[Courtyard of the Sky] Secrets

Listen to their words.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Courtyard of the Sky] Secrets

Postby Sphinx on June 5th, 2012, 12:23 am

Timestamp: Summer 35th, 512 AV
Participants: Tiaue'a, Euthisa, Vaas, Athia, Aela Calder, Aidara, Avon Lomondir, Sira, Krysanthe, Juni, Makia Ezio
Status: Closed

It was Market Day in Wind Reach, and today there was a special group of visitors to the city. Despite the rubble that still littered the airy Courtyard, there was a sense of joy anyway. Just five days previously, a Wind Eagle had lain an egg. There was still a sense of excitement in the hearts of the Inarta as they shopped and conversed amongst one another. The high sun brought forth light and rejuvenation for the people. For them, it was a good day.

The special group of visitors hailed from a city far to the East, mostly unknown to the Inarta, but some Endal did know of these people. They were Seers from a distant island who thought to take advantage of the events of Spring to use their talents to bring these harmed people some hope.

Konti were what most were called, but among them were Humans that had begun to See more than most due to their time spent on the island of Mura drinking the Vision Waters.

The whole group had a corner of the Market to themselves and seemed to be grouped in a ring. Konti had the most space, but the few humans had their own little stalls further back behind the Konti.

All who approached the group could have their fortune told for five Pinions from the Konti, from the humans it would cost six Pinions, but from them the most insightful fortunes were whispered and the most troubled expressions came after their words were spoken, but one would have to pay their price to earn their words, and sometimes what was shared wasn't such a big secret at all.
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[Courtyard of the Sky] Secrets

Postby Makia Ezio on June 5th, 2012, 1:48 am

The Wind Eagle egg had excited the entire city and there was still that buzz of excitement humming through the air. You could almost hear it it was so potent. Today was a market day as well and everyone loved market days, even the Dek with their limited amount of pinions. Makia usually left Ezio at home, he didn't like all the crowds and currently he was wondering somewhere, eating mice and what not. Makia was traveling from stall to stall when she reached one that seemed quieter and more peaceful than the other bustling stalls of the vendors around. She looked into the stall and saw a creature of which she had not seen before. The girl was pale, everything about her was pale except her vibrant green eyes which seemed to be made of the grass and tree leafs themselves. her skin and unnatural pale and Makia worried what this harsh weather would do the that delicate skin. Her hair was an almost white blonde and Makia had never seen such a delicate person. it was almost if she could just touch the girl and she would fall to pieces. She was stunned into silence as the girl behind the stand just smiled at her.

"We offer your fortune, would you like to find it?" Her voice was like a chime being rung at a church and it surprised Makia even more because her voice matched her look so perfectly. But she realized she had to answer or look like a surprised fool. But first she had to process what the girl had said.

Her fortune? Wait, this girl was a fortune teller? Makia never really belived that that worked but she was willing to try, there weren't any fortune tellers here in Wind Reach and to be honest, Makia was a bit curios what her future was. They had so many terrible storms here and the Sanikas Path was closed and treacherous, how would the city fare? How would her hunting fare?

In a small voice she responded to the girl,
"Yes, I would. How much?" Everything was money, she was just hoping it wasn't too much.

"5 Pinions my dear. your future awaits." She smiled a dazzling white smile at Makia, putting her into a trance once again. The words were surprisingly tacky but somehow they put a bit of wonder and curiosity into Makias mind. It was probably just her look. Makia would never buy this from a lonely Cheit!

She quickly dug through her pack and pulled out 5 glass coins and handed them over to the girl, touching her hand briefly and she was stunned again at the warm the hand held. From such pale skin she had expected a chill. everything about this weird creature was fascinating. Then she waited.
Thanks to Coltyn for the sig and avatar! :D
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[Courtyard of the Sky] Secrets

Postby Vaas on June 5th, 2012, 3:43 am

News of the wind eagle eggs brought a sense of rebirth to the suffering city, and the streets of the market had atmosphere not felt since before the storm. Vaas normally didn't come to the market place in the middle of the day. The crowds made it hard for him to navigate through the busy street. To make matters worse for him, the debris is still littering the road, so Vaas occasionally stumbles over a random small stone.

