Satanists, Devil Worshipers, and Burning in a Pit of Fire! A friend sent me a Youtube link earlier to some American Bible Belt tv show that sets out to call witches and pagans devil worshipers and satanists. He was angry and wanted me to see it. And yeah it angered me too, but I'm not angry because it's Christianity. The thing these narrow minded people don't understand is that tolerance goes a long way. People who TELL others they are wrong, and their choices and beliefs will make them burn into hell are the ones who are ultimately wrong. Faith is a personal thing. The way you understand the world is TRUE to you, and other people have their own TRUTHS. Is it not possible for us all to walk a different path but ultimately end up at the same place? We make decisions, wright or wrong, WE make them. We are not guided by the Devil or "demonic forces". We try to work out where we fit in the world, and sometimes we falter, and sometimes we find the right path. Telling others they are going to burn in hell for eternity doesn't get you anywhere. Working with the Earth and respecting what others believe WILL. The video: Part 1 - Part 2 - |