Brazo Fullbring

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Brazo Fullbring

Postby Brazo Fullbring on June 13th, 2012, 10:14 pm

Name: Brazo Fullbring
Race: zith
Age: 21 years 491 av spring
Height: 6'
Weight:128 lbs.
Physical description
Fur: black
Joint fur: black with slight hint of red.
Eyes: dark blue
Hair: black with a slight hint of red
Additional: three scars down the right side of his face from hair line to his jaw, wirey thin, sadness in his eyes.
Last edited by Brazo Fullbring on June 14th, 2012, 8:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I am mostly stuck using my extremely outdated phone to post, so when I first post, capitols, and not put into paragraphs will come up. I will edit these posts at school. If I remember.
Brazo Fullbring
The honorable zith
Posts: 10
Words: 1751
Joined roleplay: June 11th, 2012, 7:21 pm
Race: Zith
Character sheet

Brazo (wip)

Postby Brazo Fullbring on June 13th, 2012, 10:26 pm

Character concept
Brazo prefers to suppress his instincts unless he feels he needs to use them in a fight. But they do occasionally force themselves to the surface. He sometimes goes into a depression, but he usually tries to keep an upbeat attitude unless the situation calls for something else. He is a very caring and honorable person, but he can be a deadly fighter. He always tries to spread hope and happiness, even though he is often hated for being a zith.
Last edited by Brazo Fullbring on June 14th, 2012, 4:27 am, edited 2 times in total.
I am mostly stuck using my extremely outdated phone to post, so when I first post, capitols, and not put into paragraphs will come up. I will edit these posts at school. If I remember.
Brazo Fullbring
The honorable zith
Posts: 10
Words: 1751
Joined roleplay: June 11th, 2012, 7:21 pm
Race: Zith
Character sheet

Brazo (wip)

Postby Brazo Fullbring on June 14th, 2012, 12:57 am

A wandering knight by the name of craten fullbring had heard of a zith woman that had been attacking caravans near riverfall. He travelled there to went out from riverfall to investigate the matter and was attacked by the zith. He noticed something about her actions that no one else did. He noticed that she seemed to be protecting something and one wing seemed to be damaged. After trying to reason with her, he was eventually forced to kill her. He started to look in the direction she had come from and found a small baby zith. He picked up the baby and cared for it, bringing it with him, feeling honor bound to raise it after killing it's mother. He taught it honor and kindness, and eventually taught it how to fight with a scimitar when he felt it had a moral enough mind to teach it this with a free conscious. Eventually the zith grew up to be brazo. Brazo travelled and fought alongside craten, with a relation ship more like father and son. Brazo enjoyed those days with his 'father' but all things pass and craten one day died in his sleep. Brazo decided to call himself brazo fullbring to honor craten's memory. After this, brazo decided to travel to syliras to join the knights. He is headed there now.
I am mostly stuck using my extremely outdated phone to post, so when I first post, capitols, and not put into paragraphs will come up. I will edit these posts at school. If I remember.
Brazo Fullbring
The honorable zith
Posts: 10
Words: 1751
Joined roleplay: June 11th, 2012, 7:21 pm
Race: Zith
Character sheet

Brazo (wip)

Postby Brazo Fullbring on June 14th, 2012, 1:19 am

Scimitar: 25
Unarmed: 10
Detection: 10
Writing: 5
Persuasion: 5
Reading: 5

Lore of religion of priskil
Lore of religion of tyveth
Last edited by Brazo Fullbring on June 14th, 2012, 4:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
I am mostly stuck using my extremely outdated phone to post, so when I first post, capitols, and not put into paragraphs will come up. I will edit these posts at school. If I remember.
Brazo Fullbring
The honorable zith
Posts: 10
Words: 1751
Joined roleplay: June 11th, 2012, 7:21 pm
Race: Zith
Character sheet

Brazo (wip)

Postby Brazo Fullbring on June 14th, 2012, 1:31 am

1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple coat
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
1 scimitar
Heirloom: scimitar
I am mostly stuck using my extremely outdated phone to post, so when I first post, capitols, and not put into paragraphs will come up. I will edit these posts at school. If I remember.
Brazo Fullbring
The honorable zith
Posts: 10
Words: 1751
Joined roleplay: June 11th, 2012, 7:21 pm
Race: Zith
Character sheet

Brazo (wip)

Postby Brazo Fullbring on June 14th, 2012, 1:45 am

100 gm
+500 gm
-15 gm (scimitar)
585 gm total
I am mostly stuck using my extremely outdated phone to post, so when I first post, capitols, and not put into paragraphs will come up. I will edit these posts at school. If I remember.
Brazo Fullbring
The honorable zith
Posts: 10
Words: 1751
Joined roleplay: June 11th, 2012, 7:21 pm
Race: Zith
Character sheet

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