by Marcus Dymez on May 29th, 2012, 3:34 am
Fireball with a Twist.
- Extrude res from any opening. (Palms Preference)
- Set res into a slow spin, and mold into sphere.
- Cut sphere in half, flatten slightly, and propel both halves in an intertwining helix.
- Once control becomes burdening or impact is imminent, transmute into fire.
Serpents of Ivak.
- Extrude res from arms in broad strips of heavy gas.
- Motion res along the floor in a sparse sheet until at maximum range of control or within three inches of target.
- Concentrate gas into two strips, before launching towards target from multiple directions, igniting at the point of impact.
- Extrude small amounts of res gas from the mouth, palms, and arms.
- Surround target in light layer of res.
- Press res inward towards the target and transform into heavy liquid
- Once res has made contact, ignite.
Last edited by
Marcus Dymez on May 29th, 2012, 8:55 pm, edited 4 times in total.