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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Norien on June 2nd, 2012, 7:00 pm



 Physical Information:

 Inarta
 Male


Winter 25th, 490 AV

 His hair is blood red, and goes halfway down his back. His eyes are tawny amber color, resembling an eagle’s or a hawk’s. He is 5’7”, broad shouldered and sinewy, with ropes of hard muscle on his arms and legs. He has a wide silver band in his left earlobe, with a small hawk’s feather hanging from it. He has only one smallish braid, woven with strips of blue and green cloth and ornate silvered glass beads that offset his eyes. He wears his hair in a tail occasionally, but more often than not lets it hang down. He usually goes around bare-chested, to display the whirling, spiky tattoo on his torso. It starts at his left wrist and entwines up his arm, then reaches across his chest to his right pectoral and down his side to his hip.

 About Norien:
 Outgoing and cheerful, quick to laugh and joke, but prone to fits of pensiveness, and occasional melancholy. Slow to anger, but extremely passionate when finally roused. Loyal to a fault, once Norien trusts someone, he trusts them with his life. When the Wingwolves disbanded, Norien took it very hard, and strives to maintain the connections from then, because his friends are extremely important to him.

Life is sacred, and shouldn’t be wasted when there is another alternative. Mercy is a strength, not a weakness. He tries to help the Dek whenever he could, but doesn’t make much of a difference. Oppression and slavery make him sick at heart, and freedom and justice are very important to him. His favorite saying is, “One day, everyone will fly, not just the Endal.”

Singing, dancing, playing a 4 stringed instrument he invented called a Chala, being around birds, speaking to them, meeting new people, and travelling.

Warfare disgusts him, even though he would join in if it was the right cause. He also dislikes people who try to hide behind false courtesy and fake smiles, people he can’t trust, and in general the social contract other races seem to have.

 Inarta Songlore
 Herblore of Wind Reach

 1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Bryda
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Katinu
-Low slung sandals or leather ankle boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Glass)
-Brush (Glass)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
-Chala (Instrument Norien invented)
 -Talon Sword (Heirloom)

 100 pinions

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Last edited by Norien on June 3rd, 2012, 5:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
User avatar
One day, everyone will fly, not just Endal
Posts: 11
Words: 6079
Joined roleplay: June 2nd, 2012, 8:48 am
Location: Wind Reach
Race: Human, Inarta
Character sheet

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