By Her Grace [Cachet]

T'Setsuna takes to the South Tower to pray to Rak'keli.

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Home of the Konti people, this ivory city is built of native konti stone half in and half out of the sea. Its borders touch the Silverwood, and stretch upwards towards Silver Lake, home of the infamous konti vision water. [Lore]

By Her Grace [Cachet]

Postby T'Setsuna on May 5th, 2012, 9:54 pm

The expression and passion with which the little girl spoke turned T’Setsuna’s stomach over and inside out. Her own brow creased as she listened to the Vantha youth’s story. It was vague, but it touched her in a special way. The little girl’s brother, was he sick? Was he crippled? Was he blind? Whatever had happened or befallen him must have been critically traumatic for the little girl to seem so hopeful. T’Setsuna shifted her weight to sit down on the ground as she watched the little one’s expressions. Was she afraid? Embarrassed?

”Well, little one, you’re right about one thing; Rak’keli does heal. She grants us with some of the most miraculous blessings of any god or goddess. I myself just came from her temple to pray and give thanks for my good health and that of those around me. My mother and father are healers of the Opal Order. Rak’keli marked them both, and passed their ideals of faith in her unto me at a very young age. I have seen the amazing things she can do, I’ve seen her magic work through the very hands of my parents. I believe in her, and I know if you went to the temple to pray for your brother’s health, she heard you. There are healers here, you know that, right? May I ask, what is wrong with your brother’s health? Maybe there is someone here in the city that can help him. I could help you, if you’d like?”
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By Her Grace [Cachet]

Postby Cachet on June 11th, 2012, 12:27 pm

The little girl still didn’t seem very hopeful about the healing the woman spoke of. It seemed that she had prayed at the temple before…and nothing happened. Why would it change now if she went and prayed herself. She shook her head and spoke again.

“I don’t think they can help him…he doesn’t trust anyone and hides in the forest. I’ve gone looking for him with others but they can never see him…but it might be different with you helping me.” She smiled and Hugged T’Setsuna tight as she could.

Then she released the woman and took off north into the forest. Seemed that she was going to get a head start on this before T’Setsuna could tell her no; or dissuade her from going into the forest. The little girl was fast for someone as young and small as she was. Her little feet elated at the appearance of her guardian figure took off across the ground with a renewed sense of energy. If the Konti didn’t follow promptly she would surely lose the little girl in the tree line; which would surely be a bad thing. She could hear the little girl laugh and giggle and her voice echoed off the trees as she did so. Seemed she was more than joyous to have the opportunity to go and find her brother.

“Toli….Toli…” She called out as she ran through the trees. “Come here big brother, I brought a friend who wants to help us.” She exclaimed gleefully.

Listen to the island
The waves and wind
That is the pulse
Note it, feel it
And become one with serenity

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