Ethical Type:
Naeya's code of ethics falls, for the most part, under that of a Universalist. Her code of ethics stems mainly from her upbringing in Riverfall, where a set of
hard laws governs and guides the population. Her inexperience with the harsher realities of Mizahar and her own relatively easy childhood also supports this code.
She believes that there are some rules that everyone ought to ethically follow, such as never stealing from another citizen, never killing another individual unless in self-defense, and treating other people with respect and kindness. This belief guides her interactions with people throughout Mizahar, as well as her own thoughts and actions when she is called on to make a hard decision. She does not necessarily think that there are
never any exceptions to her ethical code, but she feels that these exceptions are very rare. I expect her ethical code will be shaken and challenged as she progresses.
Note: I’ve yet to determine how Naeya’s ethical code defines her views on slavery. She’s been raised in a society that allows slavery in several forms, and her own mother was a Nakivak-turned-wife. I do know that she would be against abusing or mistreating slaves, but I’m not sure of her views beyond that. They might very well be: “that’s the way life works, unfortunately.”
Defining Values:
Truth – Truth plays an integral part in Naeya’s life. She is constantly searching for what’s real, true, and honest. It is one of the reasons she appreciates shows of emotion and is so accepting of her own emotions. She desires to know the
truth about people, not just what they want the world to see. For Naeya, truth is the one thing that is always worth striving for.
Beauty – Naeya highly values beauty and the aesthetic pleasure that can be obtained from it. She appreciates beauty in all its forms, especially natural, architectural, artistic, and physical.
Excellence – Naeya’s view on excellence refers mainly to professional excellence (though also expands to other aspects of her life) and refers to putting the utmost care and quality into one’s work, whatever that may be. She strives for excellence in all things, and expects the same of others.
Perseverance – Naeya’s approach to obstacles and challenges is to steadily persist. Perseverance is such an important aspect in her every day life, and it dictates her approach to learning new skills, perfecting old ones, and dealing with difficulty.
Justice – Justice, for Naeya, means experiencing appropriate consequences for one’s actions. She links justice closely with fairness and values, in a more general sense, the upholding of righteousness and goodness.
Stability – Naeya values the comfort gained from stability. She does not value the familiar so much as value the steadiness and reliability.
Family/Friends – Naeya believes in placing the needs of family and friends above those of others. She thinks that having a strong support system leads to a happier life, and that maintaining these connections should be a priority.
Trust – “Trust,” for Naeya, is a very different value than “truth.” She sees trust as something to be earned by following through when one give one’s word, being sincere and trustworthy, and keeping one’s confidence. While she gives out her trust easier than some, there are very few who she puts total trust in: her family, her closest friend(s), and her goddesses.
Joy – Joy brings light to one's days, and happiness to one's heart. Naeya values finding joy in the everyday, and loves to laugh and make others laugh with her.
Kindness – Naeya’s default setting is to be kind. She sees strength in kindness, particularly because it can be difficult to practice this value in so harsh a world.
Respect – Naeya believes that basic respect is something that every sentient being deserves, though some deserve
more respect than others. Respect means showing deference and courtesy to those who have a wider degree of experience and mastery (ie. elders, masters of a craft), or to those who earn it through their actions.