Marcus Callus Dymez ![]() Characteristics: Born: 72nd of Fall, 491 AV. Age: 20. Height: 5’ 7”. Weight: 150 lbs. Description: Marcus Dymez is a man of average height and slightly slender build, which is usually hidden well under his scholarly attire. His eyes shimmer like emeralds, and have a tendency to subtly glow and dull whenever he manipulates his Djed. He is stronger than he looks, but he is definitely not a warrior by birth. His summers as a kid were spent on the docks of Zeltiva, honing his strength, but his later years at University have done little more than maintain his endurance. His mental fortitude is magnitudes higher than his physical one, and he always itches for the chance to prove that point. Personality: Marcus is a slightly peculiar fellow who has been combating "normal" ever since he was a child. In an attempt to stray from the supposedly mundane nature of his family, he dedicated himself to being an oddity. As he grew older however, he realized this was just a front for a simpler realization; normal was boring. His antagonism towards ordinary life was converted into a passion for the strange and unknown. This curiosity is one of Marcus' main virtues, but also one of his worst vices. In addition to his limitless curiosity, Marcus also has a buried knightly complex, in that if presented with an opportunity to be a hero-figure or "knight in shining armor," he tends to find the prospect quite tempting, and ridiculous odds only encourage him further. This arises from a long-repressed relic of his past, which his mind does not acknowledge. It is also due to this fact that Marcus is hesitant to give out his real name to others until he trusts them, preferring to give the surname of Callus (Callous) as opposed to Dymez. He may not even know exactly why, but the scholar commits the subtle deception all the same; the darkness that intruded on his ordinary life simply not fitting into his memories. Background: Marcus Dymez is the product of a home with very little to its name. His father was a well-off merchant who took full advantage of the city’s position as a trading hub, while his mother was a secretary at the prestigious University of Zeltiva. His family was kind and providing, and Marcus had a very privileged childhood in the middle-class of the city hierarchy. He hated every moment of it. This was not, as mentioned, because his family did not love him, but rather due to the mundane nature of everything they stood for. His older brother Tyrolus was perhaps the most exciting of the group, and his job consisted solely of going out on boats and putting fish in nets. By the time Marcus came of age to apply for the University, he was set to move out in an instant. Things would become very interesting. Or so he thought. At the age of 17, Marcus was finishing up his general studies at the College of Applied Skills. University had been slightly disappointing so far, as Marcus’ studies had comprised of calligraphy and herbalism; neither of which he paid much attention to. But all of that was irrelevant, as Marcus was about to enter into the College of Scholars, after establishing a complex web of connections (via extraordinary amounts of brown-nosing). He had read up on various magicians’ secrets and wizards tomes, but most were just rubbish sold by conniving street vendors. Now Marcus would have his chance to study the Djed of this world, and his mind was bubbling with anticipation. The first course Marcus signed up for was an introduction to Reimancy. What he had not read in the fictional accounts of grand wizards was how eerie and painful the initiations to such studies truly were. Still, eager to not make a fool of himself, he urged his professor to ensure a complete introduction, as the ritual wounds spread not only onto his palms, but up the sides of his arms as well, dashes of his blood slowly dripping. That was only the beginning however. As the professor introduced his own res into Marcus’ body, it felt as if another soul had been pushed in, and his mortal flesh was packed with two beings. However, he soon accepted this sensation, and even embraced it. For he now could make use of what was always with him, in ways previously unimaginable. Needless to say, Marcus was instantly enamored with the subject. With 20 years of life behind him, Marcus was now an established student at the University, with a solid background in the magical arts. He spoke with confidence and studied with dedication, and life was looking up. His adolescent and immature need to be different had been transformed into a desire for knowledge and the unknown. Marcus believed curiosity to be a boon for his new profession, but wanderlust was beginning to creep into his soul. Marcus would create the life of his dreams, or die attaining it. |