Location [Wind Reach] The Valintar

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Phoenix on June 17th, 2012, 4:56 am



The words flew fast and furious, practically slapping Kaden across the face from where he say, slouched in his chair a desk's length from the angry Kelvic woman. Many long years of practice kept the man from sitting straight up in his chair and putting the Endal in her place. That masklike expression that covered his face was held in place with a little more effort than normal; even the Valintar couldn't keep the flash of anger from his eyes. He was Inartan, after all. They were all quite fiery.

"Are you done?" Not a single question Tia fired off was answered or given even the slightest response via body language. " Yes, I think you are." Straightening, Kaden folded his hands before him on the desk, focusing his gaze on the interlocked fingers while he spoke.

"You need to understand something that you have apparently misunderstood thus far." Still as a statue when he spoke, Kaden kept his voice hardly above a whisper, forcing Tia to listen carefully to his words. "Whether or not this was difficult for you, I expected to have been told the truth. That's saying nothing against your intentions, your skills, or the help that you have given thus far. However, could you not have helped more, had I known?" Those flashing eyes rose and pinned the woman in her seat with a silent ferocity that even with all her yelling, Tia hadn't been able to match. "I am disappointed you did not come to me sooner, but there is nothing to do for it. You will be on Night Watch every other night until Fall."

The Valintar lowered his gaze again, unfolded his hands and shuffled some papers. "Until then, I expect you to participate in hunting parties and to contribute to Wind Reach to your full ability. This includes the other duties that your fellow Endal also have to suffer through. Dismissed."


The Valintar glanced up as his door opened, a gingery brow arching in interest as the young woman pushed her way into the office.

"Please have a seat." Rising to pull out the chair across from the desk with the grace of a much practiced action, Kaden waited for Nij to seat herself before returning to his own seat. Fingers interlaced and an expression of polite interest was matched with a small smile.

"A pleasure, Nij. Are you new to the City? What brings you here?"
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Nij on June 17th, 2012, 6:41 am

The nerves fluttering in her stomach calmed at the Valintar's voice when she realised that nothing bad was going to happen at the moment. That she had nothing to be afraid of. She let go of a breath she didn't know she had been holding and casually attempted to walk over and sit down without any incident.

"And you," she replied, before continuing with his questions. "I am new to Wind Reach, and my Nari is not as good as it could be, but I think it will work." Her mind seemed to tingle as she thought back to when Caiyha had granted her the gnosis, and she resisted the urge to look at the Gnosis again. She smiled, before remembering where she was and what she was doing.

"Caiyha sent me. I'm a Phylonurist, a witch, and I'm here to balance the Unforgiving. The Djed storm has destroyed this incredibly delicate biome, and I'm here to fix it." Her being a witch was already enough to tell that she could probably live in the wild, without needing to have ever entered Wind Reach. Yet, Nij wasn't yet ready to let go of civilization. She needed training and friendships and she needed to inform someone when to stop hunting an animal or picking a flower. She knew what needed to be done, what needed to be killed, and what needed to be protected. Even if she somehow managed to get a group of children to pick wildflowers from the roots, it would make a difference. How did she know that these people would accept her? They revered birds. She could 'speak' to birds. The question was whether or not that would be enough or not.

She didn't want to continue until he had responded. No doubt he too knew the importance of returning this delicate ecosystem to balance and prosperity, and it would also help out Wind Reach as well. When the entire area is in tune with its surroundings, that should mean better things for everyone, and everything.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Tiaue'a on June 19th, 2012, 1:21 am

Ha, haha! And what exactly can an Inarta do that a wind eagle can’t do better, hmm Kaden? The ignorant thought danced in her mind, failing to acknowledge the wonder to she felt walking in to begin with. Oh how she’d like to just show him what a wind eagle was capable of right here and now. He just kept speaking right over her though. The patience of the hunt kept her steady.

Ti`ue didn’t protest the assignment. She had, after all, gotten what she came for, and still was allowed to keep her rank, aerie, and so forth. Night watch was less than the ideal job of course. She’d try to keep to hunting in the evenings at least, else she might strain her body more.

