Time stamp: Spring 80, 512
The first fingers of dawn were stretching through the longhouse entrance when Asha was roused awake with a rough shake. Opening bleary eyes, she was confronted with the stern face of Mogg. The head gardener roused her most mornings far earlier then she would naturally wake and she had long ago ceased to be startled by the early morning wake-ups. Mogg retreated a few steps as Asha silently rose and stretched her arms before standing. Others were still sleeping soundly in the nearby bunks and the two respectfully kept their silence until they were a few strides away from the longhouse and its dozing occupants.
“Winter finally broke its hold. I think it is warm enough to try and put some plants in the ground without too much fear of the roots freezing.” Mogg stated as they walked. He never started the day with a good morning or any of the other customary small talk he always got right to the point. It was an attribute Asha had grown to respect. As he mentioned the finally changing weather Asha noticed the lack of chill in the air. Winter had kept a strong hold in Taldera late into the spring season and even the hardy native plants had been stunted in their growth. Not to mention the delicate non-native annual plants brought in for eating and medicinal purposes; every one of the delicate plants had frozen and died in the ground. As Asha walked she listened to nature wake up and exult in spring’s belated birth, all creatures seemed to have decided that today was the day it happened. Asha smiled as the songbirds trumpeted gloriously in the trees and the rustle in the woods as spring mothers brought their babes out to witness their first taste of tangy spring air. It had been a long torturous battle between winter and spring, but spring had finally overcome and the cycle of rebirth had begun again.
“What are we starting with?” Asha inquired.
“Well I’ve got all those little pots of plants that were shipped in from Zeltiva herbalists that I think we should get to first. I want you to dig up the sod around the Injury Ward and mix in some compost with the soil. Then we can plant the herbs around there. The Injury Ward is always first priority.” Mogg answered and Asha nodded in agreement. Two weeks prior a kind but unthinking group of herbalists from Zeltiva had donated a small cache of potted herbs to the Spires. The kindness had been duly noted, but Mogg and Asha had worked tirelessly to keep the delicate plants alive in the chill. They had lost a few but most of the stock had managed to survive. Mogg turned his head towards Asha before adding, “And we will have to make a small rock border around the plants as well. None of them are native to our region and I don’t want them growing out of control and getting introduced into our environment. Not that they would last very long, but it’s still just not a good idea. You will have to keep a close eye on them every morning for any signs of spreading beyond the rock border.”
The first fingers of dawn were stretching through the longhouse entrance when Asha was roused awake with a rough shake. Opening bleary eyes, she was confronted with the stern face of Mogg. The head gardener roused her most mornings far earlier then she would naturally wake and she had long ago ceased to be startled by the early morning wake-ups. Mogg retreated a few steps as Asha silently rose and stretched her arms before standing. Others were still sleeping soundly in the nearby bunks and the two respectfully kept their silence until they were a few strides away from the longhouse and its dozing occupants.
“Winter finally broke its hold. I think it is warm enough to try and put some plants in the ground without too much fear of the roots freezing.” Mogg stated as they walked. He never started the day with a good morning or any of the other customary small talk he always got right to the point. It was an attribute Asha had grown to respect. As he mentioned the finally changing weather Asha noticed the lack of chill in the air. Winter had kept a strong hold in Taldera late into the spring season and even the hardy native plants had been stunted in their growth. Not to mention the delicate non-native annual plants brought in for eating and medicinal purposes; every one of the delicate plants had frozen and died in the ground. As Asha walked she listened to nature wake up and exult in spring’s belated birth, all creatures seemed to have decided that today was the day it happened. Asha smiled as the songbirds trumpeted gloriously in the trees and the rustle in the woods as spring mothers brought their babes out to witness their first taste of tangy spring air. It had been a long torturous battle between winter and spring, but spring had finally overcome and the cycle of rebirth had begun again.
“What are we starting with?” Asha inquired.
“Well I’ve got all those little pots of plants that were shipped in from Zeltiva herbalists that I think we should get to first. I want you to dig up the sod around the Injury Ward and mix in some compost with the soil. Then we can plant the herbs around there. The Injury Ward is always first priority.” Mogg answered and Asha nodded in agreement. Two weeks prior a kind but unthinking group of herbalists from Zeltiva had donated a small cache of potted herbs to the Spires. The kindness had been duly noted, but Mogg and Asha had worked tirelessly to keep the delicate plants alive in the chill. They had lost a few but most of the stock had managed to survive. Mogg turned his head towards Asha before adding, “And we will have to make a small rock border around the plants as well. None of them are native to our region and I don’t want them growing out of control and getting introduced into our environment. Not that they would last very long, but it’s still just not a good idea. You will have to keep a close eye on them every morning for any signs of spreading beyond the rock border.”