Curiosity Is A Lovely Thing (Rayage)

Act I of The Most Unusual Duo Saga

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Curiosity Is A Lovely Thing (Rayage)

Postby Marcus Dymez on June 1st, 2012, 12:39 pm

9th Day of Summer, 512 A.V.

Marcus had just attended his first course in Glyphing, and he was quite excited about the subject. He was already enamored with his studies in Reimancy, and glyphing only promised to make him an even more capable wizard. He much preferred this over Auristics, as interesting as that class had ended up being, and did Marcus have to set some priorities with his time here at University. Not only with his time as well, but also with his personal 'treasury', which wasn't due to increase anytime soon. Thankfully his dormitory life-style cut back on living expenses, but as he ramped up his studies, Marcus knew his wallet would steadily grow lighter over the coming seasons. The young student let out a sigh as he walked on, past the East Wing of the University, hoping to get some relaxing down-time at the harbor. He glanced up and to his left, his eyes gazing over the alchemy lab that he was passing by. He had a limited knowledge of alchemy, as with most of the arcane arts, and what little of it he knew was skeptical at best. Still, Marcus was curious what went on behind those mystic doors. Those doors shielded the secrets to true transmutation; to the creation of perfection itself. Those doors held within alchemists seeking to create something out of nothing; crafting gold out of lead. Those doors held within, furry lizards?

Marcus was startled for a moment as he walked by, happily on his way to the harbor, when a lizard, distinctly furry, skittered by him. The peculiar sight had not actually registered the first time, and required a mental rewind from the student as he stared in disbelief at the oddity. As the small creature 'ran' down the stone path towards the University, another interesting sight decided to pop up. Apparently the gods had thought this situation was not strange enough. Marcus thankfully was still perplexed by the initial encounter, and so was not as affected when a sickly looking alchemist, dressed in the most unusual attire, came running out from the arcane lab in quite a panic. Marcus simply stood there, his mind taking note of all that was happening, but slowly processing; the pure circumstance of it all required some thought. His body reflexively reached forward as he saw the hurried instructor stumble onto the path, before regaining his composure. This was despite the significant distance between the two, although Marcus did notice a curious smell now wafting through the air. As the man ran off after what Marcus assumed was his test subject, something caught his eye, and broke him out of his contemplative trance. He walked a few paces down the path, and knelt down to pick up a weathered scroll that had apparently been dropped in the haste of the moment. A curious scholar 'till the very end, Marcus cautiously unrolled it, and reveled in its contents. At least, he would've reveled, had he become fluent in the Ancient tongue like his instructors in the College of Applied Skills had suggested. He made out a few detached words, but Marcus could not make any coherent sense of the document. However, he sensed something of it, something beyond sight, and felt compelled to learn more of this mysterious parchment. Perhaps that was simply his curiosity baiting himself with a carrot, but Marcus needed some more vegetables in his diet. With that in mind, he headed back towards the University, seeking out the ill-seeming professor and his interesting pet.

The scroll continuously urged new questions into Marcus' head, and he paced quickly on his way to seek out the man who could tell him more. Marcus smirked to himself as he found the professor, suspiciously grabbing at patches of grass, the lizard seeming to elude him. He approached the man, concealing the scroll in his robe pocket, and spoke with a polite yet still slightly hesitant tone.

"Do you, uhm.. Need any help, professor..?" Marcus could not imagine how much help he would be giving, but this peculiarly-smelling instructor would soon become one of his most interesting acquaintances.

OOCPrescription of Ray's action was done with permission, for the sake of creating a fluid backdrop without bouncing quick posts.
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Curiosity Is A Lovely Thing (Rayage)

Postby Rayage on June 3rd, 2012, 6:27 pm

Ray had been in his office for a while now, just doing the requirements that a teacher is supposed to do. Today he was reading the distractingly poorly written essays on important alchemists throughout the ages. Like most of his class Ray didnt care for the history of Alchemy, but much unlike his class he had different reasons. He had lived its history. He knew it intimately, and probably even better than most books could explain it. He wasnt a professor here for no reason, alchemy was his life, his reason for being, alchemy was his everything, and an art that he was sharing with the university.

