Location [Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Norien on June 13th, 2012, 1:19 am

Norien laughed, his voice a bright and clear tenor. "Elder Val, it is good to see you again!" he called out, even though they were quite close. He held out his hand for the other to shake, then just grabbed it and shook it vigorously but carefully. "It has been quite some time, Elder Val," he said, his voice colored slightly with worry. "And I hear things have gone poorly while I've been away. Of course I've come with good intentions, I've learned more of the healer's trade and I mean to help the rebuilding however I can." Norien bowed low to him, showing obedience and reverence. "With your permission, I'd like to enter and see just what has happened."
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Nij on June 15th, 2012, 4:56 am

Summer 2nd, 512AV

She had endured the long, arduous journey to Wind Reach. Everyone felt the Djed storm that had happened on the first day of Spring, and whispered rumors abounded about the location of the worst damage. Wind Reach. And, as a Phylonurist witch, she felt the need to use this to challenge her newly-given skills. Rumors abounded of the terrifying and terrible creatures that were created by the wild Djed. Now, she saw the entrance to Wind Reach, the city of the fiery-haired bird people.

Nij had seen the people before, one of them had visited Alvadas for a bit of trading. Their language and culture confused and intrigued her. She took in the dark and the slight details of the gate, with the groove for a giant barrier and the odd metal chain with the colourful glass dangles. Her young, teenaged curiosity peaked. She pulled it.

Bells sounded, loudly, in a hidden harmony that echoed within the dark interior. A voice was heard, and after a few moments of looking, she found an old man.

“Hello, may I be of assistance?” He said, in perfect Common. She wanted to cry with a bout of homesickness. Her wonder about this 'Wind Reach' was what had led her to beg and plead with the Inarta trader back home to teach her Nari. Wind Reach wasn't very far, what if she needed to speak the language? How right she had been.

"I would like to enter Wind Reach," she replied, almost stuttering. Almost choking back tears. There was no reason for her to get so overly emotional about hearing a language she had heard her whole, young life. She probably smelled like a hog's arse, and any baths that were located in Wind Reach would be one of her first stops, after the Valintar. That's what the Inarta trader had told her.

"When you go to Wind Reach, after you enter the gates, speak to the Valintar first. You'll most likely need a place to stay while you get more training, because I doubt you can survive in the wild on your own for very long."

She remembered him. Was he even here? Nij didn't know. He had left the city of Alvadas long ago, he could be away to another city, away from Wind Reach. She didn't think about him.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Phoenix on June 23rd, 2012, 1:26 am



"Young Norien!" Vals eyes disappeared in a field of crinkles as the smile blossomed across his face. The offered hand was clasped fondly between the old mans two, wrinkled onces. " A strong grip you've gotten yourself! Oh, how long it has been."

Slapping the young man on the shoulder, Val walked with him towards the shadowed opening in the stone, the hallway that lead away from the gates and into the city itself. "Come later, we shall catch up. I am sure you are anxious to get back home, eh?" A crackly laugh and another, final, pat to the shoulder. "Get along with you, Norien! And Welcome Home!"


"Young lady!" The years had taught Val a thing or two, his mossy eyes glinting with wisdom, hinting at knowledge. Life had thrown the old gatekeeper on his fair share of winding paths, and he had survived them all. But he would never understand what drove young women. "Don't cry!" Creaky as always, the normally warm-leather voice held a tinge of apprehension as he rose from his chair and shuffled over to where Nij stood.

"You may enter, my dear. Please, take my arm." Had the old mans soft spot been found? Without the normal questions as to why and where hence she had come, Val escorted Nij through the tunnels and directly to the Valintar's door.

OOCNo need to respond, Nij, since we've also already taken care of the Valintar part :) You're good to go!
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Iradessis on July 15th, 2012, 9:54 pm

Summer 3rd in the Year 512, morning

After a long trip from home he finally reaches the The Sanikas Gates. He lets out a sigh as he finaly reaches the gates thinking on how there is no going back home for him. His mood changed as he looked up at the gates. he was amazed at the sight of the gate. This had been the first time he had seen a gate made this way. After a short time of staring he started to walk closer until he noticed to what he thought was a guard. He walks up to the man asking "may I go though the gates?"
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Sphinx on July 16th, 2012, 12:22 am

With crinkled eyes, Val appraised Iradessis with a large smile on his face. He had stepped out of his usual cubbyhole for a few moments that day, to both keep an eye on his birds and to enjoy the mountainous view, but he really hadn't expected a new arrival to the city at that time.

