[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ancient's Legacy

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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ancient's Legacy

Postby Cascade on June 5th, 2012, 4:46 pm

Luke, please don't feel this way. That comment about apologizing to the rest of the game? I don't agree with it. Maybe we made a few mistakes, but I don't agree with it.

You didn't ruin Zeltiva. You put life in it. The reason the player base grew is not because you failed at something. If I ever said anything to add to this feeling, I apologize. I think you're awesome. Eche and Arcane know this, the whole Zeltiva community knows this. Perhaps there have been some mistakes, but we're only human, and that doesn't mean it's your fault, nor does it mean you failed. Honestly, think about it... Jen wouldn't make you RS because you failed at developing a city. I mean, c'mon!

Love you, Papa, and I apologize for any of my shortcomings. ;)
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ancient's Legacy

Postby Gossamer on June 5th, 2012, 5:07 pm


We all get tired. We all get worn down. When we do that we feel things and think things and really sometimes turn mole hills into mountains. The only one saying that your doing any of this, Luke, is you. Why would you do that to yourself? When you start developing things, people get critical. In Zeltiva I see four different people with four different ideas and I haven't seen a whole lot of reaction from you the guy that ultimately has to approve their ideas, items, concepts, curriculum, etc. I know you hold a lot of AIM meetings and hash things out behind the scenes so we all trust that in the end things will get done that need to be done and that's that. You'll come up with great solutions, bring everyone together, and have fun doing so. If you don't, something is wrong. When your ready to react, have the time, and the energy and drive is there - you will. We know that.

I feel like people think I've ruined Zeltiva, I've damaged the game, hogged the player based, and sent Liminal's vision crashing and burning.

This, however, is not true. No one has said this within my hearing or ability to read and no one is even thinking it as far as I'm concerned. I don't see any crashing or burning, and I don't see any player hogging (how does one force players to do anything or go anywhere?) or any such nonsense? Frankly, none of the other DS's WANT the workload Zeltiva has now for some reason. I was going to even bring a PC there and decided I'd not do that to your staff.

I think the only debate going on currently is how your staff is setting up the U ( which frankly has been played in with zero development for a long time so everyone's going to be excited when its finally fully developed not mad that 'things got changed' ) and how it should be done. I know I personally died a little inside when I saw the Culinary arts degree, all the mods, and the course requirements. So I said something. But that's what I do. Cooks learn how to cook in kitchens, not universities. It was an idea, voiced and bounced off of people... its not a 'this is what it is!' thing that once voiced gets implemented and is permanent. You ask for feedback because you want it and that's what you get. I've had plenty of OMG NO! ideas in my life too. Everyone does. You keep the best and disregard the rest.

But I'm a firm believer in finding your niche in a city and exploiting the hell out of it while not walking on anyone's toes. When I moved into RF I had to explain how they fed themselves and what they traded, etc. No city had vast orchards or vineyards, so I dived on that. If someone had been utilizing that, I wouldn't have went there. Its really simple and isn't something to agonize over.

But, if you have hellish irl shifts, no time to be online, seeing debates going on that you should be guiding and aren't, then I can see the frustration and how it gets blown up and seemingly important when its not. That doesn't make you a bad person. That just makes you a busy one. What you really sound like you need is some good tea, a vacation with lots of R&R, some TLC, and to come back to jump into it full throttle with a fresh perspective.

Luke. Seriously. Mizahar opened in 2009 in August. The University has managed to survive since then undeveloped in Zeltiva. It's 2012. A few more weeks, a month or two, a relaunch in Fall.... all of that is doable and perfectly reasonable. Tell the players to wait and be patient. Tell them to go fishing until such a time or do private studies. They'll either understand or they won't. The ones that do you'll want to stay and the ones that don't you'll not mind loosing anyhow.

Now. Give yourself a gentle smack upside the head from Goss with love (for being such a douche to yourself) and get on with it. Get through this silly Diamond Jubilee (all you brits are crazy you know that?) and we will expect the same with the Olympics when they show up this summer... and we'll see you between times when you can be here.

If you're still feeling like a failure after all this... you may need to smack yourself upside the head again for me, only slightly harder this time and keep doing it until you snap out of it, okay? And if you feel silly before you snap out of it, that's kinda the point too, because that's what you've been (silly) for feeling all these failurish emotions. There's absolutely no need to beat up on yourself either mentally or because some chick across the sea asks you too. Be kind to yourself because your deserving of that.
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ancient's Legacy

Postby Montaine on June 5th, 2012, 5:10 pm

I want to hit you right now, because you're being silly. You are brilliant, hard working and above all really, bloody nice. You have to remember that a person in your position will always receive complaints, no matter what you do. People who aren't happy with how things are will complain, but if you change it, the other side will complain just as hard. You have to remember that you can't make everyone happy, no matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you might want to.

