[Krivak's Scrapbook] There's a Yak in my Boots

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[Krivak's Scrapbook] There's a Yak in my Boots

Postby Creeper on May 26th, 2012, 3:15 am

The Mysterious Plant Has Grown and Returned!


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[Krivak's Scrapbook] There's a Yak in my Boots

Postby Creeper on May 27th, 2012, 5:37 am

Things I learned from a movie:

Ringlefinches pee on everything.

Tosserlads have 3 heads and a tail, and giant noses.

A lingonberry is some sort of fruit...

Tosserlads turn to stone under bright light.

Tosserlads can smell if you believe in god or not.

In Poland we ask not. We do.

There are Rimelings, Mountain Kings, and Herdlings. And Jotnar.

They aren't born with 3 heads, just one.

The other 2 heads aren't real heads, just decorations to scare or attract.

They can live 1000-1200 years.

They can survive on eating anything, including rocks.

Concrete and Charcoal works as bait.

Russian bears store food under bridges.

Sheep also work as bait.

Trolls also explode.

They can't be in sunlight because they can't convert vitamin D, and thus either explode or turn to stone.

Young ones explode, old ones turn to stone.

They gnaw on tires when leaving their territory, cuz they are tasty.

Gestation period of 10-15 years, 1 offspring only, mammals.

Mountain versions and Woodland versions fight with each other.

They live in packs and in lairs.

When in doubt, rub troll stink on yourself.

The power lines keep Jotnars in their territory.

Yaks are kept there so trolls have something to nom on.

That's Troll Hunter! Epic movie, recommend it if you don't mind subtitles. On netflix streaming.

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[Krivak's Scrapbook] There's a Yak in my Boots

Postby Phoenix on May 27th, 2012, 9:29 pm

Dont forget that those cave ones look like Fraggles
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[Krivak's Scrapbook] There's a Yak in my Boots

Postby Creeper on June 4th, 2012, 4:56 pm

Announcement of not so big grandeur!

I start some summer classes this coming Monday (first time in school for 8 years now). But fret not! Its only 3 classes, and they are cake and I'm super super super smart (and humble). Anyways if I happen to be delayed, that's why, but in all honesty I don't see it changing anything except maybe my appearances in Chat during the daytime.

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[Krivak's Scrapbook] There's a Yak in my Boots

Postby Shepherd on June 17th, 2012, 1:27 am

So I went to the Multicultural Festival across the river in my mom's town. Not a really big event but I took some pics just cuz.

A plant at the Bonsai Club stand.

Another Bonsai!

A marionette stall.

Native American stall, windchimes, jewelry and dreamcatchers.

A fun event for kids!

It's a gold rush!

Some hand made dresses at the... Israeli Stall I think?

Moar dreamcatchers!


A picture drawn by a middle schooler titled "Dragonball me"

If you look really close, and are nerd enough, you'll understand the title.

Chinese food stall. Lo mein was awful, shrimp on a stick was tasty though.

Greek food stall. The Chicken Gyro was good, bloomin onion was okay, a little pricey though.

Philippine food Stall, I know the owner, his name is Daniel, and he's epic. He's also a competitive sword fighter.

Indian food stall, and some old guy with a colorful mohawk.

Kettle corn!

Half Naked Poodle!

People watching the reggae band.
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[Krivak's Scrapbook] There's a Yak in my Boots

Postby Phoenix on June 17th, 2012, 4:00 am

HUSKY PUPPY! I WANTS IT. And I shall name it Luna
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[Krivak's Scrapbook] There's a Yak in my Boots

Postby Creeper on June 24th, 2012, 6:55 pm


The practice of giving unfair preferential treatment to one person or group at the expense or neglect of another.

Favoritism shouldn't exist in Mizahar in any way, shape, or form. But we are human, so of course it does. This is directed at staff only, because they are in a professional environment (voluntarily of course) but still professional. We need to be unbiased to players and fellow staff, no matter if it is someone that's played here for years or started yesterday. I've seen enough of it going around it makes me sick. Now I don't suggest doing what I did, and going to the opposite end of the spectrum. So as to not play favorites, I gave every eligible person in my city a Moderated thread and basically overloaded myself. I've seen mods reply multiple times to a single player's thread while ignoring other threads that had been around longer and deserved a reply sooner. I've seen special approvals given for things that not only wouldn't be considered appropriate to the normal people, things that give an unbalanced, extremely unfair advantage over other players. I've seen Storyteller players and "veterans" receive countless exceptions to rules and protocols, receive special permissions that normal people could never hope to earn, and the worst part is an air of infallibility.

"I'm a Storyteller, therefore nothing I do is wrong."

This is so far from the truth. Trust me when I say that I've seen this more than anything else. I've intervened on several storyteller PCs, I've had to deny them overly special privileges or force them to earn it truly, I've had to cuff them on the ear when grading for them. We are not perfect. I've messed up several times along the line, and thankfully, people called me out on it. Do not be intimidated to tell someone that you think they are wrong or improper. Be polite about it, and have your facts ready. Storytellers are players too, and all players should receive the same treatment. It's right there in our Terms of Use and Rules.

Favoritism causes two great tragedies. It inflates the ego and importance of the favorites, and it disheartens and trods upon the neglected. Reward players for their writing ability, for their dedication, not because they've been around since day 1 and posting every other month, not because they're super friendly and popular in chat, or share ideals with you. Give everyone equal opportunities, let them grow, let them become the people you would want to make a favorite. Knock it off people. You all are special, but you aren't THAT damn special.

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[Krivak's Scrapbook] There's a Yak in my Boots

Postby Paragon on June 24th, 2012, 7:00 pm

Not every player is innocent either though. I've ignored certain players because they've been damn rude and acted like spoilt kids. I think I'm entitled to play favourites with people that are going to be amicable and not cause me unnecessary hassle.
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[Krivak's Scrapbook] There's a Yak in my Boots

Postby Phoenix on June 24th, 2012, 7:46 pm

Your point is valid, Luke, and I think we have all done that in some form or another. But it also completely misses the point of what Tony is saying. Not giving a player a reply because they've been rude or inconsistant or anything like that isn't "Favoritism". Not giving a player a reply because they were rude and because you like Player B better for So-and-so reason IS favoritism. Giving so-and-so a reply because you talk to them more or you think they're more awesome than faceless-newbie A is favoritism. See the difference?
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[Krivak's Scrapbook] There's a Yak in my Boots

Postby Macabre on June 25th, 2012, 12:34 pm

Do you know how discouraging it is to see both storytellers in a domain post multiple times daily to their character threads, while quests and grades from seasons past sit around? Discouraging enough to leave the domain. I completely agree with you. It's not fun!

I may not be the most active storyteller on the development side--I'm not writing up new locations daily, or spitting out NPCs for every need--but I do think I'm fair and prompt when it comes to balancing PC and storyteller obligations. No. That's not a good word for it, but it's the best I can do right now pre-coffee.

Everyone is human, and everyone is bound to like one person more than another. No one should feel they HAVE to write with those they aren't particularly fond of (no matter the position you're in) or live in fear of being accused of playing favourites because of it. But if you think person A is a douche and you commit to writing a story with them or they come to your domain seeking help or stories or grades ... follow through. You promised you would when they gave you the purple/green/pink name. Be professional about it.

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