by Creeper on June 3rd, 2012, 11:54 pm
by Eldon Sunkiss on June 4th, 2012, 1:21 am
"Kih'Hayla." Eldon whispered softly as he gazed at the Akvatari Priestess. He had been in Spires a very short time, almost a season. He came when there was darkness in the city of Caiyha, the Spires of the Jamoura, whatever you wanted to call it. He felt like he was called here to be here, to protect this place. Eldon slowly shifted his gaze to his shoulder, his torso was bare of clothing, and his eyes traced the motions of those intricate winding tattoos he had received over the years. For his whole life, he had worshiped Caiyha. Every kill he was a part of, was a prayer of thanks and a prayer of love towards the Goddess of Nature. Every animal they chased, every beast they tamed, every Strider they bonded with, was a gift and blessing from the Goddess, that's how the Drykas had seen their lives. A series of gifts from Caiyha, Syna, Semele, Makutsi, Leth, and Zulrav. There were others of course. Eldon sighed as he remembered his people, the Drykas, Horsemen of the Grass Sea. He missed his people, again. This was the second time his travels had drawn him from his homeland, yet this time, it felt right, hurtful, but right. Here, Eldon was not yet certain of his purpose, but he felt that it was indeed here. Far north from his home, around the sea of undrinkable water, the Suvan, and many days of travel on Vanah's back. Usually, Eldon would have taken the day to wander the city, trying to learn the Jamouran language better, trying to help the locals with any tasks they had, to meditate, to make water like he had for his own people. Today, however, he had been summoned here, to this place, the Festival of Kih'Hayla, the Celebration of Rejuvenation. This was the Jamouran people, and all their guests, thanking Caiyha for not giving up on them. This was them giving her praise. This was them dedicating their work and play to her and all she stood for. Eldon felt his lips crack into a faint smile. And, what was this? A tear forming in the corner of his eye? Eldon pressed his thumb against his eyelid to smother the notion, but still, he was pleased with this place. It was a hard living for sure, but it wasn't the same as Endrykas. Here, he didn't have to always move, here he could focus on Caiyha more. Perhaps, if she had truly called him here, he could finally find his purpose. Eldon joined the party soon enough, walking among the tables and sampling bits and pieces of drink and food, fruits and honey and whatever else he was putting in his mouth. He didn't much care if they looked particularly unappetizing or even wrong, if it was offered to him, he would eat it with a smile and thank them in his native, Pavi, tongue. That is, until he learned how to speak like them, Pavi would have to do. |
by Tiki on June 4th, 2012, 12:43 pm
This was the Spires he remembered. The memory of this place, Her temple, was as a dream, vague in memory, a blur in his life. The last time he’d been here… He couldn’t think of it. It wasn’t the trauma sustained from that day, but rather the atmosphere that surrounded him now. It didn’t permit such thoughts. The temple was… Tiki was left without thought or speech. From all he had seen through Taldera and Syliras combined, nothing compared to the temple in beauty and serenity. There was no thought to it, only the soothing scent of butterfly wings. It sprinkled over Tiki, and all others in the temple. Tiki smiled wide as ever, this place, this feeling, being the actualization of something he had longed for. Suequorti’s speech was telling of the trial they had endured. Not just the jamoura though, many friends from the world had come together to aid this cause. It revealed something greater to the character of each individual who had left his life for this. Sure there was money elsewhere in the world to be earned, a nice place to set up shop and make a bundle, or opportunities to take advantage of, but why Spires? The foreign folk who had drifted into the Spirian domain had showed admirable behavior in all they had done. The jamoura of course, the natural citizens of the Spires, were of special mentioning. When Caiyh’a priestess spoke of the mass impregnation, Tiki just heard words… That was good though. He certainly wasn’t prepared for anything like that at his age. Tiki figured for what he could that it was a good thing worth celebrating. The sensation of relief raining over everyone in the temple loosened Tiki up, calmed and warmed him all at once. Of all the priestess’s speech, all that Tiki was able to take from it was