That last bit echoed in her mind though. “‘This includes the other duties that your fellow Endal also have to suffer through. Dismissed.’" What did Kaden mean by “other duties”? Her dismissal itself was also less than satisfactory. Kaden was still the Valintar though, and order needed to upheld. Who was she to usurp his authority? She had failed her role, and he was trying to cling to his. Ti`ue snapped her heels and stormed out in anger. Surely Kaden was fuming after she left too.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Phoenix on June 20th, 2012, 2:39 am


Kaden listened with polite interest, inclining his head respectfully when Nij mentioned the Goddess Caiyha. A tick or two was given to silence as the Valintar regarded the young woman before him. There was an honesty in her face, a passion in her words. The gaze wasn't skeptical, nor was it intended to make her feel uncomfortable.

"Here in Wind Reach, things are tough. You're right in saying that the Djed storm has only increased the difficulties that we face." There was a pause as Kaden lifted a hand, fingers thoughtfully stroking his jaw. "You realize that we hunt for our food, forage for the plants that sustain us? Game is scarce as it is. How could you help? How will you benefit us?"

Taking a moment, Kaden let the questions sink in before leaning forward and giving Nij a bit of an explanation. "We all have our places here in Wind Reach. Do not be intimidated, I am simply trying to decide where to put you. We work for our food and for our beds. Those who stand idly by do not get the benefits of those who fight and provide for the city, their superiors and their peers."
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Nij on June 20th, 2012, 3:26 am

Help. She didn't know if what she was going to do would help increase their food. It was hard to say. She scrunched up her face, attempting to cling to the racing thoughts. How would she help? She would help nature. Would she help food? Maybe. The ones she had spoken to had told her they weren't able to reproduce quickly enough to regain their floundering numbers. She could help that. The Djed storm had given them some respite from being hunted as quickly, but it had also killed off many of them. There were far too little deer than was healthy for this region. She had not spoken to other game, the mountain goat and elk, but she knew that it was the same for them. Plants? Some had become deformed, and they cried out with pain when she brushed against them.

"I can help with food. Deer and Goat and Elk are dying. I can help them regain their numbers first? I'm not good at hunting. I know some botany. I won't have much time to do much other than what Caiyha has sent me to do." She frowned. From a vague recollection of the castes, she didn't seem to fit in any. What did her work mean for the Inarta? She didn't know. She had been here for a very short time. Her help seemed unimportant compared to feeding and providing for the Inarta. Restoring the balance for the long run? There's no time for that when people are starving!

But Caiyha. Caiyha would help her, help her help them. She had already started by pushing Nij here.
Last edited by Nij on June 22nd, 2012, 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Phoenix on June 20th, 2012, 11:31 pm


"Avora, then." Kaden's desk always seemed cluttered the way he was constantly shuffling papers, looking for what he wanted. The man was actually extremely neat, it just so happened that whatever he wanted wasn't at hand in that exact moment.

A quill was hefted and put to paper, its scratching the only thing to fill the silence. Kaden was used to these awkward pauses; no one seemed to be quite at home when they visited his office. It hardly bothered him though, and it was only a few chimes before he was standing and holding out a slip of paper towards Nij.

"An herbalist or a botanist is of great use to us now. Providing such things for the kitchens, Infirmary or even the different crafts that require it will benefit us greatly." A polite smile and Kaden sat once Nij took the parchment form his hand. "I'll leave your chose in employment up to you. You'll find a room for you in the Darniva Commonrooms, and a meal voucher will also be provided for you."

Leaning back in his chair and settling his hands on his stomach, Kaden inclined his head to the young woman. "Do you have any questions for me?"

The Parchment :
The Parchment that Kaden gave Nij reads:


Income: 750 pinions a season
Tax: 450 pinons a season
Profit Kept: 300 pinions a season
Expectations: Daily work at least eight hours a day and two days off after every seven.

