by Spavento on April 29th, 2010, 3:46 am
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. I'm getting everything together, and should emerge from my cave having read all your past posts and caught up on the dealings of the city nicely. I'm really excited by all of the awesome posts, tragedy, decadence, scandal, and ambition I've seen already in your characters. As many of you know, politics and power plays, class struggles, and religion are all among my favorite topics. Ahanatep is full of all of them, and I'm really excited to help make it even more exciting to write there.
Jen, Thanks! ::bounces::
Liminal, I don't break easy, so have at it.
Hirem, it doesn't get much hotter than this. ::points to self::
Stine, ::flourishes a bow:: At your service.
Dani, the hair hasn't been blue for ages, but I'm still the same old Adonis, I promise. ::lies::
James, I'll try to live up to Bina's standards. It's hard to be that awesome, though.
Hadmycil, don't hesitate to let me know if I can help.