[PC Plotnotes] Apos of the Rampant Tskanna

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[PC Plotnotes] Apos of the Rampant Tskanna

Postby Apos on June 16th, 2012, 7:30 am

IC Goals

-Become an expert in Ulak Combat
-Become more formidable with Scimitar Sword Combat
-Learn unarmed combat
-Gain scars that will tell a near-death experience
-Find a companion, despite Apos' unstable personality and deal-breaking trust issues.

-Travel to and live in a Winter Region for a season
-Return to Taloba
-Acquire another gnosis mark
-Rally the Myrians and wage war on Falyndar. Apos feels that since the Region was once theirs, its only right that they retake what has been somewhat claimed by other races and people, regardless of the consequences should there be any. Namely from Caiyha whom has asked Myri and her people not to slaughter the Dhani in Zinrah.

OOC Goals:

-Avoid getting a negative mark from a God/Goddess
-Avoid getting a positive mark from an "evil" deity like Krysus, Rhysol, etc.

To-Do List:
-Create flashback threads in Taloba(multiple)
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[PC Plotnotes] Apos of the Rampant Tskanna

Postby Apos on July 10th, 2012, 8:16 pm

Wishful Thinking:

Move to an upstanding, low criminal-activity rated city and not only become an high class criminal but turn the city on itself, bring it to its knees, and ruin it's name. I'm even looking to the impossible. Syliras. But only when Apos is ready. Such as having the appropriate lores, and I have his skill set where I want them which will be a long time from now.

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