Vaas carefully tried to make his way though the crowded street, but it seems like every time he moved his staff. He seemed to hit some random passer-bye. He decided for the sake of everyone shins. He decided not use his staff and let the crowd take him through the market place. Hoping the crowd leads him away from the market place altogether.

The movement of the crowd seemed to stop and gather in this spot. Vaas tries to overhear what the commotion is all about. Vaas hears one man say to his friend, “Ever see a Konti before? I head the Konti have hair as white as snow and their skin glitters like stars in the sunlight.” The other man snorts and laughs out loud, “I guess your not hear for the fortune telling.Your just here for the exotic ladies.” The man obviously infatuated with the image in his imagination says softy to his loud friend, “What? Their fortune teller too! Maybe they will tell me my true love is in Mura.” His friend snorts and says sarcastically, “Nah my friend your too ugly for a Konti girl. Just settle for a nice ginger girl, Talven.” The other man sighs and says, “I guess your right, but who knows maybe a white haired girl is in my future after all.”

As Vaas is getting moved to the front of the crowd, he hears a girl yell to the crowd, “Everyone I know your excited, but please form four lines. The left two lines are for the Konti seers and the right two lines are for the human fortune tellers!” Starting to get annoyed with all hot sweaty bodies around him, Vaas decides to make his way to the right side of the crowd. The lines for the human seers are significantly smaller than for the Konti Seers. Vaas moves with the line hoping to escape the crowd. The woman with a sweet voice says to Vaas, “Six pinions young man and your future will be so much clearer.”

Vaas smiles bitterly to himself. Vaas can already hear the soothsayer tell him. Your life will be full ups and downs, and you will trip and fall, but your future will be brighter and full of happiness, or for clarification, Vaas you will trip on many rocks through your life, but the bloody scabs will heal and in a few days, and you won't feel the pain. Vaas inner monolog is stop suddenly by the sound of the sweet voice, “Sir..six pinions please.” Vaas finishes through his pocket and pulls out the pinions and sets it on the table and says dryly, “Will my future lead me to the exit out of this crowd?” The sweet voice giggles and says reassuringly, “Sit over there sir and don't be so skeptical. They will surprise you.” Vaas takes a long sigh and gives her half grin. Not quite sure where she wanted him to sit. He decides to sit cross legged on the ground and waits for his turn.
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[Courtyard of the Sky] Secrets

Postby Sphinx on June 5th, 2012, 5:33 am

The Konti smiled, all teeth, as the Inarta passed over the required amount. She reached forward to take the hand of the young woman, folding two surprisingly strong hands around the woman's hand and closing her eyes as she ran her fingers along the girl's palm.

For the Konti, time would slow down, her mind departing the realm of the here and now for the realm of the then. The transition did take some time, and Makia would find herself wondering if the woman had not just fallen asleep on her. After all, being that thin and pale could have meant the woman was sick or something. Yet, the Konti's slender fingers continued to tickle the warm palm of the Inarta. What was she feeling for?

When the Konti parted the lids of her pale eyes, she gripped the hand of the girl she was holding on to much more tightly and brought the ginger closer until her coral lips tickled her earlobe with a cool breath of air.

"You are often too full of fire for your own good, child," the Konti would say softly, and if Makia would try to pull away, she pulled her closer. She was strong for such a small woman. "One day, you will realize how truly alone you have made yourself. You will find that wherever you walk, fire follows, so this I give to you: fly high."

With that, the Konti released Makia and gestured for her next guest, her smile wide. Makia was all but shoved aside as the next eager Inarta shoved forward.


The human at first seemed too lost in thought when Vaas sat before him. He was bent with age, his eyes misted and his face deeply lined, but Vaas couldn't see this. What Vaas could detect, however, was the heavy breathing of the man he had just paid to speak to. He would sound laboured as he shuffled forward and reached down to grab the Inarta's hand and pull him over to a more secluded area before he was pushed back down. If Vaas refused, the old man would huff with amusement and use his old walking cane to give the Chiet a wack in the head.

The man sat before Vaas after either dragging him over or giving him a swift knock to get him to move on his own and grabbed his hands again, feeling his palms and forearms with surprisingly gentle touches. The elder was a special one, but so was the blind man who sat before him for that single instant.

