Time Stamp: 25th, Summer, 512AV, Time: Evening
Vaas normally doesn't come to the Courtyard of the Sky in the middle of the day, but today he made a exception. Vaas didn't come to the market to buy wares. He came here to play his music for the all the Inarta shopping in the square. Avora Selia came up with the ingenious idea of playing on the huge chuck of debris in the center of the courtyard. In the morning Vaas jumps out of bed, put on his bryda, grabs his staff and backpack, and heads out the door. When he leaves the apartment, he starts walking towards the Courtyard of the Sky and humming a simple tune along the way. As Vaas gets closer to the market, Vaas can hear the crowds are starting to grow eager to spend the pinions they earned from the previous season. Vaas makes his way into the crowd using his staff to guide his way through the crowd occasionally but accidentally hitting people with his staff. He apologizes just in case an Endal or Avora was wearing their bryda way to tightly.
He stops, taps the closest person on the shoulder, and asks in a polite voice, “Sorry for bothering you, but can you direct me to the largest piece of debris in the courtyard?” A man turns around and looks at the blind young man and says with a jovial tone, “The eyesore is over by the fountain. It hard to miss. It looks like a large pillar. Wait your blind, petch, sorry. Let me just turn you in the right direction.” The man walks behind him, puts both hand on his shoulders, and turns him in the direction of the pillar. The man continues, “If you go straight from this direction you should hit it in a matter of minutes.” Vaas smiles at the man in appreciation and starts walking straight towards the pillar.
Remembering the man said something about a fountain being by the pillar. Vaas listens for the sounds of falling water. When he starts to hear the sound of water, he realizes he was getting closer by the volume of the falling water. As he got closer the sound of the water was clear to him, and he could feel the refreshing mist on his bare chest. He walks a little closer and his staff hits the side of something hard almost unmovable. He leans his staff on the pillar and starts feeling around the side of the pillar. To Vaas it feels like a wall about six feet high with designs etched into the stone. He grabs his staff with his right hand and glides his left hand down the side of pillar as he walks along it. When he comes to the end of the pillar and he notices the base of the pillar is rough and jagged. He smiles at the realization he can get up onto it from here. He tightens his backpack, leans the staff on the pillar, and hoist himself onto the top of pillar by grabbing a hand hold by the top of the pillar.
Once he is up he leans down, grabs his staff, and slowly and carefully walks along the center slowly using the staff to balance him. Once he is in the middle of pillar, he sits down cross legged, and pulls out his flute case. He takes out the flute and cleans the inside with his rag. When he done cleaning it, he brings it to his lips, closes his eyes, and starts playing songs he knew from the nursery to songs he just starting to learn from his mentor Selia. For the better part of the day, he just sat on pillar playing anything that came to mind at the time, and by the evening the music turned into melodies he just made up. He didn't care as long as it sounded like music.