[The Bronze Wood] Nudist Cat? (Sturlin)

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

[The Bronze Wood] Nudist Cat? (Sturlin)

Postby Fherasoone on April 23rd, 2010, 6:03 pm

She showed a bit of sorrow at this question. "About two days. If you include today." she said. After answering she paused for a minute, thinking about what had happened in so short a time. She was very quiet after this, even her breathing slowing down a bit. It did not take long for her to then sit down on the ground, watching as a furless friend hopped into her lap. As he did, she suddenly laughed a little, a small smile appearing again on her face. "Hello Mr. Pickles." she said with her hand gentle rubbing the Mr. Pickles back.

Again the lights flickered again, each one seeming to alter her. Each flicker made her look more innocent, and more kind, holding Sturlin's furless companion in her lap. After a second of petting him she looked up, eyeing Sturlin curiously.
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[The Bronze Wood] Nudist Cat? (Sturlin)

Postby Sturlin on April 24th, 2010, 4:21 pm

He considered all of this for a few moments. Things were being filed away in his mind, carefully. She had only been at the orphanage for two days. That did not necessarily mean they would not come looking for her, it always depended on the person in charge. Knights were the last thing he wanted to storm into his camp in the middle of the night. During his time here he had found a suitable second campsite, but had been resisting the need to move.

Once the hunter finished fiddling with the fire he stood and ran a hand over his face. The animals had been cared for and now both he and his guest were fed. With the sky darkening he should seek his bed. Mr. Pickles had become so used to that particular stretching motion that he knew his master was tired, and slunk into the tent to find his blankets.

"You may join me in the tent, if you wish." As Sturlin said this his left cheek twitched several times. "Cuddling and hugging should be kept to a minimum."

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[The Bronze Wood] Nudist Cat? (Sturlin)

Postby Fherasoone on April 24th, 2010, 10:50 pm

She got up and smiled at Sturlin with a slight bow, "T-thank you." she said as she grabbed her cloak again slowly taking it off. Once it was off and held firm in her right hand, she began wiping off the dirt and leaves with her left, being careful as to not get any of the pieces on the red robes she donned beneath the cloak. Without the thickness of the fur cloak, her frail appearance once more knew no bounds, her entire form now seeming half the size it once was, and even less intimidating then before, if that were at all possible at such a point. her eyes wandered towards the tent for a second, then back at Sturlin with a smile.

"I'll try and keep distance then...but um...I tend to move a little in sleep...I'll apologize now...just incase..." she said, seeming to suddenly have a lot of worry written over her face. However, with that she approached the tent, removing her sandals that have long since worn out, and entered it. Inside, she saw a spot that had a simple spread on it. She felt it to be Sturlin's bed so she found a corner far from it, curling up with a smile, wrapping up in her partially cleaned cloak herself. It did not take long before already, she was out, falling into her own world of dream.
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[The Bronze Wood] Nudist Cat? (Sturlin)

Postby Sturlin on April 25th, 2010, 3:30 am

With a look on his face of slight distaste he joined her in the tent and sought his own bed. He did not like to sleep in his leathers, but he was not going to sleep naked in here with some kid. Wrapping himself up in his blanket he draped a cloak over her to help keep her warm and then forced himself to relax and begin to rest. Sleep was a long time coming, but when it came he slept well.

As was now his custom he woke before the dawn and slipped out of the tent. If she awoke with him he'd ask her to stay out of the way, if she did not then he would work quietly so as to avoid waking her. With great care he broke down the camp and packed everything away neatly on his horse. When the sun rose he broke down his tent, after making sure she was no longer in it, and put it on the horse as well.

Breakfast was more jerky and hard tack, as would be lunch and dinner. Once he had cleared the area of his possessions he strung his bow and began leading the way back toward the city. "It is time to return you to your city, Fhera. I will take you to your orphanage." He hoped that the place was decent enough that he would not feel like a bastard for returning her.

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[The Bronze Wood] Nudist Cat? (Sturlin)

Postby Fherasoone on April 25th, 2010, 3:48 am

She woke up with a stretch before quickly looking around, "Where..." she said to herself questioningly before realizing what had happened only yesterday. That's right...I got lost and...Sturlin! she thought to herself quickly looking up to try and catch Sturlin who was not in his bed. She slipped her cloak on properly before peeking out of the tent to see Sturlin hard at work. Her voice was a whisper as she asked if he needed help only to be denied. Not wanting to get in the way, she stepped out of the tent, walking towards a small clearing and waiting there as he worked across his camp.

She felt hungry this morning, after all that had happened, it left her feeling drained even after the night's dinner and rest. After a while, Sturlin gave her some jerky from his pack which she accepted with her usual smile. She was still working on her last bit of jerky as he finished packing the rest of his things, stating that they would be walking back to Syliras. She thought about this with a smile on her face, which then turned into a frown at another thought. "I'm sorry." She said to Sturlin, a displeased look on her face, "I didn't mean to cause you so much trouble..."

