[Location] The Establishment

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Horlamin on June 1st, 2012, 11:25 am

<1st day of Summer, 512 AV>

Horlamin had walked the streets for too long without a sense of purpose. Too long he wandered, fighting for scraps of gold and food. His goals in life have been muddled in his jumble of thoughts. He was a walking mass of confusion that could be set straight by one thing. Ale would cloud his mind, and a woman didn't nothing more but screw you over, but a job could bring the honestly out of any man.

Unless that job was not honest either.

As Horlamin scoured the job listings at the Establishment, he saw both honest and not so honest work. Sure he could become a brewer or a woodcarver, but that bored the fighter just thinking about it. He glanced down at his attire, his scale armor and broad sword on hip; did he look like someone who would carve wood for a living?

No, Hor sought a different approach to making money. One opening did catch his eye, though. It seemed that too many merchants to list individually sought help in protection of their businesses. But from what Hor could infer from this slip of paper, there was more to the job than just protecting a stall in the market. What exactly he would do Hor was uncertain of, but he knew fighting would be common in this profession.

Hor liked to fight. So he liked this job.

But first he needed to find one of these merchants. And to do that, Hor needed to speak to the one man who knew; Master Tua. Hor had heard the name spoken earlier towards a small man wearing a broad-brim hat. The fighter walked over, nodding his head in greeting towards the man.
"It seems merchants in the city need a helping hand guarding their wares. Would ya happen to know where I might find one of these merchants?"

And that is where Hor cut off. Now he let the master handle his job. His honest job.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Kon on June 6th, 2012, 9:46 pm

-1st of Summer, 512AV, early afternoon-

Peering at the assortment of adds, Kon frowns. "Looks like a pretty rough place, eh? Ah well, I'm here, and I need work. Might as well make the best of it." Kon scratches his chin and looks at the different options for a few more moments before nodding and reaching for the paper about working at the docks. "This one'll do." He turns and makes his way towards the back counter.

With a short grin and a nod, the young Inarta places the add in front of the clerk. "Oye there, name's Kon. I'm new in town. You wouldn't mind giving me a few directions to find this Hessin fellow, would you? Suppose I could go lookin' for him myself, but with my luck I'll get myself lost as a blind dog." Taking a step back, Kon rolls his shoulders and waits for an answer.
"Problem? If you can do something about it, do so and stop worrying. Can't do anything about it? Well, no point in worrying about it to begin with then."
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Archelon on June 7th, 2012, 10:17 pm

@ Horlamin.

The man behind the counter looked at him a moment, wondering just what this man was here for, or if he didn't expect to pay like others. Slightly licking his lips, the clerk thought a moment, "You know I don't think that working for a single merchant might be right for you. You seem too shady to stay with just one without ripping them off. I'd rather send you along to Ol' Legs to become one of his Taggers after he got Hessin to accept him as the boss. He's always needing a few more people to help guard wagon shipments from the warehouses to the docks. Same pay as a guard, 5 gold a day, but you get to travel a bit throughout sunberth. Even meet some other merchant's personal guards though they might not take a shine to you. it's a shame. You'll never even get an interview with old legs. At least not without paying the fee. Five gold mizas should do to get the letter sent."

oocIf you accept, pay the five gold mizas and throw up a solo where you go to meet ol' legs. I'll do a one post and then you'll be on your way :)."

@ Kon
The clerk sighed a moment, somewhat bored from the tedious nature of greeting those that seemed to have trouble stringing two sentences together. That was before a small smirk played upon his face as he pondered some newcomers they didn't realize how violent the city could truly be. Those who wanted to stay out of trouble and didn't have the strength to live in such a city only could get by one way. By keeping their head down, and doing the tasks no one else wanted to do. Would this one fair any different?

Oh well, it didn't matter. What mattered was the clerk did his job with a smile washing all other expressions that had flashed across his features as he looked over the newest 'applicant'. "Hmm... so you want to be a laborer? Well old Legs runs the docks, Hessin works a bit under him. Laborers aren't in the highest when it comes to some of the rowdier sorts on the dock. Or are you trying to get into helping Ol' Legs build some of those ships of his? Perhaps he'd start you off as a laborer, send you to Hessin. Or perhaps he might got another idea for ya.

