Closed Defining the Different

In this Seasonal Open Event of mine, Krysanthe attempts to get together a group of people who want to explore the forests a bit. Not really for food, but for fun! Let's discover the strange djed-effected creatures! What could be more fun that oddly colored squirrels?

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Defining the Different

Postby Krysanthe on June 8th, 2012, 11:39 pm

11th of Summer, 512 AV

The city of fire seemed to be rising from the ashes. After the great Djed storm, the people lived in fear. For a while, they mourned the lost. For a while, they panicked about what was to come. For a while, no one did much of anything, for everyone was too concerned about failure to worry about success. But as is the way of the stubborn redheads, they moved on with their lives and dug in their heels for the long run, gradually returning their volcano home to its former glory. Summer had barely begun and already much of the debris had been cleared, allowing many citizens to return to their work. This created not only the necessary supplies for a comfortable living, but it also provided the people with a sense of purpose. Finally, no one had to be lost anymore. And yet there was one woman who found herself more lost than ever.

Krysanthe hadn’t done much since the Djed storm. That day, by some odd twist of fate, while everyone else was sent through unbearable pain in their huddle in the Courtyard, she was instead knocked into consciousness, awake and alert. With courage that she mustered from the depths of her being, the woman lead her people to safety, escaping the clouds of raw Djed before they touched down. The leadership and confidence was so unlike her, and from these people she was viewed as a hero. The very concept of being revered absolutely terrified Krys to the bone. Suddenly, people started expecting things of her. Previously, all they had expected was a quiet, depressed, antisocial little woman who never sticks her nose in other people’s business and only offers a helping hand when absolutely necessary. The woman went to an occasional concert or other social gathering, but never with a date, and when she wasn’t working in the Reverie, she was most frequently found locked in her room, keeping to herself. Suddenly, people expected her to be different. They thought she would certainly be a driving force in clearing the debris. They thought that she would be the one to comfort and help those who were shaken by the storm. They at least expected her to make more frequent appearances outside of her private quarters. The only thing these expectations did was drive Krysanthe further into her self induced exile.

Still, if there was one thing true of Krysanthe it was true of all the Inartan people. She was hungry. Because of the horrible mutations and disfigurations of many of the Wind Eagles, the food supply was grotesquely low. Everyone was hot and tired and hungry and getting sick of being sick. On the third, there was a storm that lowered the temperature to a comfortable level, for it had been unnaturally high since Ivak’s escape, but that didn’t help with the hunger pains that plagued the city. So naturally, people without eagles took their bows and arrows and spears and nets and whatever else they could and went to go hunt to provide for their people. On the ninth, a mutated creature was brought in. Word of this Djed-altered animal spread like wildfire through the halls. What did it look like? Are other creatures mutated? How badly? Is it safe to eat? Great, now the people were hungry and concerned.

Krys, on the other hand, had a fetish with the different. She always admired the strange and those with even the most subtle both physical and mental differences from the whole. But especially physical. When you live your entire life lost in a sea of red and white, the different is really intriguing. Some, naturally, find the different to be frightening or gross or whatever else, and out of what Krysanthe believes is simply jealousy, they shun the different, giving the Inarta a reputation of racism, among other things. But the different did not scare Krys. The different excited Krys. Almost immediately after she caught word of the mutated creature, Krysanthe got it set in her mind that she wanted to go find one for herself. She had gone in and out of Wind Reach only a few times in her life. She had only ever been to Thunder Bay once, and that was years ago. Surely it was incredibly different now. Perhaps she would make a trip there later in the season. For now, she was going on a hunt.

Except she had no experience in hunting. Or tracking. Or trapping. Or searching. Or really anything else that would be useful outside. But when Krysanthe gets an idea in her head, there is no turning her mind around. She was determined. On the tenth, she bought herself a net and packed up a few things from her room which had somehow survived the storm. She had a backpack with some dried foods, a razor, flint and steel, an eating knife, and just because it was sitting in her drawer, a bit of soap. She wasn’t sure what she’d use most of the supplies for, but she figured if she had a backpack, it might look like she knew what she was doing. She had never really used the old thing anyways. Once she had her supplies together, she figured it would be best to at least do some research on what she was doing. She spent about an hour and a half in the Enclave, reading (or skimming, mostly, but reading what she felt were the important parts) a book or two on the basics of trapping. She didn't want to catch anything big, after all. Just something small and fun to look at.