Looking into the small cage which contained the small alchemical creature, H1-A, the nuit felt like the little guy deserved a break. Noting was worse than being caged all day, especially while your master is reading boring essays, and reading some parts out loud to himself for you to hear. Torture. Besides the little guy hasnt been out today. What harm could come from a little break? He is very well behaved... Though his thoughts about this particular lizard would soon change as the guy bolted out of the cage and leaped from the professors desk.

Getting up from his seat as quickly as a nuit could he started after the creature. He couldnt let it get out lest some snooping mage has the smarts to connect the lizard to alchemy. Something that he preaches heavily against: using alchemy on the living. Hypocrite, uh? No, he just wants the secrets of life to himself is all. It was more out of greed than an actual warning to his students. It wasnt like that they could understanding the long term consequences at such advanced magics anyways, again, they all were fools when it came to Alchemy.

Scuttling across the room, the nuit lumbered after the thing, trying to catch the furry little thing before it was too late. It skillfully evaded the nuit in all his attempts, darting this way and that, it was obvious it wasnt the lizards first time evading capture, but never had he been this stubborn. "H1-A"[ he called to thing, calling its name as if it were a sort of dog. The creature paid no heed to the verbal warning, H1-A stop." the nuit commanded in a tern voice, but the lizard kept on running, and worse yet it ran out the door. Who left that open? Though it was a nice enough day out...

Grumbling in frustration the nuit went out after the silly creature. He began to wonder how the thing had so much energy, but he realized it was locked up all day, and that would give anything energy. Getting on the ground, reaching for the creature in a final attempt to get it, he froze when he heard a student behind him. Thinking of the best way to handle this situation he turned and smiled at him, brushing off his cloaks, dust and dirt falling from them, "I do not require any help. Just, he is being really feisty today." he said, trying to sound as animated as possible, but it sounded weird, and quite awkward. "Please, nothing to see here." he said clasping his hands together, but as soon as he said that, H1-A darted out from his hiding spot and climbed the robes of Ray with his sharp little claws, perching on his shoulder like a bird of some sort. The strange alchemical creature tilted his head at the new man that Ray addressed as if slightly confused.

[b]"See? I told you so.{/b] with that he started to head back to his office, not noticing that he had dropped a very important document.
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Curiosity Is A Lovely Thing (Rayage)

Postby Marcus Dymez on June 3rd, 2012, 7:28 pm

The entire encounter with this strange professor left Marcus speechless, which was a rare feat to accomplish. The fact that there was a furry lizard coming out of an alchemy lab was curious enough, but the professors speech and actions were just plain odd. The artificial mannerisms weren't even mannerisms in the usual sense; more like awkward misdirections. Marcus already suspected there was something curious about this professor after seeing his mysterious parchment, but this hasty departure only solidified his assumptions. As the professor started back on the path he had taken, Marcus debated how he would pursue this situation. He knew he could not simply keep the piece of paper; both his conscience and his curiosity would not allow that to happen. Instead, Marcus went after the curious and intriguing figure, as he determinedly made his way back.

"Um... Sir? Excuse me, but there's something I'd like to ask you, if you don't mind." He kept pace, with the instructor, his 'pet' disconcertingly odd. "What exactly is that thing..?" Marcus had a hunch as to what the answer may be, but refused to accept it under only his idle assumptions. He would have to hear it from this master of magic himself. If it was true however, then this scroll could be quite valuable indeed. When this thought crossed the young students mind, he made the slightly embarrassing realization that he had not yet told the professor about his scroll. Marcus knew the longer he waited, the worse he would look in the long-run, and so his left hand reached into the folds of his robe. He withdrew the scroll of unknown origins, motioning it towards the man, hoping to now hold his attention.

