Day 50, Summer 512 AV...
This was a place that up until now, Seluj had made a point of avoiding. The two types of people that seemed to wonder around Zeltiva were the those who worked and lived by the sea and the academics that worked around the University. It was only until recently that a call to arms rumbled over the individuals of Zeltiva and more and more often you would see people dawning their blades and weapons out in the open. At first this was a seemingly interesting proposition, the chance to be a fighter and something of a knight was a powerful calling, especially for a youth of his age who was ripe for a fight anyway. He always wanted the chance to walk in his fathers footsteps, who was a knight before him. But even as he held his father's old sword in his hand there was some unsteady feelings in his arm. It wasn't that it wasn't well balanced, shaped well to his hand, but something deeper than that. Almost like an instinct or a fear...
He looked the sword up and back. The blade was clean as though it hadn't been used in a long time or perhaps hadn't been used ever, but he knew that the metal that made up the short blade was in fact older than himself. He remembered where is sat on his father's side in his sheathe and how it never left him. It was no wonder that when his father disappeared and he was forced to sell their house to survive it was the only thing that he kept. It wasn't a sob story, in fact, this was something that happened far more often in today's age than one would think. Seluj was always oddly apathetic about it, as the hope that his father would one day return was never a question in his mind. So when he didn't Seluj just went about his life as though he would one day return to his family. It was an odd sort of wish, but eight years of living under these conditions, and he had simply become accustom to them.
So when these feelings boiled up within him, this anxious energy, he figured the only way to overcome them was to take up the blade he held and make it comfortable in his hand instead of a burden. So when he saw the poster that said.
"Arm yourselves with skill, and a free mind.
Join the people who take hold of their own destiny."
He was more then happy to seek this group out. He would head for their location by morning, and take with him his only blade.