The 11th of Summer. The day Krysanthe attempts to capture a creature. This should be one for the history books. She grumbled to herself as she stepped from her bedroom. Today, she had her hair drawn back in a single braid, a few strands stubbornly straying to her face. She wore her usual turtle neck vinati and black bryda, and with a look of sheer determination she made her way to Wind Reach’s exit. About half way through her proud stride slowed. She really had no idea what she was doing. She took a few more steps. What was she getting herself into? She stopped. This was a terrible idea. Backing herself up against a wall, Krysanthe searched the area for a familiar face. Who did she know who hunted? Or tracked? Or anything like that? Come to think of it, who did she know? Not that many people. Perhaps if she could find just one person, they could make a makeshift party. Not necessarily a hunting party, but not the ‘let’s all dance and get drunk’ sort of party. No, a party of people who wanted to see strange creatures. Yeah. Sounds like a plan. But who on earth was she going to get to go with her? Her golden eyes scanned the faces of anyone near closely. There must be someone. Perhaps someone else had a similar idea. How would she be able to tell? This will mean actually talking to someone. Great. She tried to summon some of her courage from that day of the Djed storm, but found none. This was going to be harder than she thought.
Update 12/30: -My list- Defining the Different - Beauty and the Beast - A Pinion a Pair - Always the Quiet Ones - Grief

"Why is it that the cherished moments we love the most are gone in a heartbeat... and the moments that we wish could just be done with never seem to end? The answer: It is truly the smallest moments of laughter and love that we are to remember forever, simply because it was gone so soon that it lingers in our minds..."
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Defining the Different (open to all!)

Postby Vaas on June 10th, 2012, 7:07 am

Life in Wind Reach is finally getting back to normal ever since the storm, but the cleanup is still a work in progress with the warrens still littered with hazardous and irritating debris, and the Darniva Commonrooms were not immune to the overall destruction that ravaged the city in the spring. The commonrooms are the personal homes of the redience of Wind Reach, and the devastion of this area left a personal mark on everyone who called this place home. The earthquake and the winds toppled and destroyed elegant works of art that stood for centuries. Symbols of the proud people of Wind Reach layed in ruins on the floors of the halls. Taperies and paintings of artists long dead were torn from the walls and tosses to floor like they were garbage by the quakes.

Nothing was the same for the residances of the Darniva Commonrooms, and Vaas could only image what it was like inside the indiviaul residances of the proud Inarta people after that tragic day. Spring came and went into summer, and the deks have cleared most of the smaller debris from the halls. However, the larger debris still hasn't been touched since the greater city took most of the priority over living areas of Wind Reach. Vaas understood commere must continue in Wind Reach after the destruction, but at the expenise of the living condition of the lower castes. It seems like the Endals only cared about themselves and the living conditions of the nobility, but this is the harsh reality of the proud city in the volcano, and most Inartans have accepted, but a few still hope and wish for a change. Vaas never expressed his political veiws outloud. His thoughts on politics were a topic most Chiet tried to stay far away from since the politics were only a privilege of the Avora and Endal. Vaas might be brash at times, but he is not stuiped, so he shut his mouth and played his music in protest of the harsh reality of the times.

Vaas opens the door of his apartment and steps out into the halls of the commonrooms. He slowly walks forward using his staff to guide his way through the people and debris in the hallway. He must of only walked five steps. When his foot hits a medium size chuck of rock, he falls forward and lands on his face. His staff slides across the floor out of reach of the blind man. Vaas sick and tired of the debris in front of his door. Quickly stands up and yells at the rock, "You basterd this is the last time. You make a fool out of me!" Vaas not thinking of the consequences decides to kick the rock in a fury of curses. He wasn't mad at the rock at all, but it was a symbol of all his frustration Ivak has cause him during the spring and now summer. Vaas howls in pain and drops to his knees holding his foot. He rolls over and sits cross legged trying to message the pain away. He says to the rock not caring who is around to hear him, "If I broke my toe, I am coming back with a hammer, and pounding you into dust. Oh yes.. your days are numbered."
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Defining the Different (open to all!)

