[Flashback] When Bandit's Attack (Jahssasyuri)

Ustengrav fights with his fellow Guardsmen against a Bandit Ambush.

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

[Flashback] When Bandit's Attack (Jahssasyuri)

Postby Ustengrav on July 3rd, 2012, 3:19 pm

Ustengrav braced for the attack as the five bandits rushed forward to their position, he saw one in particular that had fire in his eyes and held a deep grudge for the grizzled warrior presumably for killing his fellow bandits. Good. Anger and rage clouded the mind and would led those who had been consumed by their temper to create mistakes. The bandit who had wielded a flair like weapon with a crude but intimidating hammer like appendage, came face to face with Ustengrav, the bandits eyes flared with intense hatred for him as he began to twirl his weapon, it took sometime to get it going into a full swing but the destructive force of the impact would shatter shields. Ustengrav was ready. What he wasn't ready for however was the sharp piercing of teeth that penetrated the partially exposed skin on his neck. This caused the grizzled warrior to drop his axe. The sensation was not pleasant as the women clinged onto Ustengrav's back, hoping to cause as much disruption as she possible could. What made matters even worse, the bandit had launched his thunderous blow. Ustengrav would need to action very quickly if he was to avoid having his body smashed beyond repair.

A womanly scream erupted blocking out the sounds of clinking steel and the roars of the combatants that continued to bravely fight even in face of death. Ustengrav had just managed to turn around in time causing the blow to hit the woman instead. The crunch of her spine and ribs became aloud as the impact completely shattered her body. She was now nothing more than a screaming husk of herself that would live the last of her moments in terrible pain and agony. Ustengrav quickly retaliated by grabbing the chain that the bandit had started to real in for another attempt and pulled it towards him with mighty force, eager to keep a hold of his weapon the bandit held on while being heaved towards Ustengrav, quickly they were face to face, Ustengrav threw a powerful blow of his own smashing his fist on the side of his foes head. His opponent fell like there was nothing beneath his feet and crashed to the wet, muddy drenched ground. Soon enough Ustengrav mounted his fallen enemy and started to deliver mighty punch after punch, each consecutive blow landed, made a bloodier display of his foe, until his was was broken. Nose crushed, jaw dislodged and blood splattered everywhere, Ustengrav left his defeated enemy to wallow in the repulsive mixture of mud and blood, surprisingly however his opponent still breathed obviously trying as he might to cling onto the little life he had left with his will power. A real desire to live.

When Ustengrav rose from demolishing the flail wielding thug with his fists, he saw the bodies of many bandit and guard alike, guts spilled and smashed heads, littered the surrounding area, the smell would soon start to make itself know if the sun burst from the clouds and baked the dead bodies. It was total Carnage, not many of his fellow guards survived from the fighting. Only a few more guardsmen lived and still they were carrying on against the heavy dwindling forces of the bandits. Out of his companions, Garmond was the only one living and even then it would be a short time till he passed onwards through death due to the mortal and grievous that had been delivered to his stomach. Werris and the twins had fallen from the ensuing battle but had made themselves worthy of much honour as they slew many bandits.

Neither side would be winning the battle today, all it was now, was a matter of survival.
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[Flashback] When Bandit's Attack (Jahssasyuri)

Postby Ustengrav on July 3rd, 2012, 3:19 pm

Ustengrav braced for the attack as the five bandits rushed forward to their position, he saw one in particular that had fire in his eyes and held a deep grudge for the grizzled warrior presumably for killing his fellow bandits. Good. Anger and rage clouded the mind and would led those who had been consumed by their temper to create mistakes. The bandit who had wielded a flair like weapon with a crude but intimidating hammer like appendage, came face to face with Ustengrav, the bandits eyes flared with intense hatred for him as he began to twirl his weapon, it took sometime to get it going into a full swing but the destructive force of the impact would shatter shields. Ustengrav was ready. What he wasn't ready for however was the sharp piercing of teeth that penetrated the partially exposed skin on his neck. This caused the grizzled warrior to drop his axe. The sensation was not pleasant as the women clinged onto Ustengrav's back, hoping to cause as much disruption as she possible could. What made matters even worse, the bandit had launched his thunderous blow. Ustengrav would need to action very quickly if he was to avoid having his body smashed beyond repair.