"You must be worth more than your weight to have made it to your caste, Vaas," the man would say sleekly, voice polished. He didn't sound like a man who had seen many Seasons. "You have a strong body though, even if you are weak in your gaze, yet despite your hope for a brighter future, you doubt my words."

The elder removed his hands from the Inarta's own and reached for his face, closing his wide palms around the other's cheekbones and leaning forward to gaze beyond a curtain of red hair to the clouded green eyes beneath. To Vaas, the man would smell quite pleasant, like warm citrus fruits and the heady smell of leather.

"When the bird is ready to fly, he will leave his nest. Do not clip his wings, or he will fall, but guide him to warm winds instead and watch him soar. Listen when the bird cries, for he knows when to be afraid, and rejoice when the bird sings for the light has come.

"In your hand I see your love of music. I see where the talons have clipped your skin. You have a purpose, Vaas, but not all tests have answers, and not all answers are right. Trust in the bird, and become a part of the sky."

Releasing Vaas, the old man woud laugh at a seemingly private joke.

"To get out, stick close to the wall at your right and do not stop when someone speaks to you." Even to Vaas, the man seemed to wink, but verbally. He now found himself ignored and left to his own devices, for the man was up and moving to capture his next visitor.
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[Courtyard of the Sky] Secrets

Postby Athia on June 5th, 2012, 1:31 pm

The Wind Eagle was all her friends were talking about all morning.At first Athia just listened by thinking of other ways she could be spending time but when Athias friends mentioned fortune tellers she could not help but join the conversation."What are the fortune tellers like, what type of fortunes do they tell?" questioned Athia to one of her best friends. " I have already got one from them!" Her best friend Sora exclamied happily not knowing Athia spoke," It was so mystifying the way they just talk to you" she went on explaining her fortune. Athia was not listening to the rest,she was thinking. Athia ran back to her place to see if she could spare some money. After digging she found about 5 Pinions. " Is this enough?" she asked Sora. Sora nodded but replyed," If you go to the Konti, The humans charge 6 pinions." "I guess im going to the Konti, see you later Sora!" Athia said already heading towards the market. It was as busy as always but there was something in the air. I looked around and saw the most pretty people i have ever seen. they had fair skin and hair. Thier body was slender,so much they looked sickly. Yet all she wanted to do was stare. Athia walked up to an older woman. "Would you like to know your fortune,young girl?" the woman asked,even though she looked old her voice sounded like a bird singing in the perch of spring. Athia Nodded,a bit shy to talk. She reached down and took out her 5 Pinions and held it out to the woman," Will this do?" The fortune teller nodded and Athia sat down and gave her the money. She waited for the woman to speak.

OOC: How was that for my first roleplay post? Did i do good?
Last edited by Athia on June 6th, 2012, 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Courtyard of the Sky] Secrets

Postby Sira on June 5th, 2012, 7:41 pm

It was market day in Wind Reach and everybody from Dek to Endal was in a good mood. The word that an egg had been laid spread throughout the city like a wildfire. It wasn't just the fact that there would soon be a new wind eagle. That happened all the time, and it wasn't anything new. It was the fact that it was the first egg to be laid since Ivak escaped his prison and all the others were lost. It was a sign that things were finally getting back to normal. It was a sign that the world would go on, despite their failure to keep Ivak contained. The wind eagles were not going to die out. The Inarta would not lose their companions, and Wind Reach would survive.

Sira was ready for the market, though the eagle egg had little to do with her excitement. Sira had other things on her mind. Yes, the talk of the town was the egg, but the Wind Eagles were gossipy creatures and Sira was always tuned in to their chatter. There had been talk of fortune tellers in the market, beautful women from a land far away. Sira had only heard of these women in stories, and ones she doubted were true, but these rumors.. they sounded so like the stories she'd heard. Sira had to investigate.

It took a few chimes.. well more than a few, it took nearly a bell to get Addy and Natalie out of bed and ready to go. Sira had always been an early riser, it came with being a bird, but that didn't mean her family was. But soon enough they were on their way to the market.

"Mom, mom! Can I get some candy today? Can I, please?"

Sira looked down at her daughter and smiled, enacting her favored tactic for when she was distracted by other things and didn't feel like parenting.