the time of celebration. Nature’s beauty, although noticed and admired, was not properly attributed to Caiyha for Tiki as it was in the minds of others. Caiyha to Tiki was still an individual, a person out of sight, and apparently out of mind. Still, Tiki found himself settled and entranced by the fruits of her labor… the gentle Hahk’Loa fluttering by… The feast began as something sudden to Tiki. He jumped at first – would you believe it – as the massive motion brought forth the food and drink. Tiki smelled something delicious, tender, and juicy; his mouth watered. The kelvic locked his eyes and nose on the platters being brought out by the Hahk’Shatar. Perhaps like many other eager adolescence, Tiki was up and sprinting for the meat. What a peculiar sight it was to see a bare young man striding through the sacred garden. To outsiders perhaps, to those he had tasted the harshness of the world first hand, but not here, not in the Spires. Tiki’s wide grin broke as he asked for something to eat, only to reform. Kashal and friends must have been at work long and hard to prepare this feast, especially knowing boys as small as Tiki could eat like a jamoura if he wanted. Tiki spared no space in his gut. As for a drink, Tiki stumbled upon Grath’s special. The brewer must have had his back turned when Tiki asked for a drink, unaware of the drink’s strength. The sweetness of the drink was the only thing that kept him from chugging it down at once. Even Tiki’s sweet tooth had its limits. Tiki was giggling and glowing in no time. He had not lost all of his senses of course. Tiki looked around him, still sipping away at the special, and munching on a haunch of spiced something-or-another. He liked Kashal’s cooking very much. Tiki saw Kashal actually. For a moment he thought she was giving him a funny look, and then her eyes darted at Grath. He took a minute to catch her gaze, and then seemed to be inquiring more. He had been busy grunting it up with his own kin. Kashal needed only redirect his attention with a nod of her head and Grath was sprung. Tiki couldn’t help but laugh aloud at the sight. Kashal and Grath settled themselves inevitably. So long as Tiki stayed in the temple while he had a drink, and didn’t get near any ledges, he was safe enough. The jamoura knew… they were watching… nothing would smear their celebration. Tiki looked around more, cup in hand, the hard drink seeping through his lips, and recognized other faces. Some of them looked familiar, others totally alien, and then those few that lay on the borderline, as if befriended in another life. Those Tiki had worked with personally were the sharpest images of all, his mind correcting what his bubbly vision blurred. Individuals, like Eldon, all came to mind. Still, the hard times when he had met them didn’t come to mind, only the goodness of the moment. Tiki would be walking around in a bit. As of the moment, he was finishing up his meal, a well earned meal at that. He had a few more dips before he would go back up for another cup of the special, unlikely to be denied so long as he was kept in the temple, then, and only then, would he be ready to mingle with the crowd. He was certainly loose enough at the moment to join in just about any conversation, so one more would set him just right. |
by Duvain on June 7th, 2012, 9:16 pm
She didn't quite know why she was there. It was as if something had just led her to the temple that was quite foreign to her. Today Duvain wasn't her normal alive, energetic self. Something was different but she just couldn't put her finger on it. Maybe it was the nightmares she had been having, or perhaps it was just the season of traveling had taken a toll on the spirit within her. What am I even doing? I've been traveling for weeks and I still don't know what I'm trying to accomplish. As she finished her sidetracked thought, she realized that Suequorti had started speaking. Everyone looked so...happy. Seeing the smiles and laughter around her lifted her spirits slightly and the delightful smell of the food made her stomach growl. Oh the food! Duvain was famished and if there weren't people around she could have jumped, head first onto the food. With this she would be feeling better in no time...Hopefully. |
by Lorelai on June 13th, 2012, 2:49 am
by Eldon Sunkiss on June 15th, 2012, 3:12 am