A womanly scream erupted blocking out the sounds of clinking steel and the roars of the combatants that continued to bravely fight even in face of death. Ustengrav had just managed to turn around in time causing the blow to hit the woman instead. The crunch of her spine and ribs became aloud as the impact completely shattered her body. She was now nothing more than a screaming husk of herself that would live the last of her moments in terrible pain and agony. Ustengrav quickly retaliated by grabbing the chain that the bandit had started to real in for another attempt and pulled it towards him with mighty force, eager to keep a hold of his weapon the bandit held on while being heaved towards Ustengrav, quickly they were face to face, Ustengrav threw a powerful blow of his own smashing his fist on the side of his foes head. His opponent fell like there was nothing beneath his feet and crashed to the wet, muddy drenched ground. Soon enough Ustengrav mounted his fallen enemy and started to deliver mighty punch after punch, each consecutive blow landed, made a bloodier display of his foe, until his was was broken. Nose crushed, jaw dislodged and blood splattered everywhere, Ustengrav left his defeated enemy to wallow in the repulsive mixture of mud and blood, surprisingly however his opponent still breathed obviously trying as he might to cling onto the little life he had left with his will power. A real desire to live.

When Ustengrav rose from demolishing the flail wielding thug with his fists, he saw the bodies of many bandit and guard alike, guts spilled and smashed heads, littered the surrounding area, the smell would soon start to make itself know if the sun burst from the clouds and baked the dead bodies. It was total Carnage, not many of his fellow guards survived from the fighting. Only a few more guardsmen lived and still they were carrying on against the heavy dwindling forces of the bandits. Out of his companions, Garmond was the only one living and even then it would be a short time till he passed onwards through death due to the mortal and grievous that had been delivered to his stomach. Werris and the twins had fallen from the ensuing battle but had made themselves worthy of much honour as they slew many bandits.

Neither side would be winning the battle today, all it was now, was a matter of survival.
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[Flashback] When Bandit's Attack (Jahssasyuri)

Postby Jahssasyuri on July 7th, 2012, 3:16 pm

OOCSorry if I was out of line with what I did, you just kinda made Jared into dead-weight and generally, whooped his ass too easy lol.

Jared wasn't totally incompetent in the ways of combat, especially when it came to his own prized weapon that he had wielded since young.The blood-curdling scream of the woman was one of the most heart-wrenching feelings in the world, one of the very few things that even made Yuri cringe, wanting to hold herself close in a sad attempt to protect herself from the immense sorrow. It made her twist her neck quickly in the direction of its happening, noticing Jared's killing blow before he got pulled in through mid-air. It was obvious that the man was one of enormous strength and power, but was most likely on the low side of perceptive ability and anything else not having to do with smashing and killing. With this in mind, Yuri was quick to react to the situation.

During the time that Jared was being pulled in, Yuri brought out her most trusted weapon once more, the shortbow in hand in a matter of moments. While she took a knee, Jared had let go of his weapon as he faced his enemy with unwavering cunning. He saw the wide swing coming in, but was still caught off guard from being pulled in. As he tried to lean back, the terrain did not favor him as his heel got stuck mid-way. It was a half-way glancing blow, but the force behind it wasn't anything to scoff at, sending Jared reeling four or so feet.

The moment that Jared had hit the floor, Yuri was assured that he was out of harm's way of her arrow, the twang noise piercing through the rain that now became a drizzle. Jared turned on his stomach, crawling towards Yuri who wasn't too far off, about thirty feet from his current position. Yuri did her best to give the highest chance of a hit ; She calmed her nerves with controlled breathing, focus of a unprecedented level to the best of her ability and her knowledge arrow dynamics. Finally, her own killer instinct and somewhat natural ability with a bow.

The arrow was aimed to hit the man right through his thigh muscles, hindering movement as the armor piercing arrow would cleanly go through and exit out the other way, severing tendons and anything else that was in its way. Running towards Jared after putting her short bow away, Yuri decided it was time to bring the thing to an end.

"Soldier of great strength and might, guardian of the caravans. What is your name? I am Jahassayuri, Yuri of the Jahass clan of the Dhani race. Our mission was solely for the cargo. We have our own desires of protecting brothers and sisters in arms alike, which is the cause for this blood shed. All your men are dead and such is ours, 'tis be necessary to continue on?" Yuri began to shout in the man's direction, having reached Jared and trying to help him up as he swung his arm around her shoulder. Yuri did have good intentions with what she said ; not wanting to continue on for she was on low supply of arrows, Jared being not in the best shape for continuing the fight and the mission just not meaning much anymore.

But profit was hopefully to be gained here, not pushed for.
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[Flashback] When Bandit's Attack (Jahssasyuri)

Postby Verilian on October 26th, 2012, 5:54 pm



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  • +3 Shortbow
  • +1 Leadership
  • +1 Stealth

Lores: How to lay an Ambush

You Question My Logic? :
If you have any questions on the experience rewarded, feel free to PM me.

Notes: Okay, so I actually really enjoyed this thread. I was sad that it wasn't finished. I did want to mention one thing though, be careful about overplaying your skills. Neither of your skills are very high, though Ustengrav is competent with his axe. Luckily this is a flashback, and the rules are less strict, but always keep in mind your skill level when you are writing. Still, it was an enjoyable thread. Keep up the good work!


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