"What exactly are you researching, Professor?"
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Curiosity Is A Lovely Thing (Rayage)

Postby Rayage on June 3rd, 2012, 8:31 pm

With that the nuit expected the interaction to be over with, but he was wrong this time. The human kept on following him and even started asking questions. People were so annoying, and usually a waste of his time. Only the truly unusual or interesting people did he ever convene with on a regular basis. He, like most wizards of his caliber, wanted nothing to do with the mundane, but much unlike other wizards, especially the ones present here, he had the power to turn the mundane into something extraordinary. Could he transform this person, was he worth his time?

Rayage continued walking, "This is simply H1-A. He is exactly what you see. Nothing more, nothing less. In fact, you would count H1-A just like you would count Miza. One gold miza, two gold miza, three gold miza, and so forth. It would go one H1-A, and then you will be done." he said, "Because there is only one H1-A in the world you see." he explained, in a roundabout way, what H1-A is. He didnt need to go into any detail than that. The tenets of this school need not know the darker secrets of Alchemy. It is unheard of, only whispers of alchemy being used on living things. The famous example would be Pycons Pycon.

He knew unless someone had the ability to read his research notes, which he figured there were a select few with advanced knowledge of ancient tongue, then no one could suspect him of using Alchemy on living things. Although a good aurist might be able to pick out the magic of the creature on his shoulder. There was risk in everything, and his mind was turning, wondering what this man studied in the university.

Spying the scroll in the students hand, he quickly accepted it, "Ah, thank you for returning this." he said, checking over the scroll for any damage. Seeing none outright he kept a firm grip on it, more observation and a closer examination of it could be done at a later time. "What am I researching?" he asked, finally entering the room and crossing to his desk, "I, like most people assembled here, am interested in the prevalterrian history of Zeltiva." he stated, "Most of my research goes into uncovering more secrets. You see, I fancy myself an archeowizard. The past is a mysterious thing, but imagine the gems that lie within Zeltiva. We have something truly unique here."[/b[ he stated, [b]"Parts of Zeltiva remained untouched by the valtarrian." he said, "Cant one wonder what kind of information, what kind of history that this place has?" he asked, "That is why I am here. I study history." he said, "Now, may I ask you what you study here?"
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Curiosity Is A Lovely Thing (Rayage)

Postby Marcus Dymez on June 3rd, 2012, 9:39 pm

Marcus quickly grew to like this increasingly-intriguing professor after he explained to him his fields of research. Unfortunately for Marcus, he had a habit of trusting the words of others as long as they weren't sporting a sign that identified them as a liar. That said, that did not make this man any less interesting, or any less useful. Marcus had been searching for someone to guide him through pre-Valterrian knowledge ever since his induction into the University, and whatever this professor was studying was of profound interest to Marcus. Especially after seeing the first-hand result of his studies. Either he had stumbled upon a pre-valterrian species of lizard, or he had created his own. That made this man either a competent archaeologist, or a maniacal wizard. Both situations seemed quite interesting to the young scholar. Regardless, it was imperative that Marcus made a good impression on this man, and he banked on his youthful nature to do just that.

"I am currently focusing on the more martial side of wizardry, such as reimancy, shielding, glyphing. If you need any hard-work done, I can hopefully be of assistance. I do have a strong interest in pre-valterrian relics and artifacts however, as i'm curious to see the difference between our current forms of magic and that of the ancients." He glanced over a few facts, such as his first Glyphing class ending not three hours ago, but thought it the best in the name of persuasion. Marcus cleared his throat before continuing, and attempted to maintain his professional tone and demeanor as he continued with a hesitant question. "May I ask... That scroll you dropped behind, it wouldn't happen to be from before the cataclysm, would it? There was this strange feeling when I... Picked it up. It got me curious, I suppose." Marcus dodged a bullet there, almost allowing his lips to get ahead of his mind. It would be best if the Professor not know of his secret perusal of the elder scroll, which after some reflection was undoubtedly a pre-valterrian text. Still, if this senior wizard was in possession of it, perhaps he was also fluent in the Ancient Tongue. Marcus needed to learn more of this curious wizard, and hoped to find some use for him. There was a strange partnership brewing; a silent storm in the works.
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Curiosity Is A Lovely Thing (Rayage)

