Where to Start? (Open)

Brodon's first unescorted visit to a foreign city may be complicated by the need to ask questions.

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A half-collapsed city of alabaster and gold fiercely governed by Eypharians. Even partially ruined, it is the crown of the desert and a worthy testament to old glories and rising powers.

Where to Start? (Open)

Postby Ispsyavinsens on June 11th, 2012, 11:58 am

The feel of a sword in Vins' grip was an unusual sensation, solidifying his resolution in his conclusion that he had no idea what he was doing. He lashed out with the weapon and missed. The guard moved out of the way easily, but it gave Vins enough space to roll out from under the man and to his feet. At the Eypharian was no longer in a position to disembowel someone. Although Vins' position was still with the odds stacked against him.

The fake guard had several arms and, odds were, experience over the Dhani. The Dhani had a sense of desperation and couldn't remember the last time he held a sword. He tried to keep his breathing steady and remember what to do in a direct fight. He had to do something, at least, or the Eypharian would kill the man that but a few minutes ago he'd been aiming to kill.

This had become a very strange and murderous day.

Vins switched the blade to his left hand and charged. The pretender guard blocked, knocking the sword to the ground once more. It left the Eypharian open for just a moment, allowing Vins to grab onto the man and move himself in too close to be easily swung at. He snapped his knee up into the other man's gut just as the man recovered and punched Vins in the eye with one of his free hands. Vins grabbed onto the hand instinctively and tried to bite it as the situation dissolved into a senseless brawl.

Hopefully his captors knew what they were doing, because he didn't.
Last edited by Ispsyavinsens on June 12th, 2012, 2:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Where to Start? (Open)

Postby Brodon Windriver on June 12th, 2012, 2:15 am

Blood turning the dirt to mud around him, Brodon inched his way as quickly as he could towards the Dhani and the phony guard. Spots began to swim before his eyes. He was losing blood rapidly, his head starting to feel light. His right arm wasn't limp, but it was weak. He was holding his right shoulder closed with his left hand and moving on his heels, butt and left elbow.

When he tipped his head back to see the Dhani and the 'guard' fighting, he almost passed out. It was hard to tell which arms were Dhani and which were Eypharian as they clutched and wrestled, too close for sword work. The 'guard' was wary of been bitten and was trying to push the Dhani back, but was hindered by his own indecision. He seemed hesitant to leave an arm in any position for too long for fear of the Dhani getting his teeth into it. As a result, he was unable to gain the advantage his multiple arms should have given him, but was still landing a lot of punches.

Brodon inched a little closer and kicked at the guard's knee. He failed to do any serious injury, but it did distract him for just a second.

Just then an arm swung around his neck, another around his left arm. His supporting arm was pulled out from under him and he fell on his back as a fist slammed his face. He instinctively reached across with his right arm and agony exploded in his shoulder. He swooned with dizziness and could do nothing to stop the next pair of hands clutching his throat. It was the Eypharian with the maimed knee, caught up to him with a vengeance. He choked and punched, face, ribs, stomach. Brodon kicked feebly at his knee, but it was the wrong one. The 'guard' just laughed and punched some more.

As everything started to fade, he heard several voices raised in alarm and heard someone yell something in the Eypharian tongue. It sounded like the Dhani, just one word over and over. The human adding his own voice, but the humming in Brodon's ears and the sound of armor and pounding feet obscured what it was.

Everything hummed and went dark.

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Where to Start? (Open)

Postby Brodon Windriver on June 13th, 2012, 5:08 am

His dreams were disjointed, confused. Darkness and horses, sun and dust, threats and promises, yelling and whispering, hard ground and soft pillows. He got the sense of someone watching him, watching over him. His shoulder ached. He tried to reach across but someone called excitedly and he heard footsteps. Someone eased his hand back to where it was. "Now, now, Brodon. You have much rest ahead of you. You are going to be fine, but you need to stay put." A woman's voice.

"What...Where...am I?....What...happened?" he managed barely. He felt so weak. How was he still alive? He had been pretty sure another half dozen of those phony guards had arrived to ensure his death, as well as his two...friends?...Gods, he didn't even know their names!

"The Jackals brought you in personally! Quite an honor for a foreigner. Those others were taken to the interrogators." she laughed brightly, "NOT such an honor! They disgraced the honor of the Pressorah's Guard! May she sit with the gods."

"Not my FRIENDS!" Brodon started to rise in distress, and almost blacked out, moaning, "We were attacked. They were only helping me! They have done nothing!" He suddenly realized he was speaking in Pavi. The Eypharians had provided a nurse who spoke his language? In their city? He realized she was not kidding, he had been honored!

