1 Year Anniversary (with free cake!) Today marks 1 year since I came to Mizahar! And why am I posting this as Ronan? Because it's also 1 year since I made him, and I'm so glad I've stuck with him, he's had such a journey so far. I'm truly, truly excited about where he'll be once another year passes. I've had such a great year on this site. It's had its ups and down, and we've had our fair share of dramas, but it's outweighed by the beautiful writing, great friends I've made, and the fun I've had. There are some lovely people that I've got to know, chat to, and count them among my friends now. You guys know who you are, and I might not always say it, but I love each and every one of you. I've been a mod for half that time too. When I signed up, I never expected to be coordinating a region a year later - but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love modding too, and I'm passionate about Zeltiva. Thank you Mizahar for giving me so much to enjoy this past year. Here's hoping I'll be posting again like this next year. And the next. And the next! |