Postby Rayage on June 3rd, 2012, 10:09 pm

You study magic." he said, of course he would run into another mage. Thankfully he was only a student and probably didnt know much of anything regarding any of the disciplines which he stated. He was just learning after all. Ray could use that to his advantage, yes he could. He quickly noted the magics he listed off. After that and before Ray could ask any questions of his own the subject was changed, which was fair enough, the question was answered, but he would have liked more information.

"Ah yes, the scroll" he said, "In case you couldnt tell by its looks, feel, and otherwise old properties this scroll is quite old, and, to any scholar, quite valuable. While at first glance the ancient tongue means nothing that I can think of, I can only assume it is coded to cover something up." he explained unraveling the scroll and setting it gently on the desk in front of him. Finger gliding over it to find a spot to read from, "It translates roughly to this:

The portal to Truth lies sealed behind doors of iron and steel, deep within the Heart of Everything. Lions maw devours the Taint, exposing darkness and showing the light. Left and Right, Up and down, every direction spins Trusting the hand of fate. Silent Helpings move twine of consequence showing the world what their actions can cause. …"

Taking a moment to let the words sink in he looked up at the young mage-in-training, "Curious isnt it?' he asked having translated the one part he had already memorized from about one hundred years ago. He kept the secret of the map a secret not speaking a word of it to the student. Somethings after all are more valuable when learned by oneself. "I have yet to decode any of it. The document reads just like the example I gave you." he said, trying to make the younger one think that he stumbled upon a mystery that he hadnt solved yet. In the one hundred years this map has been in his possession he never really read the document, more so just looked at it for the map encrypted into its aura.

"But to answer your question, yes, its from the prevalterrian era." he said looking at the ancient words. Could there be more meaning behind it?

"By chance, what is your name?" he asked, "I am Rayage, Professor Rayage." he said correcting himself. He still wasnt used to the 'professor' title in front of his name, but he said it with pride. His eyes fixed on the man in front of him. Mages were always useful, especially ones who study the more offensive types of magic. He was sure he could find a use for him...
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Curiosity Is A Lovely Thing (Rayage)

Postby Marcus Dymez on June 3rd, 2012, 10:58 pm

As the professor read off the translation of the ancient text, Marcus poured his mind over the words, attempting to reason out any puzzles hidden within the phrases. He held his chin in thought as he listened carefully. Iron and Steel, at the heart of everything? War and fighting fit that description quite well, but broader still. A door to Truth laid behind a veil of battles? But then what is this nonsense of Lions and Darkness? Redundant, as to expose darkness one would need light. Spinning, Spinning, Spinning. My head is spinning, that's for sure... Marcus was only shaken from his decryption by the professor's introduction. He shook his head for a moment before regaining his composure. "The name's Marcus Callus. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

However, Marcus' mind was still on other matters, and he was quick to move back to the original subject after the pleasantries were exchanged. "So you've done no work on this puzzle then?" Impossible. Marcus was beginning to become wary of this professor, and this sense only made him more curious. There was something to be hidden, and the hidden tended to be the most exciting. Regardless, Marcus had to show his competence, even if he was beginning to be careful about his revelations. "This is a map of some sort. A heading to some 'Portal of Truth.' Perhaps it's hiding something in the names, or in the scrolls ink... A buried armory of sorts? Steel and Iron - Weapons and the like, Exposed Darkness - Underground, Spinning Hands of Fate - A labyrinth of sorts perhaps?" When he noticed what he was doing aloud, Marcus chuckled, slightly embarrassed by the amount of zeal he was showing.