Avora caste is a very large and diverse caste, from blacksmiths to reimancers. Each craft enjoys the basic Avorna salary. Independent and above expected duties can result in special compensation and must be arranged with a storyteller. Also they can make their own products to sale on market day for added profit. These market days must be roleplayed out.. An avora is expected to fulfill city orders for at least half of their time working. Whether it is crafting stone, making blankets, growing plants, or blacksmithing chisels, the avora must provide goods for city orders first, then their time is their own. They are then allowed to spend time with families or to craft their own wares. The Avora are also given the opportunity to have varied and eloquent meals that may include multiple courses or food cooked more for the delight of the palate rather than nutrition. These meals aren’t large, but they are often amazing, displaying the talent of the chefs of Wind Reach. Many of the better chefs (not cooks), in fact, are considered Avora.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Nij on June 22nd, 2012, 5:13 am

She took the paper, not exactly remembering what an Avora was. She scanned it, gaping at the amount of...Pinions? What were pinions? Intuition told her that they were a form of currency, but as to how many Mizas that they were equivalent to...

"Yes, one question...what are Pinions? I believe they're currency...but, how many Mizas are equivalent? And one more question...is there any way I can exchange the Miza I have into them?" She glanced around, waiting for him to respond, before throwing more questions at him.

"When's market day, and where are the rooms? Also...the Yasi are the children, right? Do you think I could get some to help me pick wildflowers? They're absolutely dreadful and choking out all the other plants." She rolled up the parchment in her hand, tucking it into her bag that she had forgotten she brought in.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Phoenix on June 25th, 2012, 12:31 am


Reaching into his pocket, Kaden pulled forth the coin in question. It was a glass feather, delicately wrought. This he handed to Nij from across the desk. "A Pinion is our form of currency. It is roughly equivalent to one gold Miza. We trade and barter as well. I can exchange any Miza's you have."

Nij rattled off more questions and the Valintar couldn't help but give her a smile as he answered them in the same quick cadence. "Market day is every tenth day in the Courtyard of the Sky. Hannah is outside and she will show you to your room. Yasi are those still to young to hold a proper position among the upper Castes. And there are an overabundance of Deks around that you can employ to help pick the flowers. Just pick one and put them to work!"

Lifting his voice, Kaden called for the little girl who waited out in the lobby to shower new visitors around. After introducing the two girls, Kaden returned to his desk and left them to their own devices.

OOCYou're good to go. If you decide you want to have a permanent Dek helper, write up the NPC description and send it to me for approval. I'll put it in your SS and then you can use him whenever you want.
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Demetri Velutina on July 21st, 2012, 10:46 pm

Timestamp: 1st of Summer, 512AV

    Stepping into the Valintar Demetri took a moment to let himself become awestruck at the craftsmanship of the glassmaker. ”That is a lot of glass…” His amusement quickly subsided as he found the glass boring moments later. There was only so many seconds in a day that one could find glass interesting. Since he was not a glassworker, the building’s beauty was set into the background of his mind as stepped up to the man behind the desk. Lowing the black cloak from his head, he stared at the man with his violet eyes.

    “I believe you are the one I am looking for?”
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[Wind Reach] The Valintar

Postby Zarya on July 23rd, 2012, 1:36 am

4th of Summer, 512 AV
Eri trotted happily towards the building, the horse’s eyes were filled with excitement after his first good night of rest in many weeks. Zarya, as well, looked much more lively than the night before for she, too, had rested well. Her dreams, on the other hand, were filled of visions of her fears at this decision to leave her pavillion behind to visit the city of Wind Reach.
As she approached the building, Zarya warned Eri to halt in the tongue of Pavi and quickly hopped off him. Zarya reached for the horse’s reins only to tie them carefully onto a post nearby. She murmured good bye and stepped towards the doors of the Valintar. Zarya closed her eyes moved her head downward and took a deep breath.
“I can do this,” she murmured to herself. “I can do this.” Then, without thinking much more about her nervous feelings, she yanked the door open only to put her foot in the door and step into the room. She stood there for a moment, taking in the sights and beauty of the stained glass. Such a building could never be made with the lifestyle the Drykas people held, yet it was so enticing to her that Zarya forgot that she stood in the way of several angry travellers.
After a few moments of marvelling the sight, Zarya finally determined she needed to find someone that spoke common and could help her.
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