"Ask Momma, darling."

While Natalie went to go beg Addy for sweets, Sira led the way to the market. She was extremely curious to check out the fortune tellers, and as soon as she figured out where they were, she made her way to their stall straightaway. When she finally found them Sira let out a little gasp. The rumors were true! There really were Konti in Wind Reach, and the stories did not let her down. The exotic blonde hair was more than enough to entice Sira, but their eyes were just as unique. And the skin, which shimmered in the light when they moved. They were all gorgeous. Sure, there were some humans among them, but Sira had no interest in the humans. She wanted to speak to one of the Konti.

"Oh, Addy! Let's go get our fortune read!"

The pinions were nothing to Sira, she would have paid a hundred and thought little of it. Sira was known in the market for overpaying for things, having no concept of the value of what she earned. She got everything she needed for free anyway as an endal, so buying things was pure generosity on her part. "Do us both," Sira exclaimed when it was finally there turn, dropping a bulging sack of pinions on the table, not even bothering to count them.

A part of her was curious what they would say. Sira and Aidara had very interesting pasts, and she could only imagine what the future would bring. But mostly, Sira wanted to talk to the enchanting woman. If there was any chance she could bring her home, she would pounce on it. 'Do us both' probably meant a lot more than just reading their fortunes.

OOCSorry, but you should have known this would happen if you invited Sira to anything having to do with Konti. She and Addy pounce on every beautiful man or woman they can find, lol.
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[Courtyard of the Sky] Secrets

Postby Alori Sai on June 5th, 2012, 8:27 pm

Summer was proving to be a good season for Wind Reach and the city was finally getting back on it's feet. The Dek were finally able to move the giant boulder from the court yard making market day possible again. It was a wondrous event and one that allowed Aela to escape the heat of the hotshop, for a day in the market. She stood behind the booth with Perith eagerly selling her wares that she created in the hotshop. The booth had been set up in the center of the market, unlike when Aela used it alone. Being in the center of the market would make it easier for people to see them and browse their wares. Aela stayed busy as much as she could, either offering her assistance to the would-be buyers, or rearranging the collection of glass items on the table. Like the rest of Wind Reach, Aela was excited about the Wind Eagle egg being laid. It was an important event as it was a symbol of even more good luck. But it was even more so for Endals and aspiring Endals, like herself.

Aela looked around like she usually did to see how much business the other booths were getting, and which booths were more empty. As she continued to look, she noticed a new tent on the far end. There seemed to be more than a few people tending to whatever it was they were selling, and it must have been something rare, as more people were coming by the minute. Aela was so busy watching the crowd that she wasn't paying attention to what she was doing on the table and lost control of a glass kitten. Quickly she dropped to her knees and caught the toy in her cupped hands. Looking up she gave Perith a winning smile, although he hadn't spoke, she could already hear another lecture coming. She was surprised when all he granted her was a stare before turning around. Standing up, Aela lightly placed the item back onto the table and looked out toward the crowed tent again.

"Looks like they are having a great market day. Do you know who they are?"

Perith continued to clean the fingerprints off the glass wares that the customers had touched. He was very meticulous in this, so much so that it almost seemed obsessive. He believed that the presentation alone was enough to make a sell, and that all the items should appear clear and spotless at all times. Perith heard Aela speak, but decided to finish the polish on the grand vase that he held before giving her an answer.

"They are travelers from another land, Konti I think they are called. "

Placing the vase back onto the table, he looked with disgust as the fingerprinters on Aela's wares. The same items she always kept in the front just for that purpose, and he reached for them and began to clean them as well. "These Konti, they are strange and mysteries people. People with hair and skin as white as snow. Said to have the ability to see into the
future......If you believe that sort of thing."

"You don't believe they can?" Aela asked as she picked up one of her glass beads and began to clean it, if only to keep Perith off her side of the booth. "Well I've never heard of them, are you sure these aren't just rumors?" she asked placing the item back onto the table. "Possibly, The first I heard of it was this morning. I over heard a few of the other vendors talking about it. Apparently they had already had their fortunes told for five pinions, and with interesting results i might add." He smiled at the polish job and placed the glass item back on the table in front of Aela. She looked to the item and back to him with a smirk, knowing that he was already singing his own praises for the fine job that he had done cleaning both their wares.