"What is your name?" He asked. For his age, his voice was clear and strong. He spoke Common with barely an accent, so used to speaking it that he was. "Is your business in Wind Reach friendly?"

After those two questions had been answered, Val tilted his head back and looked again st the birds wheeling above, hunting for their food. "Nice day, isn't it?"

Feeling in a playful mood that day, Val would draw this out for the man. His polite smile would say it all as he awaited his next reply.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Iradessis on July 16th, 2012, 1:00 am

"My name is Iradessis" he said "and my visit is friendly, I wish only stay and find some work here." After he answered the question he looked up at the sky and inhaling a deep breathe. "it is a beautiful day out." he said under his exhaled breath.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Zarya on July 16th, 2012, 2:05 am

Summer 3rd in the Year 512, evening
A horse and its rider, worn from a long journey, edged their way to the gates in the dark of the night. The rider, said to be named Zarya loosely held onto the reins of her chocolate colored horse, Eri. Her piercing green eyes were lined with dark, wrinkled bags and her blonde hair, which she usually spent a great time maintaining, fanned out loosely over the hood of her ivory cloak.
As she neared the gate, her eyes brightened at the sight of the entrance. She was almost at the end of her long journey that she had been dreaming of for many moons. Zarya slowly moved her hand from one of the reigns and gently patted Eri.
“We are almost there,” she murmured to her companion with as much excitement as the Drykas could muster. “Just a little bit farther.”Eri started to pick in speed at the sight of the gate, knowing hay and a comfortable was on its way.
As they came upon the gates, Zarya slowly pulled back on the reigns, signalling Eri to stop. Eri tred on a few paces before coming to a complete stop, letting out a snort of relief. Zarya look around the gate entrance, waiting for a guard to approach her. For the twentieth time, her eyes shifted to her spear that was attached to her back, she only hoped she would not have to rid of it when she entered Wind Reach.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Sphinx on July 17th, 2012, 4:54 am

Val smiled broadly when Iradessis agreed about the weather. He liked people like this, who weren't in a hurry all the time and didn't mind a bit of idle conversation. He turned and shouted in the pipe next to the door, the chirping sounds of Nari letting the Dek within know that the visitor was safe. The rumbling sound of the gate lifting resounded in the ears of both Val and Iradessis. Val however, turned to Iradessis and offered him a welcoming smile.

"When you enter the city, go directly to the Valintar. They will arrange employment and housing for you." He winked. "However, would you like to enjoy a day of peace with me out here, in the company of me and my friends?" He gestured up to the figures wheeling in the sky.

High above the road, Valtrrick sat, smoking idly and eating his evening meal. At his side, towering over him, Imsun picked at his already half desiccated buck. They were silent, their link through their bond passing the feeling of calm and contentment back and forth, with a strain of humour every so often from something one of the owls that kept watch lower down pointed out to the man.

Suddenly, Val perked up. Someone had approached, and her leaned forward to peer down at the road and a woman the owl closest described as "featherwilted".

"Ho there," Val called down, Common lancing off his tongue. "Who are you and what brings you to Wind Reach? Don't you know the time?"

He was calling in Common based on assumption the girl spoke the language, but if she was limited to Drykas, Val could not help her understand him unless he called for someone else that had visited the region.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Iradessis on July 17th, 2012, 5:38 am

Iradessis watched Val as he shouted into the pipe. He quickly turned to the gate when he heard the sounds. After the gate had stopped he turned back to Val as he was speaking to him. "thank you for telling me where to go," he replied smile "but I would rather not bother you from your work." It wasn't that he didn't want to have a day of peace with another person chatting around after he has traveled from such a long way, but he just did not wish to start any if at all trouble in the city.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Zarya on July 17th, 2012, 2:24 pm

Zarya’s eyes shot up to find the source of the voice only to see the dark night sky. Her lip flattened out into a straight line as she considered her next move.
“Greetings!” she called out to the voice in Common tongue. She paused for a moment as Eri suddenly stepped backwards. She gently patted the horse, murmuring for her to calm down in Pavi. She returned her gaze to the voice. “I am but a weary traveller and wish to stay for a few weeks to explore the regions.” A little wind blew past, her face, covering it with strands of hair.
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