Postby Krysanthe on June 11th, 2012, 10:36 pm

Krysanthe witnessed as Vaas walked in her direction, striking his foot against a rock. She cringed as it happened, immediately running to his aid, lifting his staff off the ground from where it had fallen. Before she could offer any word of greeting, Vaas was on his feet, screaming at the stone. Trying not to smile, Krysanthe waited for him to finish with his little angry episode. But then he kicked the rock, and Krys decided that when you pull a silly move like that, you just deserve to be laughed at. Still, she contained herself, managing to put a hand over her mouth and keep her enjoyments down to a soft chuckle.

The blind man now threatened the rock, and Krys decided this would be a good time to interfere. Sure, she knew Vaas wouldn't be the absolute best hunting companion. he was blind, after all. Still, he was a familiar face. They hadn't spent much time together in a long time, because for ages Krysanthe had just pushed away all of her friends, however few in numbers. Vaas had tried to maintain some kind of relationship, but it was hard. After all, friendship is a two way road, and Krysanthe had pretty efficiently removed herself from the situation. Perhaps a trip like this would be an opportunity for the two of them to reconnect. Then again, it might just be another journey of rambling and awkward silences. Either way, it was better than being alone.

"That rock is really intimidated right now. I mean really, it's terrified." Krysanthe kneeled at Vaas's side, handing him his staff. "Hi Vaas." The greeting was simple enough, and Krys felt she needed to offer no further explanation. After all, when they had met in 509 for the first time since their days in the nursery, he managed to figure out who she was by the sound of her voice. It wasn't as though he wouldn't be able to now. She hadn't changed that much. Had she? No. Surely not. She did ready herself for a quick introduction if need be. That being said, she worked out a hundred ways to say her name that would only surely end in the inevitable awkward silence. She just hoped he wouldn't ask. She really wanted to offer him a hand to help him stand up, but for one thing, he was blind so she would surely look like a fool, and for another, it probably wasn't the best idea considering he just slammed his foot into a rock. Maybe she should wait until the soreness wears off. It didn't look that bad. It'd probably just end up being bruised. Great. A blind man with a bruised foot assisting the stubborn, clueless glassworker on a hunting trip. Because that made sense. Clearly.

This is going to be an interesting day. Krys thought to herself with growing anticipation (and concern) for her small journey.
Update 12/30: -My list- Defining the Different - Beauty and the Beast - A Pinion a Pair - Always the Quiet Ones - Grief

"Why is it that the cherished moments we love the most are gone in a heartbeat... and the moments that we wish could just be done with never seem to end? The answer: It is truly the smallest moments of laughter and love that we are to remember forever, simply because it was gone so soon that it lingers in our minds..."
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Defining the Different (open to all!)

Postby Vaas on June 12th, 2012, 3:16 am

Vaas was immediately snapped out of his temper tantrum at the sound of Krysanthe's voice. He jumps up forgetting about his pain in his toe, and he looks towards the sound of her voice and says with a smirk, "You been working on your jokes lately. Good one Krysanthe." He made sure to say her name correctly this time. The first time, he saw her three years ago. He made the horrible mistake of calling her Kryssie. The name she absolutely loathed, but today, Vaas is smarter and wiser than the unsure teenager of three years ago. He says with a gentle smile, "I am glad your safe, Krys. I was going to look for you after the storm, but I had a accident with some glass in the street, and I was wasn't able to see if you were safe, sorry." Vaas didn't have many friends and the few friends he had were as close to a family a Inarta could have. Krysanthe was probably his oldest friends and closest friends even if she never realized it. He takes the staff from her and says with smile, "Thank you, Krys."

Vaas decides to keep the conversation going and asks, "So Krys, what brings you to this side of the common rooms? Tell me it wasn't my display of acrobatics." He says with a smirk. Vaas always jokes around with people. It is sorta his thing. Since he can't see their smile, he substitute laughter for a smile. A lot of time he goes too far with his jokes, and they just either walk away or just sit their in silence.

