Summer 64, 512 AV Aello's boots scraped against the wooden lining. Several boards loosening against her touch. She wondered what it would be like if one of them broke. Splitting at the seams, splintering. Sending her sprawling, falling. Plunging into the murky depths of the lake below. They had engulfed her once, a long time ago. Nearly a full year now. Had it really been that long since she was sprung from her cell, forced to wiggle down the chute, and descend into another version of darkness? Aello couldn't believe it. She wouldn't. She shook her head lightly, allowing her long brown hair to splay against her face. Stick to her paling lips. She was nervous being back here. In this place where Rhysol ruled. Nervous about what must be done in order to repay him. She didn't want to. As far as she was concerned, he didn't deserve it, for he had done nothing for her. But who was she to say? She was but a mere mortal, and combatting a god, especially one the likes of Rhysol himself, seemed to be lunacy. A true descent into madness, from which she could never return. Aello had to do whatever it was that he wanted. For now, he owned her. Sighing, Aello looked up. She was surprised she had ventured this far. Surprised she had paid so little attention, that she had allowed herself to wander into the outskirts of town. Into places the families owned. She could only say that she knew little of the place she found herself in. The strange building surrounded by a strong, wiry, metal fence. Nestled beside the lake. Her eyes falling, she followed the drive up to the door, as her feet blindly moved her form up to the gates. Her right hand coming forward, her fingers outstretched, until they could settle around a chink of metal. They clung to the cool X. The subtle curvature which formed a seemingly impenetrable wall; further enforced by the guards that had been posted all around the perimeter. It hardly seemed cold, relentless, in comparison to the weight of her cursed blade. No, the fence meant nothing. It could be overcome if she had but the desire to do so. But why run directly into the arms of those who would want nothing more to destroy her? Sighing, the girl hung her head. Her long hair falling before her, enveloping her face; shadowing her features. This was darkness. This was death itself. There was no escaping it. Aello could hardly hear the shouts for her to move away. It scarcely seemed to matter. Nothing really mattered anymore, now that she was being forced to serve another... |