Marcus continued on, allowing to let the subject fade away for the moment. "Anyways, it definitely is quite a fascinating piece. If you ever find out where this portal is, I'd be more than happy to accompany you on an expedition." Marcus laughed slightly at his jest, the irony of the situation unfortunately evading him. How he loved irony...
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Curiosity Is A Lovely Thing (Rayage)

Postby Rayage on June 4th, 2012, 1:21 pm

The nuit frowned at the assumptions being made. Was a student accusing him of not doing any work on this. His viewpoint will have to be corrected, "You should be more careful with your words. To use them so freely only a fool would do. They have the power to convey many meanings, and language in itself is subject to more than one translation. Meaning is often obscured by thought, thought by assumptions." Ray warned him.

"I never said I have done no work on this puzzle, I simply said that I have yet to decode it." he said, "Confusing one thing for another is a simple mistake, but a mistake nonetheless." he went on, "Mistakes can cost one dearly. Mistakes can take away a fortune, steal opportunities, or even end a life. They shouldnt be made as lightly as assuming wrong. You would be wise to remember that." he said rolling up the scroll and setting it to one side, "Words have power, much more so than one might expect." he let his voice stop, and he waited a moment, paused, for the message to sink in.

"Though yes, it is a fascinating piece." he agreed, nodding to him, "Who really knows what it all means?" he shrugged, "But I aim to find out." he said opening a drawer in his desk, sliding the scroll in it, he closed it again. Noting that the youth seemed all too happy to join him on an expedition. It made him suspicious of his motives. Was he a sort of spy? What would he do with his work if he ever got a hold of it? He wanted to know more, but he didnt want to give off that he too was seeing red flags.

Instead, the nuit gave a slight smile, "Ill be more than happy to take you along sometime." he said. The best way to figure someone out is to watch them, right? The closer they are the more information one can get. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer, is that the saying? "Unfortunately, there is so much in Zeltiva at the moment that it will be hard to pick a starting point." he said, "However," he began, "Clues are left all over the place, no?" Getting up he crossed around his desk, "and Zeltiva is a big place. Surly there must be something to point us in the right direction."
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Curiosity Is A Lovely Thing (Rayage)

Postby Marcus Dymez on June 4th, 2012, 4:02 pm

Marcus nodded at the appropriate times as the professor lectured him. He remembered these sorts of talks during his early courses at the University, and even then this was the course he took. The man's advice was sound, but Marcus still was cautious of him, and he waited out the professor's speech about the meaning of words. "My apologies." Marcus accepted this as due retribution for his insinuation, and knew he might have damaged his acquaintances professional pride. Marcus was becoming more and more interested in this curious fellow, as he continued on now about mistakes, his tone and diction more than suspicious. A smirk grew subtly across Marcus' expression as the slender man gave his warning. Interesting had become an understatement, and Marcus' curiosity sensed secrets to be uncovered, imagined or otherwise. "My apologies," were again the only words he spoke.

When Rayage accepted his offer however, Marcus was visibly delighted, for two reasons. Not only would he get the chance to explore and adventure for relics, as was his intention, but he would also get the chance to satiate his overwhelming curiosity about this man. Marcus scratched the back of his head as he the professor continued speaking, his words contradicting themselves. Of course they had a clue, and that was something that a man of words would not put lightly, unless he simply did not care to show said knowledge. "Couldn't the scroll be a pointer, sir? Or rather... Isn't the scroll a pointer?" The second iteration had carried a more accusative tone, although still containing the polite respect the professor deserved. Marcus had slowly come to a subtle realization mid-question, and his subtle diction and change of tone revealed that. He knew what he felt after glancing over the scroll, and a professor such as Rayage could not miss what Marcus' untrained senses revealed. That left one option, which Marcus had been accepting of for a while now; The man was testing him.

This just became a lot more fun.
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