Vaas has been checking up on Krysanthe from time to time since the death of Eramus, and what he been hearing from her neighbors concerns him. He won't get into it today, but soon him and her will have to have a long talk. However, he was surprised that she lend everyone out of the courtyard during the storm. She was always a timid girl with very little to say to anyone, but she was amazing the night of the storm. She was like a different person leading everyone out of the courtyard to safety. Vaas didn't remember much of the night since he must of backed out. All he remember from the day of the storm was him getting really mad at the world. Everything after the feeling of anger was a blur. He stops his thoughts an listens for his friends reply, and he hopes he can give her some laughter today.
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Defining the Different (open to all!)

Postby Reila on June 12th, 2012, 3:37 pm

Her head was thumping mildly yet she knew it would eventually turn into a raging storm if she left it as it was. Rubbing her temple with thumb and forefinger she cursed under her breath at the headaches that had essentially ruined her life. Reila tried to recall when the headaches had started, sometime during her early adolescents. I was meant for great things but this wretched headache... Her father had sent her to numerous well known and not so well known priests, shamans and healers, one had said “you have an illness of the brain” whilst another would say “a great spirit is trying to emerge from your head.” All of which had come to the same dreadful conclusion: “Your infliction cannot be cured...” or “You will have to live with this forever...” Reila had wept for sure in her younger years, sometimes for days on end knowing that she would never be free of this torment. Sometimes the headaches were so bad that she would pass out from the pain only to awake to another day of despair.

She had found in her earlier years that alcohol was the quickest and cheapest way to ease the pain if only slightly. This however inevitably turned her into somewhat of an alcoholic and before long alcohol had become her bread and butter, a necessity of life. Pulling the stopper off her water skin Reila took a long, deep gulp of thick wine, immediately she felt better. The bloody Djed storm didn’t help much either... The Djed storm had all been a blur to her, it had wreaked havoc on her skull and so she had barely been conscious for moments at a time. Somehow though she had survived without a scratch, her father on the other hand was not so lucky. He had taken some serious damage to his left leg and his furnace had been obliterated, it would take some time before it was up and running again.

Reila lifted her throbbing head from her palms and took a quick glance around. I’m in the common rooms... how did I end up back here? A comely young girl caught her molten gold eyes, she knew that girl... “Krysanthe... is that you!?” ‘Krysanthe’ was an unusually long name for an Inarta, often times names were only one or two syllables long. She knew Krysanthe as a glass workers apprentice, glass working had a small community, mostly everyone knew each other. As Reila approached she noticed Kry with a young man, his features were covered by his hair yet his body seemed slender and fit. “...and who is this? You never told me about this one... why are you keeping such a cute one all to yourself, hmmm?” Reila smirked, nudging the younger woman.

Only then did she noticed the quarterstaff, the cloudy dimmed eyes that were barely visible underneath his long ginger fringe. “’re blind...” she said bluntly. “Don’t worry, I know the greeting...” The redhead said as a smile crept up the side of her face. Carefully she grabbed the blind man by the wrists and guided his palms slowly across her face so that he could feel the features, around the deep holes of her eye sockets down the length of her nose, over the pale cheeks and brushing his fingertips against her soft red lips. Then suddenly, quick as a viper she pulled his hand from her face and thrust them on to her round, firm breasts. She left his hands there smirking, waiting to see his reaction to the sudden change in texture.
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Defining the Different (open to all!)

Postby Krysanthe on June 13th, 2012, 1:14 am

Krys smiled at the compliment, although it was a little odd. A compliment at a joke? Not the most common occurance. Still, it was nice and he meant no harm by it, and so she accepted it. She had long ago accepted Vaas as being a peculiar young man. He did seem to mature since the last time they spoke. When he mentioned the storm, Krys tensed. She didn’t like to think about it. When he told her that he wanted to ensure her safety, she wanted to tell him that he shouldn’t apologize, that of course it was okay, that the storm had a great effect on everyone and he should hold no obligation. Still, he didn’t give her much of a chance as he instinctively took his staff. She couldn’t even offer a ‘you’re welcome’ It seemed Vaas was convinced to keep this conversation moving.