"I'll be right back."

She said to him and quickly slipped out of the booth and headed toward the tent. She knew that he would have more than a few choice words for her, and so she didn't give him the time to speak them. As she passed by the front of the booth, she could almost hear the grumble rising in his throat and the yell that would follow. Looking back over her shoulder, she smiled and waved towards him. "This will only take a moment, I'm going to confirm your rumor."

When she reached the tent, she noticed that the lines had split off, two being noticeably longer than the others. She stood and observed the crowd for a moment and noticed an old man on the right side, who had come out to take the next customer back. He was ridged in his movements and looked rather sickly. There was nothing truly odd about him and he didn't fit the description that Perith had given her. She continued to look on and wondered if there was anything to the rumor at all.

"I guess there's only one way to find out."

Aela looked down as she reached into her pocket then counted out 5 pinions. Looking back to the crowd, she decided to go into the lines that were shorter. It would be faster this way and she knew that Perith was waiting for her and none to happy about it either. Moving into the line, she looked around trying to get a better look at the mysterious travelers. Sadly her height put her at a disadvantage and from her position she could only see the people in front of her. She waited patiently, watching for people who had come out to see their expressions. The wait wasn't as long as she had thought, and she soon found herself at the front of the line. The woman in front of her had dark hair and somewhat tanned skin. She didn't fit the description either, but by this point Aela no longer cared. The one truth that had come from their conversation was that these travelers were fortune tellers.

She was very curious if they could actual see the future and what they would tell her of her own. Maybe she would learn something about her future as an Endal, or something about the strange dreams that she had been having. Aela was pulled from her thoughts when the woman asked for six pinions. She was a bit surprised and figured that Perith must had heard wrong. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a sixth pinion and gave them to the woman.

"Where do I sit?"

Last edited by Alori Sai on June 6th, 2012, 5:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Courtyard of the Sky] Secrets

Postby Aidara on June 5th, 2012, 10:02 pm

"Of course you can." Natalie had caught up with the little healer, tugging at her shirt and bouncing rapidly on the balls of her feet; clearly, the child didn't need any more sugar. But if Sira was going to play that game..little fingers dipped into a pocket, pulling out a handful of pinions. Natalie squealed with delight, cupping both her hands in order to receive the money before dashing off.

"Remind your Mom that she's got the bedtime story tonight!" Though Sira was standing nearby, Addy made sure to raise her voice above the excited din of the market after the bobbing head of her fleeing child. A satisfied smirk curled the corners of her lips as she turned and worked through the crowd towards her love.

Crowds were not one of Addy's favorite things. Being so small, it was extremely hard for her to get anywhere through the press of bodies; She had never managed to adopt the air of confidence that Sai had used, parting crowds with a single look. If only Sai would get here already...A sudden, relentless pain struck the healer directly in the chest, leaving her breathless and gasping. Thoughts of her sister still came so easily, as if she was just around the corner out of sight. Tears prickled the backs of those green eyes as Addy stopped in her tracks, desperate not to cry and unable to move forward.

Someone walked into her from behind, nearly sending the woman sprawling. Grief turned to anger in a flash, red curls whipping out as Addy whirled and pinned the giant man with a glare. He had opened his mouth, a snide comment just on the tip of his tongue when recognition brought a flush high into his cheeks. "Sorry, Aidara." And he bowed awkwardly, turning and trying to disappear into the crush of people.

Sira was only a few paces away, the collision clearing a five foot area around Addy and making it much easier to move. Once again, the little healer was proved correct in her assumption that crying got you whatever you wanted, even if you hadn't asked for it yet. Slidling up next to her love, Addy glanced up and then back out into the crowd, trying to find the reason for why Sira had stopped.

"Oh, good goddess..." And there they were. Hundreds of them... Beautiful womens. Or so it seemed to the little woman, who statued as soon as she laid eyes on the first Konti. An inexplicable amount of time passed and Sira moved at her side, grasping her hand and leading them both into the sea of beauty.

