After Wind Dancer's angry flight back into the woods, Vaas looks at Aela, laughs to himself, and says in a equally mischievous tone, “Aela, you should know me by now. Common sense doesn't run in my family and adding flying on a Wind Eagle to the Vaas' Doing-Something-Stupid-List. Should be nothing new to you.“ He had Malvarin explain the art of the wink during their negotiations over the price, and he gives her a wink. Hoping it wasn't too stupid looking. He says in a nonchalant way, “Windy is always mad at me at some point in the day. Besides...he is growing so big. What is a parent ever going to do.“ He ends his sentence with a fake cry, and puts the left over fish besides him. Saving it for the bird if he couldn't find anything in his first hunt on his own.
Vaas feels the wind growing a bit colder as the sun start to drop and he turns to the sound of her voice. He asks her, “If your getting cold Aela, I have a extra blanket in my backpack.” Honestly, he had nothing planned for the rest of night other than get to know Aela a little better. He lays on the ground with his head on his on his backpack. He turns to her and says, “Honestly Aela I have a whole lot of nothing planned this evening. If you want, I can sing some children songs or play my flute.” He liked Aela. She is a good person. Vaas is glad she is opening up and joking around with him. When he first met her, he was wondered if she was a little turned off by carefree way of thinking. Now she laughs at his jokes and enjoys pelting him with twigs. He really needs to figure out where she is getting them from and hide them.
Vaas looks over to her when she asks about his inspiration for getting into music. He frowns at his real reason wishing it was something more exciting like somebody brought him to the amphitheater when he was a child, and he feel in love with the sounds and voices of the musicians. However, his tale of getting into music was nothing flowery. He decides to be honest with Aela since she is a such a close friend. He says softly but clearly without looking at her, “Honestly Aela I had to learn music or I would have ended up as a dek. If I didn't have the fire as Selia explains it. I would have ended up in the dek caste because of my blindness.” He pauses thinking to himself about the day. He was lead down to the long hallway to the Valintar office. He frowns and says still staring up at the sky, “Honestly the day I was brought to Valintar was the scariest day of my life. I thought my fate was sealed. They would take away my flute.. and Wind Dancer and give me a mop. I was scared and angry at the world that week. I told myself. I would runaway from Wind Reach if they made me a dek.” He looks in Aela direction and laughs, “I really would have made a terrible dek since I am too opinionated and I talk wwwaaayyy to much.”