He asked her his question and Krysanthe began, saying “Well, I was planning on go-“ but she was cut short at the sound of someone calling her name. She instantly recognized the voice and clenched her fists at her side. Her face reddened instantly as she came to the realization that Reila was about to meet Vaas.

Reila was the kind of girl who always had the scent of alcohol on her breath. Krys was convinced that the reason she wasn’t an avora was because she was always drinking, and this alcoholism kept her from reaching her full potential. Then again, her father gave her absolutely everything on a silver platter, so she really had no need to raise rank. It was a shame, really. It didn’t seem fair for anyone. The alcohol gave the woman an almost unnatural confidence. Krysanthe was the golden eyed girl of the hot shop who sat in her corner and got her work done, barely making eye contact with anyone else, even when working on group projects. Reila was the equally golden eyed girl who made an effort to talk to every single person in the trade, learning everyone’s name and calling everyone their ‘friend’ no matter how much they wished she’d just go away. Reila had embarrassed Krysanthe on more than one occasion. Then again, that really wasn’t a difficult task.

‘Why are you keeping such a cute one all to yourself, hmmm?’ At the nudge, Krys stepped to the side, avoiding eye contact. “I… uh..” She stuttered, not knowing quite what to say. She then watched as Reila made the realization that he was blind, then took his hand and forced him to gently rub her face, and then more quickly than Vaas could respond, she moved her hand to a lower region. Horrified, Krysanthe acted just as quickly as she had. She grabbed Reila’s wrist with a firm grip, moving her hand which still held Vaas’s away from her chest, not releasing hers until she released his. “This is Vaas. He’s a good friend of mine. He’s a nice guy, and I’m sure you’d get along if you don’t scare him off in the next forty five seconds. Mkay?”

Reila wasn’t a bad person. She meant well, and she had some problems that caused her to drink. Krysanthe recalled her saying something about headaches, but she couldn’t exactly remember. The two of them weren’t exactly close. Still, Krysanthe wasn’t one to exclude anyone for any reason. She hoped that the two of them could have some time to talk. Alcohol was like poison for someone, and she hated to see the woman pour her life down the drain. And maybe some of the woman’s uncanny confidence would rub off on her. That would be nice, being able to just go up and talk to strangers without second guessing herself. (Not to such an extent as Reila. Krysanthe had no doubt that she would keep her very big boundaries.) After all, Krys had a hard enough time talking to friends. Perhaps Reila would help her on her little venture into the forest. So that put the count up to three. The clueless one, the blind one, and the drunk one. Wonderful.
Update 12/30: -My list- Defining the Different - Beauty and the Beast - A Pinion a Pair - Always the Quiet Ones - Grief

"Why is it that the cherished moments we love the most are gone in a heartbeat... and the moments that we wish could just be done with never seem to end? The answer: It is truly the smallest moments of laughter and love that we are to remember forever, simply because it was gone so soon that it lingers in our minds..."
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Defining the Different (open to all!)

Postby Norien on June 13th, 2012, 1:56 am

Norien had been in the city for a few days now, surveying the ruin that was his home. After being abroad for so many years, it left him feeling empty that his homeland was so destroyed. The people he met told him it was worse before now, that it already looked much better, but that did nothing but fuel his dismay. He walked among the destruction that Ivak had caused and his anger slowly grew over the days. His homecoming was not what he had imagined it would be. "Rhaus, I could use a drink," he murmured to himself. He shouldered his Chala, rucksack, and buckled on his sword. Why am I getting ready to leave? he thought. It's because I came home to death and ashes, when what I wanted was life and verdure. My home has been ruined, and with it, my desire to be here. So it was in a dark mood that he strode through the common rooms, and he saw a two faces that looked vaguely familiar.

