set in motion a series of events and your fate was intertwined with many others. Consequences are coming.” he said ominously.
”Yes,” he went on, ”You were caught up in a game of cat and mouse, but where do you belong? Are you just another mouse?” he asked his pointed question, ”For I see this is something that is over your head, out of your league, I cannot see any possible good outcome for you.” he said, ”So, why don’t you remove yourself from the situation and give up the box?” he asked. ”If you give it to me, I can assure you no one else will come after you.” Djed filled his words, overflowing the meaning, augmenting it. Making him seem reasonable. Ray even slipped in a subconscious thought Maybe I should listen
His thought was interrupted by a voice behind him, and he could only smile, knowing that the man couldn’t see it. ”My my,” he said, ”so hostel to one who only wants his fortune read.” he said, making a couple ‘tsking’ noises, clicking his tongue. ”Fortuneteller, perhaps you could enlighten me on a subject?” he said not turning around, not moving, not even craning his head to see the other. ”Or maybe it will be more fun for me to tell you your fortune?” he said in a mocking way. ”Have a seat.” he said, gesturing to the empty chair in front of him. There was a cool calm about the nuit and his words. Confidence radiated off of him, and his words seemed to be overflowing with an almost corporeal confidence. Magic was present in the air, his words weaving this aura around the tent. Though confidence was present, there also were the claws of an artificial fear created by the same magic that radiated the confidence.
Regardless if the other took a seat Ray would continue, ”Fortunetelling happens to be a specialty of mine.” he lied, ”And when I heard of your presence in the city I just had to come investigate.” he explained, making up this story, a hand flying in the air waving about as if nothing really mattered, waving off worries, fears, there was absolute confidence in his actions. His magic has set the tone, but now he must keep it with his actions, ”Now, lets get down to business.” Ray liked to think himself quite the actor.
Falling silent for a moment the nuit thought up of what he was going to say, but it was only a moment. To the observer it was a slight hesitation, a breathe taken. He had been lying and making up stories for over five hundred years, this was something he was good at, ”I see that you have gotten yourself caught up in something unexpected.” he grinned, ”A delivery was made, and the truth was hidden with deception. This unexpected event set in motion a series of events and your fate was intertwined with many others. Consequences are coming.” he said ominously.
”Yes,” he went on, ”You were caught up in a game of cat and mouse, but where do you belong? Are you just another mouse?” he asked his pointed question, ”For I see this is something that is over your head, out of your league, I cannot see any possible good outcome for you.” he said, ”So, why don’t you remove yourself from the situation and give up the box?” he asked. ”If you give it to me, I can assure you no one else will come after you.” Djed filled his words, overflowing the meaning, augmenting it. Making him seem reasonable. Ray even slipped in a subconscious thought Maybe I should listen