Her face continued to depict sadness at this thoguht, not wanting to have ruined his plans, but also knowing she could not find her way back home alone. Quickly she got up, putting on another smile to hide the negative emotion, then rushed to Sturlin. Though he had asked for no such affection, it was still in her nature, of which she could not avoid. It was also the only way she could think of thanking him at the time, combining two words with a strong hug, "Thank You."
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[The Bronze Wood] Nudist Cat? (Sturlin)

Postby Sturlin on April 25th, 2010, 3:54 am

Patting her on the back uncomfortably with his left hand, his right hand still holding his bow, he said "Quite alright." When she was able to break the hug he forged the path ahead. Hopefully her frail frame concealed more energy than it appeared. He would be setting a brisk pace throughout the rest of the day. It took a bit of sweat and pain to make the full trek to Syliras in a single day, and that was with his long legs.

Throughout the entire trip he remained on edge, though his paranoia would lessen the closer they came to Syliras. His bow was always at the ready and his hand was always near his quiver, or coiled to release a spell. This no longer seemed like a friendly outing or some sort of hermit vacation. The forest was dangerous, and he was not going to be caught with his guard down.

It is entirely possible that this was an unpleasant trip for poor Fhera. Fortunately for her, Mr. Pickles decided that he would keep her company throughout the trip. The cute little pink cat bobbed along at her heels, pawing at her feet occasionally and offering other displays of playful affection to take her mind off of how stodgy her current guardian was.

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[The Bronze Wood] Nudist Cat? (Sturlin)

Postby Fherasoone on April 25th, 2010, 4:19 am

She remained quiet, stepping on the tree roots as they traveled which kept her a little silent, though she was constantly at breath which made her presence obvious. Mr. Pickles would often play at her heels which also kept her slightly unbalanced, but also her mood lighter. It would also seem to brighten further as she looked towards Sturlin, thinking of how hard he was trying for her. After a while of travel, she paused for but a second, picking up Mr. Pickles and held him close in her arms.

Her pace was starting to slow after a while, her legs already tiring, but as she noticed the distance being put between her and Sturlin, she would rush to catch up once more, each time he looked back at her from this, she would try her best to show no signs of this fatigue and continue smiling as she followed. I hope Stitch isn't going to be too mad... I thought to myself as we continued. That may have been one of my strengths as we traveled, not wanting to be in too great a deal of trouble, and wanting to return home soon before it got any worse.
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[The Bronze Wood] Nudist Cat? (Sturlin)

Postby Sturlin on April 25th, 2010, 4:29 am

If she ever showed signs of slowing and being unable to catch up, then he would slow his pace. As things were he continued to push her to her limits because she showed no signs of wanting to let him out of her sight. The miles were eaten up rather quickly in this manner. Francis seemed to plod on without awareness of his location. Mr. Pickles was very happy when he was picked up and cuddled, in a manner befitting his status as cat royalty.

It was fortunate that she was so eager to please. They made better time than Sturlin sometimes did by himself. The large gates of Syliras loomed at first in the distance of the road and then more clearly in front of them. The magician stowed his bow and arrows for the first time since they had set off from the camp. For the moment knights were not a threat, and he was eager to explain his business and escort the girl to her home.

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[The Bronze Wood] Nudist Cat? (Sturlin)

Postby Fherasoone on April 25th, 2010, 4:49 am

She continued to follow happily, each second seeming to bring her closer and closer to home. The gates slowly grew in sight, which brought a greater and greater smile on her face as she held Mr. Pickles close. As he finally stowed his bow at hand, she felt truly at ease, slowly lowering herself she let Mr. Pickles go to his master. The gates seemed so close she could practically feel Stitch's presence. The day had already grown a bit dark, her legs feeling like mush. She slowed down considerably, finally breathing hard, being able to show her fatigue without concern.

She had pushed her small body to as far a point as possible in order to keep up with Sturlin and even more to hide how she felt. She took two more steps before being brought to her knees, only to get up immediately after, once more moving towards Sturlin. She wanted to cry, she wanted to rest, she wanted so much, yet she didn't want to disappoint Sturlin, and didn't want to worry him any further. She stumbled a bit as she moved closer, her entire form now showing how tired she truly was, but she still smiled. Even after pushing past her limits, she smiled.

Thread: Finished.
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[The Bronze Wood] Nudist Cat? (Sturlin)

Postby Dusk on April 27th, 2010, 9:56 pm

XP Award!


XP Award
Running: 1 XP
Storytelling: 1 XP
Detection: 1 XP

Lore Award
Getting Lost in the Woods


XP Award
Wilderness Survival: 2 XP
Cooking: 1 XP

Lore Award
Comforting Lost Children

Additional Note
At least there weren't any monsters :)
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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