Oy, haha I just realized I never made one of these intro threads and thus have not yet properly introduced myself.
1. Hi everyone, I am Domonique although most tend to shorten it to Dommi.
2/4 I have been gaming for a while on various sites for almost ten years come march and quickly found high and modern fantasy to be my heart. Although for the past year I’ve been rekindling my love of X Men and comics in general with helping to run a few of those.
3. I found Mizhar by word of mouth, or instant message in this case, David dragged me away here with the promise of awesome peoples and so far I haven’t been disappointed yet.
5. I’m told I pay a strong attention to detail, so I suppose that’s my favorite thing to write about, I LOVE character development. I strive to give my characters depth, motive, and history that is developed over time and is shown, rather than deciding, hey she’s crazy and then slap on a reason. Sometimes I get accused of having a character be too contrary when honestly that seems ridicules, when have you ever really known a one dimensional person? People take the experiences they have and they are incorporated into their being, not simply brushed aside because the moment is over, but it is carried forward with them and shown, not always obviously, but the marks of the past do not always simply wash away.
6.Think my favorite thing of Mizhar, aside seeing a few familiar names from a game not to be mentioned, the races They seem so well developed how they each have their own flavor but so much room for a player to have the creative freedom to make their character apart of the group but their own and an individual, plus, the site is pretty
7. haha the most frustrating thing… the choices. There are toooo many things to choose from, it has been the source of my joy and despair for the past three days. No that wasn’t a true frustration, not at all.
8. The only think I’m looking for out of this experience is, fun. Lots of fun. No, seriously. …and cake. I believe we need a cake.
9. I cannot really say there is anything that needs to be expanded upon already, the game looks beautiful and well thought out already with staff still filling in the blanks and this world pretty much still being crafted with attentive hands. Although like before, you cannot go wrong with cake.
10. …no, its not cake. Let’s see, here’s an easy where is everyone at, in real life of course.