This week is turning out to be pretty intense at work. The web application we're developing and that we thought would be running on Internet Explorer only, suddenly gained a majority of users who can only use Firefox. Of course, it doesn't work properly on FF. And now it has to. If I'm not posting, it's because I'm really tired! I haven't forgotten about any of you. Justice and evil plans for all.
Sorry, no rant-alicious scrapbook entry from me as seems to have become the norm around here.
The problem with the net is that it's become so second-nature to us that we think of it as talking, but we are actually writing - and in the most durable medium ever conceived (if you make backups). Scrapbooks are meant just for that - like a blog, but without the expectations that come with one. Just a few thoughts on things I've been reading recently.
1) The average shelf life of a RP forum on the net is six months before it starts collapsing. The member base is fleeting and changes all the time. Without turnover, forums die out.
2) Newbie-heavy games have their downsides. My last site was a veteran-heavy game, though. I have seen enough of these mechanics at play to decide that a newbie-heavy place is preferable. The main difference between the two is that, depending on who the newbies are, the newbie-heavy game can get annoying sometimes. Veteran-heavy games with a forever fixed player base tend to crystallize and turn into nightmares. I'll take the newbie-heavy game every single time. You deal with the occasional annoying newbie once. You deal with the cliques and lobbies and politics every day.
3) If your forums is not attracting new players, it is three steps away from death.
4) These websites can cause you stress. Each person has a way of dealing with it. I find Tarot-zen to be most effective. I ignore anything that causes me any stress. Passive aggressive PM? No replies. Annoying person in chat? Doesn't exist. Unrealistic demands on me? Forget about it. Not necessarily a fair method, but it lets me enjoy the good things without having to throw a fit when pressure reaches critical levels.
5) The redoubtable Colombina needs to come up with a "layman's view" sentence for Nyka, too. If Syliras is the only city with a Wal-mart and Riferfall is all-year-round sausagefest at frat city, then what's my little Nyka?
Before taking my leave for the night, let us recap what I am doing as a mod. Here are the folks I'm modding or about to, and the Screw-o-meter showing how they're faring.
Abashai - *** [Two stars from me and one because of Nya.]
Hadrian - **** ["I have an idea, Panna! How about I open fire on the next PC who docks on the island?"]
Game thread participants - ***** [it basically says so in the rules]
Ialari - *** [still in the exposition stage of looking for Dominion. Expect a rise.]
Jaeden - *** [I still have to figure out what really scares him. Aside from the mental image of a huge Akalak attracted to his Ranuri.]
Jilitse - ***** [Nuits are practically made for abuse. It's the maiming without the guilt. But of course there's more to it!)
Malia - ***** [she's hard to impress. I like a challenge.]
Nimvahlis - ****** [it's not even started yet. Call me an optimist.]
Nya - ** [killed her once already. Can't do that again too soon or it gets old.]
Satu - ***** [you ain't seen nothing yet!]
Stitch - ***** [Every time I read one of his posts, I feel like throwing something nasty at him just to see if That one's façade will crumble.]