Once more, I feel compelled to respond to this scrap. You have a way of hooking my backdrop troubles and pulling them to the surface, things I learned to just shrug off. I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was a kid, but back then I had this weird aversion to swallowing stuff without chewing it and so I never really took the medication. Fast forward to college. Grades suffering, I can't figure out, for the life of me, why it's so easy for everyone else to stay concentrated and so damn hard for me. I have to study and work alone, in a room without sound, otherwise I'll accidentally get sidetracked or lose my train of thought and scramble like a drowning victim for where I was before.
I started taking Adderal to really help me gear into stuff. Now, this was a hard step for me. Not so much for the side effects, but because I've been taught that dependence on something to help you do something normal people can without it is wrong. For some reason it equivocates weakness and so I wrestled with initially taking the medicine.
After I did, I found something terrifying about it.
Although I can pay attention much better when under the effects of the drug, I lose my ability to write. I've spent so long writing through my popcorn sporadic mindset that when the adderal focuses me down one road...I lose my ability to express myself creatively.
Now I only take it when I absolutely need to. When I have to dig my feet in and finish out a work day, or if I ever had to take a test. It isn't a universal side effect, but it always seemed to punch the creativity out of me whenever I was on it.
And that was horrifying to me, especially when I sat down to write.
We all wrestle with different problems. Some are greater or lesser than others, but we all contend. I became hopelessly dependent on the opinions of others to TELL me I was a good writer. A bit like you, I felt my writing had fallen, that it had dissolved. I constantly compared myself to the other writers on Mizahar, panicking if I felt I fell short and maddeningly editing posts till I felt they were 'perfect' or 'worthy'
It's not the way to go. Writing is a passion for us, creation is second nature. Have confidence in your ability and don't force the envelope. People may write differently, but to write 'better' is a harder thing to judge. Certainly I don't assign value to my thread partners. Some are more literate than others, some post longer, some do better with their dialogue and others are masters of setting. We all bring something to the table...and the fun of it is that it's all collaborative. Rather than competing, we're painting together, laying legos down side by side.
We can build beauty. We all can. The fun of Mizahar is that we're building it together.
If you feel it is necessary to bring your attention to heel in order to re-access the power of writing you feel you once had, I and no one else can tell you differently. Personally, I like what I've seen of your writing so far. I've never seen you write differently, so my impression is, admittedly, not as experienced. But as you are, now, I'd be more than happy to plot and thread with you.
I try not to let it all bother me anymore. I lost a friend because I was too whiny and selfish. I doubt she'll think of me favorably again, but those are the breaks I earned. Now? People want to thread with me. So long as I know there are players here who want to build creatively with me, I won't fall back into my blind panic about quality.
Take a deep breath. Relax.
You're among like minds here.
And we enjoy your style just fine

Best wishes no matter which choice you make from here on out. I'll see you around Zeltiva