Shouting something about a fortune, Addy allowed herself to be pulled, head whipping back and forth as she tried to take in all the sights. The blonde hair, almost white in some cases, shimmed in the sun and stood out amongst all the Inartan fire like nothing else. Their skin... it shimmered... and were those scales?

Not allowed to stop, the little healer didnt get enough time to take a good look. Instead she was yanked to a halt while Sira bossed someone around. "What are they?" was all Addy managed to whisper, still looking back over her shoulder at the Konti they had passed.

"Do us both what..." But the sentence trailed into silence as Addy turned her attention whomever Sira was addressing. It was one of the mysterious women, her hair almost silver in the bright sunlight, robbing the healer of the breath left in her chest. It was a moment of complete silence before she, too, whispered.

"Yes... please"
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[Courtyard of the Sky] Secrets

Postby Sphinx on June 5th, 2012, 11:27 pm

The Konti Athia sat before was a young one, appearing to be fifteen or so in the years of Humans, but about thirty in the years of Konti.

"So, you have come to seek your future," the Konti said softly, smiling fully. "I will need your hands, my dear."

Once Athia offered her hands, the Konti closed hers around them delicately. Her skin was soft, like flower petals, and warm. It would feel pleasant to the Yasi.

"Such a beautiful woman you can be," the Konti said gently, holding Athia's hands still firmly. "Why does the girl keep to herself, though? She will not move high in life if she closes herself in a shell like a frightened turtle. She needs to smile, to be one with other Yasi, and then she might have strength enough to make her own path and be something more than Chiet."

"The Goddess of the Dark loves secrets, Yasi. Keep them close and in the light, or you will find your whispered words in the night stripped from you as you dream."

The Konti frowned then, her beautifully shaped lips turning down just slightly. She slowly released Athia'a hands and looked down at them, thinking.

"And stay away from the water," the Konti finished.

Athia could have asked what the Konti meant by that warning, but by the time she realised the words might have actually been dire, the Konti had slipped away and was replaced by another.

Sira and Aidara
On this day, it seemed that the gods would have rolled the die in favour of the two Endal and their daughter, bringing them face to face with one of the elder Konti, whose pale eyes seemed more lost to the world than the eyes of her sisters. Even though they were far away from what was happening all around, the Konti still smiled a bright, beautiful smile of happiness. It had been a long time since she had seen such a promising child, but what she saw in the chavi of the girl was not a secret to be given idly, not even to the mothers. As the pair approached and stood before the old-youthful Konti, her smile became much more secret. She liked this purpose of hers, and looked forward to gazing into the weave of the chavi of these women.

"If you would give me your hands," the Konti said softly. Sira could have sworn she was flirting and that the soft curve of her pink lips was more promising than would have been proper from such a formal woman. She reached for the hands of both women and looked at them, or into them, or even through them. Whatever she did, it increased the far-away look in the pale grey-blue irises. She could have gone into a trance with the look in her eyes, and Aidara would feel the slightest sense of worry that the strange woman might have slipped away on them. Sira would imagine the same and feel a sense of loss, at least until the woman blinked.

"Your purpose has yet to be fulfilled, Sira Aidara," the Konti said, in near perfect Nari, the chirps floating off her lips as some eerie bird's. "You have an eeyrie to protect, a nest to tend, and a chick to raise. You haven't failed yet." The greyish eyes raised to meet the tawny eyes of the Kelvic, the eyes of the Konti seeming far more clearer than they had just ticks before. "How interesting it must have been to be a freak, an outcast, and all alone, with no friends and only yourself to live with. Yet, you persevered and found someone who sees the you that I can see. You will need that strength for the time to come." Sira would be stung by the seemingly harsh words, before being puzzled by what the Konti was trying to say. Were they in danger?

The Konti then turned to Aidara, meeting the green eyes of the healer, and she smiled a pleasant smile. Aidara felt the irked pride of her lover, but the kindness behind the lips of the Konti could ease the doubts she had about the woman. The Konti was only doing her duty, but even so she felt annoyed.

"We are sisters by association, Aidara Sira," the woman started off by saying. "You have the heart of the sister of the Goddess of the Seer's Lily. What does it feel like to be bonded to a creature that does not think to tame her talons? Does the blood give you pain, or does your lost sister overshadow your heart?"