Despite feeling rather upset about his prospects at the moment, he nonetheless went over to the group he faintly recognized and stood there awkwardly for a few moments before he remembered names. He said, in a quiet voice that carried despite the volume, "You are Reila, are you not? And you, Krysanthe?" He watched for signs of recognition or approval, but bulled ahead anyways, "Reila, I remember you have pain troubles, am I right? And Krysanthe, I've heard you're a glassblower now. How fares the city? I'm newly back from the world, learning all sorts of healing lore and new songs." He patted the Chala on his back. Truth be told, he was starved for Inarta company. The caravan he followed back to Wind Reach had had no other Inarta, and he missed his own people. Plus, he had known of both of them before he left. He stood by them, awkwardly, with a half smile on his face as he waited to be turned away.
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Defining the Different (open to all!)

Postby Vaas on June 13th, 2012, 3:46 am

Listening to Krysanthe, Vaas smiles gently at her as she starts talking,“Well, I was planning on go-“, but she was stop short by a woman voice calling out from a distance to Krysanthe, “Krysanthe... is that you!?” He heard the woman walk towards them, but he said nothing since he didn't want to interrupt them. He waited and listens to them eager to find out who Krysanthe's new friend. Vaas waited patiently the pain in his toe starts to throb once again than he hears the woman say to Krysanthe,”...and who is this? You never told me about this one... why are you keeping such a cute one all to yourself, hmmm?” Vaas starting to feel the heat rise in his cheeks awkwardly rubs his sore toe behind his leg.

Vaas never been called cute before by anyone...ever. Honestly, he doesn't care to much about outward appearances, but nobody ever acknowledge to his face his disagree of attractiveness other than Avora Selia, but she is a kind elderly woman. This woman on the other hand must be a only few years older than him, and from what he gathered by her demeanor she seems to have a playful spirit. Something Vaas can relate with. He gives the new woman a smile and nod, but before he could thank her for the compliment. Vaas hears the woman say bluntly, “’re blind.... Don’t worry, I know the greeting...”

Suddenly the mysterious woman gently takes his wrist and she guides his hand across her face. Vaas on the other hand was dumbstruck at the way the woman just let someone she just met; Let him touch her in such a intimate way. Honestly, he never thought of visualizing someone in this way. As his palm is softly lead across her silky skin, he notices she has high cheek bones under her almost almond eye sockets. As she guides his around her face, he starting to visualize in his mind her face is a oval. He smiles slightly to himself as she continues guiding his hands over her face that she must be very beautiful in the seeing world. The fact a beautiful woman is giving him, a blind man, so much attention makes him blush even more.

When the mysterious woman runs his finger tips across her lips, Vaas heart starts to race as he feels the softness and fullness of her lips glide across his finger tips. Suddenly, the woman quickly bring his hands down from her face to something round, soft, and firm. Over the mounds, Vaas could feel and recognized her garment. “It must be her vinati,” He thought to himself with a half grin, and for some reason under the fabric, he could feel a small nub. He would have explored the nub further, but Vaas' hands were jerked from the woman chest, and he heard Krysanthe voice say to the woman,“This is Vaas. He’s a good friend of mine. He’s a nice guy, and I’m sure you’d get along if you don’t scare him off in the next forty five seconds. Mkay?”

Vaas kind of confused at Krysanthe reaction because he was never scared of the experience with the strange woman. Honestly, he was quite content on continuing trying to identify these fleshy mounds through exploration. Than the realization sinks into his clueless head that he was just touching her breasts in public. Now his face starts turning as red as his hair, and coughs and realizing the strange woman is still holding his wrists. Feeling like a trapped animal, he gives the woman a grin and says a eloquently as he could muster in this embarrassing situation, “I don't know your name, but I can tell you must be a truly beau...”

Still being held by the hands, Vaas is interrupted by the sound of a older man's introduction, "You are Reila, are you not? And you, Krysanthe?" He watched for signs of recognition or approval, but bulled ahead anyways, "Reila, I remember you have pain troubles, am I right? And Krysanthe, I've heard you're a glassblower now. How fares the city? I'm newly back from the world, learning all sorts of healing lore and new songs." Vaas utterly confused at the situation just sits there silently waiting for a quick escape.
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Defining the Different (open to all!)