I agree, there are problems. So you change them, and people will complain, but the change is for the best, your best, their best, Zeltiva's best. If anything, your biggest flaw is that you are too nice, wanting everyone to be happy, at the expense of other things including, it seems, your own happiness with the situation.

My advice? Be a little selfish.

You're awesome, Paragon.
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ancient's Legacy

Postby Creeper on June 5th, 2012, 6:46 pm

If I wear a funny British hat will you smile?
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ancient's Legacy

Postby Mirage on June 6th, 2012, 2:40 am

*Dramatic entrance with lots of smoke*

Luke! I really cannot stand to see you feeling like this after all that you have done an accomplished. I love what you have done, all the work and effort you put in to each and every aspect of your domain, and more than that I love who you are as a person. You are strong and kind, caring and compassionate and by far one of the most creative people I know.

You gained your modding position before I did, and I am not afraid to say that watching you grow and succeed gave me the strength and courage to apply for myself. As another mod from another city I have to say that I admire your drive and initiative, and I know that there are many others that feel the same.

All that stuff being said, don't be silly! Zelativa is amazing, and do you know why there are so many players? Because it is home to one of the greatest mods Miza has got. Take a break, kick your feet back and enjoy life. Remember that no matter what there are those out there that will always support you. Keep up the great work.

*bow and fade to black*
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ancient's Legacy

Postby Bob Barton on June 6th, 2012, 11:30 am

Dood, I have no idea how you are rating this supposed "failure" (really I don't) :retard: Zeltiva was a place which has been in suspended animation for a lonnnnnngggg time until you took over and then people started flooding right into it (that is what you should gloating as success instead) ;)

Its the same success that pulls people into your domain. That is not hogging in my opinion because you are actually doing things to attract players. Another example would be Creeper in the Spires. You guys are actually doing things to bring people to you. :nod: I know there are others in the game that actually think that they can say "hey, we've had enough people and we want to take a break" giving an impression to so many other players that spreads far to not play at that place. In the end, it all comes down to attitude. It is something that people will react to even if you don't want to admit it.

Even in business the less successful ones can't bitch about how well the other companies are doing (well they can but no one should actually give a damn)

And Zeltiva was one of those places I wanted to play in the start (only I didn't because of the player activity at the time :( which was why I chose to make Bob come from it instead for potential flashbacks) From that time until now the words I think define it is smarty pants magic nerds and adventurous jock seamen. I've also been following through what is being done with it until now (since I try and make a few flashbacks every now and then) and to me nothing has changed intrinsically. It is still very true to the theme although the expression of it has provided quite a few new opportunities to toy around with. :D

So just keep up with what you are doing without worrying about what someone else has to think about it. You can't satisfy everyone and if you feel that maybe you are doing something wrong, it doesn't mean you're bad. It just means you are doing things right because it takes a certain someone to realize that they can still improve on what they do. You're already there. ;)

Edit: Saw this today. Just do what you want and don't care about what others want you to do. ;)
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ancient's Legacy

Postby Arcane on June 8th, 2012, 5:05 am

... Everyone above have already said what needs to be said, so I won't be adding anything redundant. Instead, I'll just stand here and wave banners and hand out scones and earl grey tea.

We all love you Papa! :D
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ancient's Legacy

Postby Marcus Dymez on June 8th, 2012, 5:18 am

*Helps Arcane pass out goodies and blows some party whistles*

Hope you feel better soon, and we're all rooting for you mate. ^^
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ancient's Legacy

Postby Paragon on June 8th, 2012, 11:04 am

Thank you for everything guys :) I'm gonna ease myself back into things, and my wonderful team and I are going to come up with some solutions re: the University, and we're just going to get on with things. I'm not apologising for anything I've done in Zeltiva - I took a dead domain and made it active again. As for my position as a Regional Storyteller, watch this space. We have an EPIC region-wide quest brewing, that's going to have ramifications for the entire region. I will be making a big News thread for it once we get going and I hope loads of people will get involved!

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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ancient's Legacy

Postby Tabarnac on June 9th, 2012, 12:17 am

Thank God you're off your period finally. ;)

You know I love you.
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