"No, no, do not worry, Brodon. They are fine. In fact, they are honored as well! But their injuries were nothing next to yours. A stitch here, a stitch there, all done, run along." she smiled, waving her hands as if clearing a spot in the air. "You three have helped the guard clear out a nest of thieves, impersonating them. You provided them with leads to put to the question. Their leader escaped, however, disguised as a vendor of maps. But Her Glory, The Pressorah, may she reign eternal, has graced you with her blessing and her generosity, you will not have to pay for your convalescence here, and she has seen to it that your animals are well provided for. Anything else she may see fit to bestow upon you is not the concern of one of my station. I but live to serve for her glory."

"Just having a voice speak to me in my language is an honor. I have been struggling not to sound a fool in a tongue that does not slide easily from my lips. tell me, where are my friends, The swordsman..uh...and the Dhani...Oh dear, my head..." Brodon hoped to coax the names of his fellows from her.

"Ah yes, the human, Gracen, and the Dhani, Ips..um...Ipsysyni...Ipsyaviniss... well, he called himself 'Vins'. They are tending to their own affairs, I suppose. Questions have led to the indication that the leader had fled west. Yahebah, I would guess. The human has made mention that he is bound that way. There is a caravan, but you have missed it. I suspect it will be at least a month before another departs, but you need your rest anyway. It may be possible to hire on as guard. I'm certain the Pressorah's endorsement, gods grace her countenance, would guarantee that! Or there are always guides prepared to travel the Burning Lands, if you prefer the adventure."

"Yes, 'Gracen' and 'Vins'. I believe I will look them up when I am recovered. I, too, am bound for Yahebah, if that is where this wretched map vendor thinks to hide from my retribution! I will return with his head, to avenge my father! This I swear!"

The woman clapped her hands in front of her face and beamed with delight. "Oh, how wonderful! A quest of justice! The Pressorah will be so pleased! ...may the sun bow in submission...

And so it was that Brodon left the infirmary a few weeks later to resume his regimen of practice with the Iron Staff of his father to rebuild his strength, his shoulder scarred and stitched, but no longer weak. He returned to Mahib at the inn, found himself somewhat of a minor celebrity, which was all well and good with Mahib, his coffers enjoying the bounty. As it also was with his bird, Prombus, and his horse, Lovaak, both glowing with health.

Not long after, he said his goodbyes to Mahib, a surprisingly emotional ordeal, as well as a few others he had gotten to know, and went to search out Gracen and Vins to plan for their trek across the Burning Lands...

"Carrying an angry load, keeps you on an angry road."
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Where to Start? (Open)

Postby Colombina on July 12th, 2012, 11:12 pm


The XP Wand Is Waved!

Threads with multiple people can be tough stuff, especially if they have a lot of action. However, I was entertained by this! You guys did a fair job of give and take and playing into the scenario. By far superior to the usual meet and greet.

Also, I got a few chuckles out of this. The interactions with Mahib, Gracen's quip about being Dira's lover and Vins occasional ineptitude. The fact that everyone took damage or biffed up made me happy. Nobody wants to read Conan the Barbarian all the time. Think of Indiana Jones, he gets beat and roughed up, but in the end you like him all the more for it.

A few technical notes. I need to set up a cheaper tavern/inn or something, because I don't want people making up locations on the spot. We can't have 15 different seedy taverns. Brodon, if you would like to contribute a sketch/writeup, I would be stoked. Mahib is a fun NPC, we could keep him under a more Eyph name (Mahibre maybe?)

I also appreciate how there is a good grasp of Eypharian/ Ahnatep culture displayed. As a mod, that's a surefire way to endear yourself to me.

All in all, good stuff.

Brodon's Loot

2 XP Falconry
1 XP Birdkeeping
2 XP Subterfuge
3 XP Stealth
3 XP Observation
3 XP Brawling
2 XP Whip
2 XP Staff
Lore of appearance of Dhani
Lore of appearance of Eypharians
Lore of sound of Arumenic
Lore of gates of Ahnatep
Lore of layout of Pavilion
Lore of Pressorah's Guards (Foxes)

MISC: Minus 44 sm 50 cm for various purchases
Plus 20gm from the Pressorah for service to the city for attempting to apprehend false Foxes

Gracen's Loot

3 XP Wakizashi
2 XP Observation
1 XP Leadership
2 XP Intimidation
2 XP Interrogation
2 XP Flux
Lore of Appearance of Dhani
Lore of Pavi Accent
Lore of Pressorah's Guards (Foxes)

MISC: Plus 20gm from the Pressorah for service to the city for attempting to apprehend false Foxes

Vin's Loot

3 XP Stealth
2 XP Observation
1 XP Swimming
1 XP Brawling
2 XP Sword
Lore of Pressorah's Guards (Foxes)

MISC: Plus 20gm from the Pressorah for service to the city for attempting to apprehend false Foxes

Colombina is pleased.
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