Postby Reila on June 13th, 2012, 12:46 pm

The young, blind chiet seemed more curious than surprised as his palms brushed over her ‘mounds’. She had not been expecting that and it only made her grin more. Despite Krysanthe’s reclusive personality she was quick enough to grab hold of Reila’s wrists and forcefully tug them to the side, ultimately pulling Vaas hands along with them. “This is Vaas. He’s a good friend of mine. He’s a nice guy, and I’m sure you’d get along if you don’t scare him off in the next forty five seconds. Mkay?” Reila spontaneously burst out into a sudden fit of laughter as their faces began to match the colour of their hair. “Y-you... you look like a pair of ripe pomegranates!” Her sides began to hurt from laughter and it was all she could do not to weep. Her joy was cut short by a sudden spike of pain within her skull. With a sharp grunt she released Vaas wrists and pulled her own back from Krys grasp. Grumbling she removed a water skin from a pouch on her bryda, pulled out the stopper and took a long swallow of wine. Vaas had begun to say something when...

"You are Reila, are you not? And you, Krysanthe?"

Reila looked up from her water skin and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. Before them stood a man perhaps only a little older than herself. She recognized him immediately by the unique tattoo printed halfway across his arm and abdomen. She listened musingly to what he had to say, apparently the Inarta had been traveling around and had picked up some new tricks along the way. “Ahhh Norien... Surely I would never forget the likes of you...” his bare and muscular torso seemed to arouse her slightly as her golden eyes drank in his sinewy body. “What was it again? ...oh that’s right you had come to see my father’s wares, I remember we had a little... chit-chat.” A smirked formed once again on the corner of her lips.

Reila placed the water skin back into the pouch that was attached to her bryda and looked around at the odd company that had formed around the common rooms. She turned back to Vaas and Krys. “So what are you two doing here exactly? ...Shouldn’t you be helping to rebuild or something?” Reila’s molten eyes flared, somehow she knew it had ‘adventure’ written all over it.
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Defining the Different (open to all!)

Postby Norien on June 13th, 2012, 1:39 pm

“I don't know your name, but I can tell you must be a truly beau...” Norien realized he had cut off the other male when he had spoken, and said to him, "I'm sorry I just kind of barged in. I have a habit of speaking my mind and not paying attention to see if anyone else happens to be talking at the same time. My name is Norien, and as I saw with Reila," here he gave her a slightly amused look with one eyebrow cocked, "that you are blind. I know the traditional greeting as well. If I may?" Without waiting for approval, he also took the others hand and traced his face, so that he would have a bit of an idea who was speaking with him. "I apologize for my earlier haste, I was merely excited at two familiar faces. It has been seven long years since I've been home." He shook the male's hand after he felt his face.

"Ahhh Norien... Surely I would never forget the likes of you...” his bare and muscular torso seemed to arouse her slightly as her golden eyes drank in his sinewy body. “What was it again? ...oh that’s right you had come to see my father’s wares, I remember we had a little... chit-chat.” Norien then turned to Reila, his expression becoming more amused, "Reila, yes. I recall. Having been out in the world so long, I learned this thing called 'tact'. I had forgotten that we don't have that back at home. How could I forget our little 'chit-chat'? But answer me this. Does your head still pain you?" He watched for a reaction, then looked deep into her eyes. What he saw there dismayed him a little. Her eyes had the haze of strong alcohol in them, and behind that, he thought he caught a glimpse of what he was searching for, the pain that plagued her. But she seemed more interested in the other two, her body language practically screamed she was looking for adventure, and looking back to the other two, he thought that if she stayed she just might find it.

"She brings up a good point, actually. I'm curious as well. What are you two doing? If there's mischief to be had, don't count me out! Especially if there is mischief. One can never know when a healer is needed, and if you have one with you, well. Then you are ready for anything." He grinned, his melancholy fading like the morning fog before the sun. He had found some friends, and there might be an escapade, like he used to have of old. I should have known, he thought. Wind Reach is never dull...
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One day, everyone will fly, not just Endal
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Joined roleplay: June 2nd, 2012, 8:48 am
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Race: Human, Inarta
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