The Konti looked between the Kelvic and the Inarta, seeing more than what could be seen.

"Fly far away, where it burns at day and freezes at night. Don't be afraid to touch the sun and burn brightly, Sira, and don't shy away from what you must do, Aidara. You can't save everyone."

She released their hands abruptly and rose from her seat. The Endal wouldn't know this, but the wandering into the chavena was a trying task for any marked by Avalis, even more so for one that had touched the world for almost two hundred years.

As the Konti stepped away into the crowd of sisters, little Natalie would return with a stick of candy and a weird seashell that another of the Konti had given the child.

Aela Calder
The wizened man that Aela had been watching was the one to approach the woman. It would surprise Aela to realise that, in his bent state, both she and the man would be on eye level with one another.

"Follow me, my dear," he grinned. She would find herself wondering just what powers gave the elders of this group their youthful voices, but that would not be a question with an answer this day. This day, the question the man would answer would be what the fates had in store for his new customer.

"Sit here now," he pointed to a secluded corner. The man was afforded this spot apart from most others both because of his age and because of what he could scry in the hands and faces of the young. He sat and faced Aela for a long chime, bleary eyes wide and observant. Aela would squirm under the pressure of his steely gaze, but she wouldn't be so uncomfortable as to walk away.

"So, you fancy yourself many things," he said. "Yet, if you feel like you can be so much, why is it that you haven't yet tried to be?"

He didn't expect an answer, yet Aela would feel justified to give one. Even as she began to speak, the man did again. "For one who tries to be so kind, why do you wish for an Eagle of your own? You are not ready to take a saddle and explore the sky, but I can help you to find your feathers."

He leaned forward until Aela's nose almost bumped his. There was no need to worry, for he did not seem inclined to even want to take advantage of their neatness. "Go Underground."

Leaning back from Aela after a cheeky smile, he gestured for someone to come and bring his next customer. Aela would find herself sitting alone as the man took the next customer and moved away. These words were private, after all.
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[Courtyard of the Sky] Secrets

Postby Avon Lomondir on June 6th, 2012, 5:03 am

The daylight was harsh and unforgiving; the jubilant yells and cries of many children accompanied by their parents was only the slightest bit painful to hear; and everything was in a confusion of color. But it was still somewhat pleasing to witness for the Kelvic as he meandered through the pushy crowd, humming because of his delightfully good mood and of those that shared his happy demeanor around him. It was Market Day and the chance to show off your own wares was now or never, not that he had his own to sell of course. Avon was but a simple hunter and his expertise didn’t extend to any other field, but he was ultimately content with this. Simplicity was the true essence of his existence and he would have it no other way.

Coming to a curious halt as he noticed an obscurity in the organized stations selling items and whatnot, Avon eyebrow rose in piqued interest at a noticeably different section of the market, something new. Now that he thought about it, weren’t special visitors attending Market Day this time? Apparently, Wind Reach had been experiencing a steady stream of good tidings lately, which was great to here considering the state it had been last month ago. And how could he forget the wonderful news of a Wind Eagle laying an egg? The Kelvic hadn’t been in Wind Reach for too long but even he knew that this was spectacular news. A chance of a new life being brought into the world was always reason to celebrate; at least, that’s what his father led him to believe.

Shrugging, Avon changed direction to where the interesting arrangement of stalls was, organized in a mysterious little ring that seemed to have attracted the attention of more than just him. And the closer he got, the more he realized why, unable to stop himself from gaping in amazement. Konti. There were actually Konti all the way on western part of Mizahar? It was mind-boggling. The wolf never ever thought he would ever have the pleasure of seeing one with his own eyes, satisfied and feeling privileged enough to just hear of them from any passing stranger. He heard of their delicate, formal beauty, their unworldly grace, the lustrous paleness that was their hair, and their precognitive gifts. It sounded like a fable but Avon knew better to doubt the magic in the world.

More enthused than before, the wolf stood anxiously in front of the stall with five pinions in hand, fingers worrying the glass luster of the currency in barely contained excitement. Fortunetelling was a foggy art to him, but he couldn’t stop the natural curiosity to dive into the unknown and here his future. He felt like a pup again who was ready to be exposed to some magical secret.
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Avon Lomondir
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