Shame though, shame. You'll never even get an interview with ol' legs to know what he might want for you without paying the fee. Five gold mizas should be enough. The only directions you need are to head east to the bay and find old leg's other leg. "

oocIf you accept, pay the five gold mizas and throw up a solo where you go to meet ol' legs. I'll do a one post and then you'll be on your way :)."
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Kon on June 7th, 2012, 11:11 pm

Not seeming to catch the clerk's momentary lapse, Kon scratches his chin for a moment and nods. "I can spare that. Thanks for the help." The Inarta sets the fee on the counter and starts back towards the doorway. "Have a good day!" Setting a brisk pace towards the bay, he makes a mental note to watch himself around this place. Some of those job requests gave him the notion that Sunberth really did live up to its reputation.
"Problem? If you can do something about it, do so and stop worrying. Can't do anything about it? Well, no point in worrying about it to begin with then."
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Horlamin on June 8th, 2012, 1:57 pm

Standing there, Horlamin might've been a menacing figure to the average citizen of Sunberth. But that didn't grant anyone the chance to make assumptions about him. Had this clerk ever heard the saying "don't judge a book by its cover?" Yet there he stood, speaking his doubts freely about how he was unsure Hor could stay trustworthy to one merchant. That was attacking a man's honor in Hor's book, and he rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. But he did not draw it; the clerk hadn't finished speaking.

And the sword remained unneeded, as the clerk mentioned working for Ol' Legs as a Tagger. Now that was a name he has heard passed around in his years in Sunberth. A well-known man, famous or infamous Hor was unsure, but he didn't care about little things like that. The man was powerful, which meant the work was more steady. Hor liked steady work. He even ignored, not forgotten, the rudeness the clerk had by judging him.

Now came the annoying part, paying up the fee. Hor was seriously tempted in not paying the fee, but that meant not getting the job. And it could possibly sabotage any chance of getting work in Sunberth without having to unearth it himself. Hor shook his head slightly, blond hair falling into his eyes, as he pulled out the five gold coins. Setting them on the table, Hor stepped back.
"I hope I can consider the interview a success."

And with that, Hor made his exit. Maybe Ol' Legs would be nicer than this Master Tua. Well, as nice as a person can get in Sunberth.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Xavior Silhouette on June 15th, 2012, 5:42 pm

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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Israiha on June 16th, 2012, 5:12 am

Spring the 2nd, 512 AV

Issa entered the Establishment.
She had told herself that she would stop by when the small building was less crowded, but she had quickly learned that that was not to be the case; It seemed the Establishment never emptied, or closed for that matter.

Pushing her way through the mass she slowly made her way to the large wall mounted boards. They were covered in pieces of paper, tacked on with nails and daggers alike. Issa studied the pamphlets carefully.

Two caught her eye. The first, a vague request for a bar keep and the second, a requisition for whores and entertainers. Frowning slightly Issa reached forward and pulled the pamphlet from Brega off the wall. Reading it carefully Issa wondered if whore and entertainer came hand in hand, or if one could be an entertainer without being a whore.

Frowning Issa re-tacked the pamphlet on the wall and moved to the counter. Peering at the man behind the counter she slid the other pamphlet forward.

"Excuse me sir, could you tell me more about this job?"
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Archelon on June 19th, 2012, 7:21 pm


Tua looked at the man for a long moment... pondering. He didn't like those who tried to pry into others business, especially his own. However, that didn't mean he wouldn't give them a chance to prove their loyalty. "My dear sir, there's a reason why the advertisement is titled word runner. I have a plethora of messengers working for me that tend to carry the part and parcel of those seeking employment to their respective employers. It's a tough job, rather dangerous. Pay's only so much too since there's plenty of people willing to risk death and dismemberment here for a steady, if exhausting , job. A job about discretion. So... how fast are your legs?"


The clerk looked over the woman's assets with an appraising glare, not bothering to hide his 'ass'essment. "Brega's, well it's a rather suave bordello located in the gated community that runs burlesque and ... other things for wealthier individuals. NO wait, that's Ruby's. Braga's is on the north side of the river, silly me. Still one of the best places for a man or a woman to find a lay if they have the coin. Their employees certainly are well versed in the ways of..." The clerk coughed a moment, "pleasing their client's whims. It's a- uhm- profession not for the faint of heart, or those with a bit of shyness to them, but they both treat their women right."
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
It's been a mixed bag at times , but with all the good and the bad and mixed signals, I can honestly say: Thank you. Please support the next mods of sunberth as well as you have done me.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Xavior Silhouette on June 29th, 2012, 4:38 pm

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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Emery Lowell on July 9th, 2012, 6:09 am

3rd of Summer, 512 AV

Emery walked into the Establishment, hands in her pockets and eyes darting, carefully watching for any opportunity to slip her hands into lazily guarded pockets. Making her way to the boards, upon which countless pieces of paper had been tacked. Eyeing each one carefully she finally settled on one that interested her, leaning forward to pull it off of the war to get a closer look.

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The vague message was intriguing and Emery found herself nearly bouncing at the mere thought of the many things the flier could mean. Smiling lightly she made her way over to the counter where she held the flier up for the man before her to see.

"Hey there, would ya mind tellin' me more ‘bout this?"
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