Yes, the party was going well enough by Eldon's standards, but he had to admit he was feeling very exiled in this place. Unlike everywhere else he had been his entire life, Eldon was now a minority. There were few humans, and as far as he knew, he was the sole Drykas in the whole region of Taldera. It was a disheartening thought, but he felt confident still that he would eventually fit in here. For now, he would just to the best he could to enjoy himself, by himself if he must. He started off by casually sampling foods here and there, eating everything he tasted so that not a soul would be disappointed or discouraged for it. Last thing he wanted to do was offend anybody. Yet, with the abundance of flavors and dishes, and with Eldon doing literally nothing else than pacing and tasting this and that, he found himself quickly stuffed without room for a bite more. And there was his only thing to do here, thrown out the window. The young Drykas then wandered around until he found Grath's Special. Some Jamoura took their time to explain to Eldon just what it was, how much was suggested he drink, and so forth, but being completely foreign and being unable to pronounce even the most simple of the Jamouran Language, it was lost on him. He took a large drink, one that was unfortunately sized for the average Jamoura (which was roughly two feet taller and four hundred pounds heavier than Eldon would ever be). He sipped, enjoyed the drink, and would over the course of ten minutes or so, drink more than he should. But that was still to come. Chimes later, more wandering and Eldon actually managed to point out not just one familiar face, but two! Eldon couldn't say he really knew them well at all, but still, Tiki and Duvain just being there meant he wasn't totally alone. Eldon sauntered over to Tiki, oblivious that he was engaged in conversation with a Konti newcomer already. "Tiki! Hello!" Eldon grinned as he spoke what few words he knew in the Common Tongue to greet Tiki. Then he retreated into his "Grath's Special" to further dive into the drink that would, in no time, creep up on him like a vile snake and bite him in the ass. If only he had known a few words in Jamouran, this future could have been avoided. "Duvain!" Eldon, hoping to gather around him everyone he did already know, waved at the young girl, the one who had actually saved his life earlier in the season (damn ravens) and tried to signal for her to come on over. Surely Duvain and Tiki would love to meet. Well, maybe not, but why the hell not try? |
by Cinna on July 17th, 2012, 11:27 pm
by Tiki on July 23rd, 2012, 11:16 pm
Tiki was settling, a few sips too many beating his stomach to the punch. It took a few minutes, but he felt something very strange. He noticed his tummy feel a bit fuller, and he burped. His vision started to go, the peripherals blurred if not blackened. Tiki was trying really hard to see, focusing now on the pale face of the Konti approaching him, the delicate little thing. The Kelvic had his eyes furiously wide and focused on her, an intimidating look – or comical if anyone had a clue – locked on. He struggled to understand what she was saying as he sipped away at his drink again, and burped in his cup. Tiki went to talk, introduce himself and what not. Some incomprehensible noise came out, some attempt at a greeting gone horribly wrong. Tiki tried again and just lost it. He tried so hard to speak sensibly, but for his life could not, and instead burst in laughter. The little Jara swooped down and then off again with Tiki’s drink as Eldon greeted the Kelvic, a cup of his own in hand. The Drykas being totally smashed and giggling himself, drink in hand, didn’t help. Hey, give me my drink back. He tried saying it, but babbled instead. Tiki tried standing up but fell backward instead. His own face was a little messy, most of the food having been washed away by his drink. Tiki squinted in frustration, but managed to roll back onto his butt. The Kelvic, now angered, leapt forward trying to get up and at his drink, only to fall forward. Tiki tried again, shifting into his feline form, catching himself on all four limbs. There was not much need for talking anymore. The Kelvic let out a growl, a warning and challenge to Eldon for his drink back. The Kelvic, his vision lacking, let a full paw swing out at Eldon’s legs, a fair half of a foot short from slashing up the Drykas’s legs. Falling onto his unsupported shoulder, Tiki growled some more, rolled back up and prepared himself low to the ground to pounce at Eldon, or anything between him and his claimed drink. It was sweet, he liked it, and it just so happened Tiki wasn’t in the best state of mind… |
by Asher Salvatore Arc on July 28th, 2012, 5:23 pm
by Delayni Vesse on July 30th, 2012, 7:33 pm
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