Landlocked Chapter 2: Building it all back, One Tree at a time. Day 7, Season of Winter, 511 AV, The Wildlands outside of Zeltiva Morning, Hansharain Forest, One hour ride from Zeltiva. Winding mountain trails, with wind whistling by the ear, the air was fresh from its journey over the tips of heights few humans ever reached. Morning had its own distinct aroma, Zeltiva masked it with its human influence, but out here you could breathe freely. It reminded him of home. Hitching a ride with a merchant's caravan, what amounted to a small string of horses and pack animals, he was headed out to the mountain forests again. These land dwellers with him were good people all things considered, far too easy to take advantage of if he'd of been in a position to. All he’d needed to do to catch their interest, was show them how Svefra navigated by the stars. Truth be told Kvar was never very good at using the stars anyway, but he humoured them with a long, largely made up tale. It made for good campfire material, but had not even a drop of truth to it. Today had been a refreshing change of mood, since crashing off the coast, he’d not found much welcome to be had. Though there was that one rooftop party, for humans they threw a heck of a good time. The Svefra ran his fingers around his beard, any night you couldn’t remember, especially when you ended up chased out of the door by angry fathers or husbands, they were the good days. How old was she anyway? “You never said where you are headed after all this?” One of the more curious merchant’s guards asked, drawing the traveller out of his thoughts. “The Ocean,” Kvar replied, giving the guard a cocksure, solid grin. “But... you are going the wrong way,” the man stated confused. The Svefra let out a larger than life laugh, “you’re not wrong.” A relatively small caravan, Kvar had chanced upon the owners in a tavern, headed in the direction he was. He was headed to where he’d spied some good quality wood, on his previously painful outing. Sadly he was not used to riding at all, and riding this spare old horse was an exercise itself, but fun, it had the free-spirited Svefra enjoying the trip over the rickety trail as he held on. Humans riding these things, he'd decided they must be Landmad the lot of them, but it was a hell of a time. “Back in two days remember,” Kvar said confirming the deal, in between jolts from the animal. “Yes, yes, and we’ll take your wood with us. Two thirds was the deal, wasn’t it?” The lead merchant pulled his horse back to trot by Kvar’s side. “No, half.” The Svefra said sitting back in the saddle, for a moment looking composed, before almost falling off. He couldn’t help but stifle a chuckle for how stupid all this felt. “Hmm I must have been feeling generous, half it is. If you’re going to fall, wait till I have the wood eh?” The Merchant let out a bellowing laugh, and slapped Kvar on the back jovially, almost sending him off the horse again! Holding his thighs fast against the animal, Kvar found he was able to hold to it, but barely. The more pressure he exerted, the more stable he found himself. Aggravatingly, the wounds from the last couple of days were still sore and playing up, but better this than walking. Getting a better handle on how to control his old, temperamental horse, Kvar didn't look quite so stupid, but still had to surpress a laugh or two at times for the predicament. Catching the sun proper across his features, it showed his hair was braided today in many places, and just starting to lose its jet black, sea appearance, to be a dimmer shade of black. Much like the stranded seaman's mood had grudgingly adjusted to being stuck on land for now, his body was adjusting to his time ashore. Today the Svefra was wearing a full set of chainmail, taking no chances and armed to the teeth, he'd learned fast first hand that it was kill or be killed out in the wilds. OOC :
Please PM for some details about the trip before joining. Written to this